Flying fish, partial fecundity, relative fecundity, sex ratio, synchronic-groupAbstract
During October and February many species of flying fish arrive to the south coast of Peru, Cheilopogon heterurus (Rafinesque, 1810) included, developing a fishery around them. This fishery is focus in the collection of eggs. However, this kind of fishery affects directly the recruitment and sustainability. In this paper, the partial and relative fecundity, the sex ratio per year and length and type of reproduction were calculated with samples from San Juan de Marcona and Ilo, Perú. They were obtained during December 2012, 2013 and 2014. To calculate the fecundity, we used 39 hydrated females. The sex ratio was analyzed for 442 fishes. 30 females were used to analyze the type of reproduction. To estimate the fecundity, we used the oocyte hydrate counting method. Furthermore, the significant difference in sex ratio was calculated by Chi Square. Also, the type of reproduction was verified by the difference of oocyte´s length. The partial fecundity was 13 767 ± 4348 per spawning batch and the relative fecundity was 46 ± 12 per g of fish. On the other hand, the sex ratio per year did not present significant difference. Nevertheless, for the sex ratio per length, it was possible to observe more males of smaller lengths and more females in length over 30 cm. Finally, the type of reproduction of Ch. heterurus was of synchronic group.
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