Management model for surveillance and control of Aedes aegypti, dengue vector, Santa Anita – Peru


  • Willy José Oriundo Vergara Escuela Universitaria de Posgrado - UNFV



Vector, management, ovitraps, homes, outbreaks, coverage


The objective of this study was to establish a management model to improve the surveillance and control of the dengue vector in the district of Santa Anita; executing a quantitative research methodology, application level and descriptive-explanatory scope, in a universe of 66,913 homes, applying descriptive statistics and the Student t test; executing reporting methods such as home inspection, detection of breeding sites, analysis of risk factors, control and evaluation of ovitrap records, home inspection records and consolidated reporting, identification of risk areas through GIS, and applying prevention strategies. intervention for subsequent impact evaluation. The results showed that the coverage of Aedes aegypti, for the control action, was 87% and 88% for surveillance, where the localities with the highest risk of dispersion were the Universal Cooperative Health Center, the Santa Anita Maternal and Child Center and the Health Center. Chancas de Andahuaylas, implementing larval control strategies, adult mosquito control and community participation with a high number of inhabitants each month but with a low availability in the reduction of Aedes aegypti. The management model to improve the Surveillance and Control of Aedes aegypti includes surveillance and control coverage, reporting methods, identification of risk areas through the GIS, applying local intervention strategies with community participation and evaluating the impact of the model, during the period of 18 consecutive months.


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How to Cite

Oriundo Vergara, W. J. (2024). Management model for surveillance and control of Aedes aegypti, dengue vector, Santa Anita – Peru. Cátedra Villarreal Posgrado, 3(2), 129–139.



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