


adult, capture, population, seahorse, South-East Pacific


322 individuals of Hippocampus ingens Girard, 1858 – the “Pacific Seahorse” -- were analyzed from a dehydrated sample from an illegal fishing seizure carried out in Tumbes, Piura and Lambayeque (northern region of Peru) in 2016. The values of capture size, sexual proportion and stages of development (juvenile or adult) were determined. The morphometric analysis consisted of determining the total height, body height, and length of the head while the identification of the sexes was based on morphological characters such as the presence of the incubation sac and light keels for males, and the dark spot under the anal fin in the case of adult females. Capture sizes (total height) ranged from 87 mm to 160 mm for adult individuals. No significant difference was found when comparing total height values in relation to the sex of individuals. The sex ratio (female: male) was 1.21:1. The results obtained update the status of a population of H. ingens in northern Peru and can serve as the basis for the development of conservation programs and future fisheries management of this species in Peru.


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