Conversion and mathematical analysis of pork bone waste to obtain meal in the company INVERGEP S.A.C.




Conversion, wet bone, agricultural bone meal


The research was carried out in the facilities of the solid waste treatment center of agro-industrial origin of the company INVERGEP S.A.C. In
the background Bozas district of Aucallama, province of Huaral- Lima region. The objective is to convert bone waste into wet pork base into
dry base bone meal and its mathematical modeling. The design is non-experimental because it lacks intentional manipulation of the variables. The type of research is applied, with a level of correlational and explanatory research, the research approach is quantitative. The following variables were identified: pork bone waste and bone meal as agricultural inputs. It is concluded that there is a relationship of 84% of wet bones and 16%, bone meal, which means that for every five parts of bones on a wet basis, one part of bone meal on a dry basis is obtained and in reference to the mathematical analysis. is that the P-value is less than 0.05, it means that there is a statistically significant relationship between bone meal and bone waste with a confidence level of 95%, in addition, the correlation coefficient is equal to 0.998248, which indicates a relatively strong relationship between the variables.


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How to Cite

Chuquicondor Villafuerte, R. C., Pomar Huamaliano, D. L., Acuña Delgado, L. D., & Pomar Huamaliano, O. (2022). Conversion and mathematical analysis of pork bone waste to obtain meal in the company INVERGEP S.A.C. Cátedra Villarreal Posgrado, 1(2), 157–168.



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