Use of the modified previous deprogrammer (mpd) in patients with primary headache




Tension headache, tension-type headache, migraine headache, facial pain, headache, centric relation


The objective was to determine if the modified anterior deprogrammer (AMD) reduces the painful symptoms of tension headache and migraine in patients from the Neurology outpatient clinic of the Hipólito Unanue National Hospital (HNHU) from 2018-2019. 80 patients with primary headache were evaluated under certain principles of inclusion and exclusion, divided into two groups according to the diagnosis of the Neurologist; 40 patients with tension-type headache (TTH) and 40 patients with migraine. Subsequently, in the Stomatology service, a DAM was made that was used for 3 consecutive nights. After the third day they returned to the service to be evaluated and the results were recorded. For data collection, the structured interview technique was used and the numerical rating scale (NRS) was used as an instrument to record painful symptoms of primary headache. The information was analyzed with the Wilcoxon and Mann Whitney U test with a significance level of p<0.05. The patients were more frequent for the female sex with 75% for tension headache and 67.5% for migraine. Pain levels decreased significantly for the tension headache sample (p=0.000) as well as migraine (p=0.000) after use of the DAM. Although the results indicate a significant decrease in pain in both groups, the decrease was more severe in the tension headache group. The painful symptoms of patients with primary headache decreased with the use of the modified anterior deprogrammer. The decrease being more severe in the tension headache group.


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How to Cite

Lozano Castro, F. E. (2024). Use of the modified previous deprogrammer (mpd) in patients with primary headache. Cátedra Villarreal Posgrado, 3(1), 1–9.



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