brain function, image construction, learning, memory, neural connectivityAbstract
The aim of the study was to analyze the marking of the cataloged pattern of brain image to unlearn from a philosophical conceptualization. From July 2020 to June 2021 the study was carried out at the National University ¨San Luis Gonzaga¨, Ica, Peru. After giving 15 training workshops and 5 postgraduate courses for research training, four university teachers were randomly selected where two levels of intellectual function were considered (1st: memory and 2nd: learning), but only the intellectual function of learning through five practical criteria of conceptual evaluation (conceptual framework of apprehension, conceptual operationalization, recognition of conceptual image, conceptual application and conceptual imprecision). Through an example that consisted of the quantitative technique of measurement by psycho-labor test of pencil and paper, the evaluation of the level of intellectual learning function was carried out. Through the philosophical conceptualizations: transformation, change and movement, the analysis of the cataloged pattern of brain image was made to unlearn where it was limited, since the conceptual operationalization was low and implied, a deficient conceptual image recognition, incorrect conceptual application and conceptual imprecision. Subsequently, repetitive tests were applied with questions and answers from the philosophical conceptualizations and that were shown to be illustrative where it was contributed to the demarcation of the cataloged pattern of brain image for unlearning.
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