



arahuana, condition factor, maturity gonadal scale, reproductive cycle, sex ratio


The arahuana (arowana) Osteoglossum bicirrhosum (Cuvier, 1829) is a very important resource for ornamental fishing activity in the Putumayo river basin, Loreto, Peru, having developed various studies around this species; however, studies on its reproductive biology are incipient. For this reason, the objective of this study was to describe a scale of gonadal maturity with microscopic support and to determine which is the main period of reproduction of the Arahuana resource in the Putumayo river basin. For this, a monthly biological monitoring was carried out from October 2015 to June 2017. A total of 874 samples were analyzed, obtained from the "El Estrecho" and "Huapapa" areas. The maturity scale was established from the microscopic analysis of gonads, identifying each phase of maturity in females and males from the degree of development and distribution of sexual cells, while the reproductive cycle was estimated from the analysis of the gonadosomatic index and spawning fraction. In addition, the sexual ratio was estimated and the somatic condition was evaluated from the condition factor. The gonadal maturity scale consisted of six phases, both for females and males, while the most important reproductive period was determined from December to March. Finally, the monthly sex ratio, in general, did not show significant differences and the somatic condition registered its highest values ​​prior to the months of reproduction.


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How to Cite

Cuba, A. ., Sánchez, J., & Perea, Ángel . (2022). GONADAL MATURITY SCALE AND REPRODUCTIVE CYCLE OF ARAHUANA OSTEOGLOSSUM BICIRRHOSUM (CUVIER, 1829) IN THE PUTUMAYO RIVER, LORETO, PERU. The Biologist, 20(2), 211–225. https://doi.org/10.24039/rtb20222021424



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