Birds, Region Callao, vascular plants, Ventanilla, wetlandsAbstract
Despite the increasing research carried out in the Callao wetlands, little is known about their biological diversity. The Municipal Ecological Park "El Mirador" is located in the Ventanilla district and has approximately 20 hectares. Most of the problems that this wetland presents are the gradual reduction of its spaces, due to urban expansion, fires, dumping of solid waste and unauthorized income. Our objective is to present a floristic inventory and list of birds of the mentioned wetland. Daytime monthly visits were made from January 2016 to December 2018; the registry of the flora species was carried out through intensive search in the area, for the evaluation of the bird species, the point count and linear transect were used in a combined way; the identification of the species was carried out through specialized literature. A total of 18 species of vascular plants distributed in 11 families were recorded. Aspects about growth form, origin and uses were discussed, the most representative family being the Poaceae with five species; Regarding birds, 81 species are reported, distributed in 31 families, presenting information on their seasonality and conservation status.
Keywords: Birds – Region Callao – vascular plants – Ventanilla – wetlands
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