Detection and quantification of the 35S promoter in maize food products by real time PCR in Lima, Perú




Corn food, transgenic food, real-time PCR, P35S, commercialization


There is significant scant reliable information on mass consumption food products that contain transgenic components and on the number of copies of
transgenic DNA present in each one; Therefore, the objective of the research was to detect and quantify the sequence of the 35S Promoter and demonstrate the efficiency and practicality of the Real-Time Polymerase Chain Reaction method (Real-Time PCR), in corn food products that are marketed in the
city of Lima. Fifty samples of mass-consumption corn food products were molecularly analyzed in 2019. The DNeasy mericon Food kit was used for
DNA extraction, the Real-Time PCR method using the mericon Screen 35S kit for P35S detection, and the mericon Screen 35S kit for P35S detection.
quantification of copies using the mericon QUANT MON 810 kit. It was found that 62% of the samples analyzed contain copies of the P35S sequence,
32.26% correspond to products made abroad; the sample with the highest concentration of copies is that of corn flakes with 4.12E+4 copies/g of sample and those with the lowest are those of corn flour and pop corn with 5.0E+2 copies/g. It is concluded: in Lima - Peru the commercialization and intake of
corn food products is high and that Real-Time PCR is an efficient and practical method to detect and quantify the 35S Promoter sequence in corn food products.


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How to Cite

Méndez Farro, C. R., & Vergaray Ulffe, G. (2023). Detection and quantification of the 35S promoter in maize food products by real time PCR in Lima, Perú. Cátedra Villarreal Posgrado, 2(1), 39–51.



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