



Arthropods, Asia Hills, Biodiversity, Vegetation cover


Asia Lomas are located at km 100 south of the Department of Lima, Cañete Province, Perú, bordering with territories of communities between 200-1200 masl. Being an ecosystem that adquires the fog generated between the months of July and October on an annual basis. The objective of this study was to identify the biodiversity of terrestrial arthropods in the Asia Lomas. The field collections were carried out in October 2017, identifying two study areas. A total of 60 pitfall traps and 60 bait traps were placed, making a direct collection with entomological nets and a floristic register using 1x1m2 plots. A total of 2652 individuals were obtained, of which 1094 fell into pitfall traps, the order Isopoda (525) being the most abundant, followed by the Coleoptera order (249) and the Hymenoptera order (238). In the bait traps stood out the Coleoptera orders (1093), being the most abundant, followed by the Diptera order (358) and the Hymenoptera order (46), with the most representative families as Staphylinidae (1054), Muscidae (88) and Calliphoridae (71). Also, other arthropods of the groups stand out: Araneae, Scorpiones, Myriapoda, Solifugae and Opilion. The biodiversity of arthropods was directly influenced by the flora, especially Asteraceae family, which obtained the highest number of associations. Higher entomological richness was recorded in pitfall traps as opposed to bait traps.


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How to Cite

Burgos, A., & Huamaní, C. (2021). DIVERSITY OF TERRESTRIAL ARTHROPODS IN THE LOMAS OF ASIA HILLS, LIMA, PERÚ. The Biologist, 19(2), 141–153. https://doi.org/10.24039/rtb20211921022



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