Artificial intelligence, deforestation, Google Earth Engine, Random Forest, Sentinel-2Abstract
The loss of forests is one of the main environmental problems in Peru and in various parts of the world. The present work aims to calculate the forest cover by 2021 within the Leoncio Prado province, located in the Huánuco region, Peru. Sentinel-2 images were used, which were classified on the Google Earth Engine platform using the Random Forest artificial intelligence algorithm. Likewise, the thematic accuracy of the resulting classification was evaluated using high spatial resolution Planet images. As results, it was found that the study area includes 349,811.47 ha, which represents more than 70% of the total area, while the degraded and intervened areas add up to a total of 131,392.12 ha, which come mainly from the change in use of forest to agricultural areas. Regarding the metrics that evaluate the thematic accuracy of the classification, a value of 0.77 was found in the Kappa Index and 89.14% global accuracy. Therefore, it is concluded that the forest cover is the most predominant in the Leoncio Prado province, which was classified with high thematic accuracy.
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