Social resilience to climate change and participatory public budgeting in poor regions 2018-2024
Social resilience, resilient infrastructure, emergency, climate changeAbstract
The objective was to analyze the influence of the participatory budget in the formation of social resilience in a context of climate change in poor regions: Ayacucho, Huancavelica and Pasco - Peru. Official statistics and interviews were used - public budget and INEI. The increase in emergencies due to climate
events of greater frequency and intensity and rapid gestation was evident. The strengthening of social resilience is associated with three limiting factors; the accessibility of the resources assigned through the Participatory Budget to address the problems generated by Climate Change events; the disagreement between the programs and projects that, being linked to the Concerted Development Plan, leave very little space for society to negotiate solutions regarding short-term problems that may be basic and urgent to solve, which, not being a priority within the plan, are not addressed; the perception of the population and social actors that the problems linked to climate change must be resolved by the national government and not necessarily addressed with the resources of the participatory budget. In this context, it is necessary to build resilient infrastructure and enhance social response capacity, ensuring that communities can face and recover from the challenges of climate events; the participatory budget could play two roles: being a traditional instrument for allocating financial resources and training the population to actively participate in the process of social resilience.
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