Gnoseology between brain size and bioaccumulation of heavy metals in Gambusia punctata (Poey, 1854)


  • George Argota-Pérez Centro de Investigaciones Avanzadas y Formación Superior en Educación, Salud y Medio Ambiente ¨AMTAWI¨. Puno, Perú Grupo de Investigación “One-Health-Una Salud”. Universidad Ricardo Palma. Lima, Perú.
  • Rigoberto Fimia-Duarte Facultad de Tecnología de la Salud ̈Julio Trigo López ̈. Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de Villa Clara, Cuba.
  • José Iannacone Laboratorio de Ecología y Biodiversidad Animal. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Matemática. Grupo de Investigación en Sostenibilidad Ambiental (GISA), Universidad Nacional Federico Villarreal (UNFV). Lima, Perú.Laboratorio de Zoología. Grupo de Investigación “One Health”. Facultad de Ciencias Biológicas. Universidad Ricardo Palma (URP). Lima, Perú.
  • Rafael Armiñana-García Centro de estudios de Educación “Gaspar Jorge García Galló”. Universidad Central “Marta Abreu” de Las Villas. Villa Clara. Cuba.
  • Ricardo Osés-Rodríguez Centro Meteorológico Provincial de Villa Clara, Cuba.



bioavailability , cadmium , contamination , fish , lead


The purpose of the study was to describe the gnoseology between brain size and metal bioaccumulation in Gambusia punctata (Poey, 1854). In September 2022, sampling was conducted in the lower Almendares River, Havana, Cuba: latitude / 23°06'4.92"; longitude / 82°24'30.41", where 37 individuals (26 females and 11 males) were captured for determination of brain size and bioaccumulation of lead (Pb) and cadmium (Cd). The statistical t-Student test indicated that there was no significant difference (p = 0.44) between males and females according to brain size (1.57±0.09 and 1.59±0.08 mm). Bioaccumulation of Pb was: male = 0.084±0.014; female 0.097±0.022 and for Cd corresponded to: male = 0.085±0.014; female 0.108±0.027). Multiple linear regression analysis between brain size and bioaccumulation of heavy metals indicated, p-value = 0.90 (males) and p-value = 0.35 (females). It was concluded that there was bioaccumulation of Pb and Cd in the brain of individuals of the species G. punctata. Bioaccumulation to Pb was similar in both sexes, although there was greater bioaccumulation to Cd in females. However, Pb and Cd bioaccumulation were not detrimentally related to brain size.


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How to Cite

Argota-Pérez, G. ., Fimia-Duarte, R. ., Iannacone, J., Armiñana-García, R. ., & Osés-Rodríguez, R. . (2023). Gnoseology between brain size and bioaccumulation of heavy metals in Gambusia punctata (Poey, 1854). Neotropical Helminthology, 17(1), 45–51.



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