Fragmentation patterns in the buffer zones of protected natural areas in the San martín region, Peru




Change of use, conservation, deforestation, forest cover, Geoforests


Currently, one of the most recurrent environmental problems in the Peruvian Amazon is forest fragmentation as a result of deforestation. In this context, the present research aimed to quantify forest cover and other land uses, estimate the change in forest cover, and calculate fragmentation metrics in four buffer zones of protected natural areas located in the San Martín region, Peru during the years 2017 and 2021. The spatial information on land use and change provided by Esri Land Cover and the spatial information on forests and forest loss from the Geobosque platform were used as cartographic input. As a result, it was possible to quantify forest cover and other land uses of the four buffer zones corresponding to the years 2017 and 2021 with considerable thematic accuracy, taking into account that in the four study areas forest cover is the most representative. Regarding the rate of change from forest to non-forest for the buffer zone of the Río Abiseo National Park, it was -0.71; for the Cordillera Azul National Park it was -1.30; and for the Alto Mayo Protection Forest it was -1.87; while for the Pacaya Samiria National Reserve, forest cover has remained constant. Finally, the calculated landscape metrics suggest that the forests in the buffer zones of the San Martin region are moderately fragmented.


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How to Cite

Chávez, G. ., & Puerta, R. (2024). Fragmentation patterns in the buffer zones of protected natural areas in the San martín region, Peru. The Biologist, 22(2), 253–263.