Vaccinium floribundum, hepatoprotective, carbon tetrachloride, oxidative stressAbstract
The hydroalcoholic extract of the fruit of Vaccinium floribundum HBK "pushgay" was tested in Rattus rattus variety albinus to determine its hepatoprotective effect against oxidative stress induced by carbon tetrachloride. We worked with 20 rats divided into four groups: negative control, which was inoculated for seven days via orogastric tube, sterile physiological saline (SSFE); positive control, which was inoculated two days via orogastric tube, carbon tetrachloride 1 mL·Kg-1 body weight and then by five consecutive days SSFE and experimental, consisting of two groups, which were inoculated, via orogastric tube, carbon tetrachloride 1mL·Kg-1 body weight for two days and then for five consecutive days, the hydroalcoholic extract of Vaccinium floribundum at concentrations of 300 mg·Kg-1 body weight and 600 mg·Kg-1 body weight each group respectively. The concentration of free radicals in liver was determined in all groups by the method of thiobarbituric acid reactive substances; also, histological sections were performed to evaluate the hepatoprotective effect of the hydroalcoholic extract. The average concentrations of free radicals determined in the negative control groups, positive
control, and experimental with 300 mg of the hydroalcoholic extract·Kg-1 body weight and 600
mg of the hydroalcoholic extract·Kg-1 body weight were, respectively: 6.149; 14.466; 11.794 and 8.786 μg of malondialdehyde.g-1of liver, showing statistically significant differences between the groups (P<0.05). It was determined that the group treated with carbon tetrachloride over the
hydroalcoholic extract 600 mg·kg-1 body weight, decreased significantly the amount of free radicals and favored the rapid liver regeneration.
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