Schoolchildren and their knowledge of environmental problems in the coastal town of Isabela de Sagua, Cuba
climate change, coastal Zone, environmental education, Isabela de Sagua, teaching taskAbstract
Ensuring environmental sustainability is a concern at the international level. Th e objective of the research carried out was to propose teaching tasks that would favor the development of knowledge related to the management of the coastal zone of the town of “Isabela de Sagua”, in the municipality of Sagua la Grande, province of Villa Clara, Cuba, by the schoolchildren of the “Rubén Martínez Villena” Mixed Center. For the development of the research, methods of information collection and methods of processing the collected information were used. Th e sample consisted of 35 schoolchildren who make up the enrollment of the 7th grade group 1 of this center. Th e application of the instruments made it possible to determine that, although the guiding documents of the educational policy make explicit the need to systematize the work of Environmental Education, the class is used as a means, but no practical activities that contribute to this problem are carried out and in terms of evaluation, only knowledge is measured. Using excursions and consultations as an external form of the teaching task, they deepened the knowledge previously assimilated in their natural environment, and systematized concepts and skills of an ecological and protectionist nature. The proposal was evaluated as pertinent by the different external evaluations.
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