Proximal analysis of male mangrove crab, Ucides occidentalis (Ortmann, 1897) and value-added alternatives, Ecuador


  • René Zambrano Carrera de Tecnología Superior en Acuicultura, Instituto Superior Tecnológico Luis Arboleda Martínez – Extensión Jaramijó, frente a la playa de Balsamaragua, Jaramijó C.P. 132150, Ecuador. - Carrera de Tecnología Superior en Procesamiento de Alimentos, Instituto Superior Tecnológico Luis Arboleda Martínez – Extensión Jaramijó, frente a la playa de Balsamaragua, Jaramijó C.P. 132150, Ecuador.
  • Lourdesaltos Saltos Carrera de Tecnología Superior en Procesamiento de Alimentos, Instituto Superior Tecnológico Luis Arboleda Martínez – Extensión Jaramijó, frente a la playa de Balsamaragua, Jaramijó C.P. 132150, Ecuador
  • Renato Palacios Carrera de Tecnología Superior en Procesamiento de Alimentos, Instituto Superior Tecnológico Luis Arboleda Martínez – Extensión Jaramijó, frente a la playa de Balsamaragua, Jaramijó C.P. 132150, Ecuador.
  • Marlon Uquillas Carrera de Tecnología Superior en Procesamiento de Alimentos, Instituto Superior Tecnológico Luis Arboleda Martínez – Extensión Jaramijó, frente a la playa de Balsamaragua, Jaramijó C.P. 132150, Ecuador.



meat crab , Gulf of Guayaquil , Mondragon Island , sensory profile


The mangrove crab Ucides occidentalis (Ortmann, 1897) is a fishery resource in Ecuador regulated only for catching males, which are commercialized mainly in packages of 12 individuals. Our objective was to analyze the meat crab of U. occidentalis cooked by two methods (boiling and steaming) as well as show two alternatives of added value (nuggets: aromatic and coconut). Crabs were collected from commercial catches made on Mondragon Island, Gulf of Guayaquil. The meat crab was extracted by hand and the percentages of protein, fat and ash were determined. Consumer preference was evaluated by a sensory panel. A total of 72 male crabs were processed, ranging in size from 75 to 88 mm carapace width. Proximal analysis showed similar values for both cooking methods. Steaming: 21.8% protein, 1.73% fat, 7.24 ash, and boiling: 22.20% protein, 1.95% fat, 6.74% ash. The participants rated the crab nuggets as "good". The aromatic nugget was better than the coconut nugget. Our proximal analysis of male U. occidentalis showed values higher than previously reported for the Gulf of Guayaquil (13.38% protein, 0.45% fat, 2.49% ash), but close to those reported for other crab species (16.5-24.38% protein, 0.5-2.09% fat, and 1.02-2.25% ash). It is important to consider food alternatives based on U. occidentalis and its derived products, such as chitin, proteins, related molecules (e.g., enzymes, peptides) and nanomembrane production.


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How to Cite

Zambrano, R., Saltos, L., Palacios, R., & Uquillas, M. (2025). Proximal analysis of male mangrove crab, Ucides occidentalis (Ortmann, 1897) and value-added alternatives, Ecuador. The Biologist, 23(1).