Participation of the agronomy career in the local development of the municipality of Trinidad, Cuba
effectiveness, elevation, strategy, territory, TrainingAbstract
Among the main latent diffi culties that constitute a current brake on the achievement of the proposed objectives to achieve food sovereignty in the Municipality of Trinidad, Cuba, based on respect and conservation of the environment, the following can be mentioned: poor agrotechnical management, indiscriminate use of agricultural inputs, lack of knowledge of producers and professionals of sustainable production technologies, soil degradation, lack of knowledge of botany and plant improvement of frequently planted crops, poor quality or insuffi cient availability of the gamic and agamic seeds used, lack of knowledge and violation of current agrarian legislation, agricultural territorial planning outside the real context presented by the municipality, among others. Elements that in one way or another have to do with the insuffi cient training of professionals and workers in the agricultural sector in the territory. Th is work proposes a design and implementation of training actions in the agricultural sector of the territory that allow achieving sustainability standards therein, based on joint action between the Municipal University Center of Trinidad and the Municipal Delegation of Agriculture, already exposing the fi rst results of this training, managing to contribute to the territory the fi rst 53 professionals trained in the version of the Diploma in Sustainable Agriculture, another result obtained is that several Agricultural Engineers have graduated, whose Diploma Work Topics have been in charge of solving problems that prevent the development of agriculture at the municipal level, achieving the publication of some of these works in high-impact magazines at an international level, among others, which contribute to increasing work effi ciency in the agricultural sector of the territory. thus contributing to the local development of the territory and obtaining recognition of the research and contributions made in the territory at an international level.
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