Vol. 23 No. 1 (2025): The Biologist (Lima) (Early View)

					View Vol. 23 No. 1 (2025): The Biologist (Lima) (Early View)

The Journal The Biologist (Lima) [Biologist (Lima)] ISSN: 1816-0719 (Printed); ISSN: 1994-9073 (Electronic) is a biannual print and electronic publication; submitted to external peer-review and is edited by the Professional School of Biology, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics of the Federico Villarreal National University (EPB-FCCNM-UNFV). The journal publishes twice a year continuously in PDF format in two periods January - June, and July - December. The Biologist Journal aims to publish scientific production in all aspects of biological research, health, and environmental sciences. It contains the following sections: Editorial, Letters to the editor, Original article, Review article, Commentary, Research note, and Obituary. Contributions from research can be presented in Spanish, Portuguese, and English, peer-reviewed (double-blind), mainly basic and applied research on biological topics with a special interest in presenting results on Neotropical topics.

Published: 2025-02-28