antigenic, commensal microbiota, immunocompetentAbstract
Mucosal immunity, which many marine organisms carry with them, has become a topic of interest due to the characteristics and immunocompetent diversity of the commensal microbiota in response to immediate contact in their environment, which harbors biological, chemical and physical risks. The objective of this review was to evaluate the composition, mechanisms and importance of the mucosal microbiome in marine organisms and to lay the foundations on sustainable, viable and systematic strategies for immunomodulatory surfaces. The bibliographic search was carried out in google search, obtaining 38 bibliographic references, mainly scientific articles in English and Spanish. The results indicate that this mucus or defense organ in marine organisms harbors antigenic bacterial communities with a range of cells, probiotic, innate protective and adaptive molecules, which give specific and solid responses for disease control. There is a greater microbiota associated with environmental diversity on the external surfaces (gills and skin), while there is a more stable habitat for these specialized communities in the fish intestine. This diversity is highly variable and can depend on the species and geographic location. In conclusion, we found a great diversity of bacteria on mucosal surfaces, and that these could be a reservoir of bacterial diversity, suggesting a coevolution between bacteria - host - ecological parameters. However, the study of natural bacteria doing chemotaxis in the mucosa of some marine organisms would be interesting.Downloads
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