The Biologist (Lima), 2017, 15(1), jan-jun: 109-117.
1 Laboratorio de Investigación Acuícola (LIA) del Instituto del Mar del Perú (IMARPE),
sede Ilo, Jr. Mirave 101 Ilo, Moquegua 18601, Perú
2 Departamento Acuicultura, Facultad de Ciencias del Mar, Universidad Católica del Norte, Casilla 117,
Coquimbo 1780000, Chile
Corresponding author. E-mail: (Sheyla Zevallos)
1 2
Sheyla Zevallos & Pedro Toledo
Keywords: bivalves – gonadal development – local microalgae – total lipids
Adult Mesodesma donacium were conditioned with the following microalgae diets: D1) Isochrysis galbana (local)
+ Chaetoceros sp. (local) + Phaeodactylum tricornutum (local); D2) I. galbana (local) + Ch. gracilis (commercial) +
Pavlova lutheri (commercial); D3) Chaetoceros sp. (local) + I. galbana (commercial) + P. lutheri (commercial); and
a control (C) with commercial I. galbana, Ch. gracilis, and P. lutheri. M. donacium were fed with a continuous
feeding system (2.0 x 10 cells/mL) and maintained at 16 °C, with constant aeration and daily full water replacement.
Chemical and histological analyses determined gonadal development and total lipid content. Gonadal development
significantly differed as a result of the different diets, with D2 individuals showing the best response at day 44 of
conditioning (56% mature). Total lipid content did not significantly differ between groups, although levels were
higher than ocean-sampled M. donacium. Moreover, temperature did not influence gonadal development or total
lipid content, with no correlation between this factor and dependent variables. To optimize broodstock conditioning
of M. donacium, a continuously administered microalgae diet is recommended under constant temperatures and with
consideration to total lipid content.
ISSN Versión Impresa 1816-0719
ISSN Versión en linea 1994-9073 ISSN Versión CD ROM 1994-9081
The Biologist
The Biologist (Lima)
The Biologist (Lima). Vol. 15, Nº1, jan - jun 2017
Palabras clave: bivalvos – maduración gonadal – microalgas locales – lípidos totales
Ejemplares adultos de Mesodesma donacium fueron acondicionados bajo condiciones controladas aplicando tres
diferentes mezclas de microalgas: D1) Isochrysis galbana (local) + Chaetoceros sp (local) + Phaeodactylum
tricornutum (local); D2) I. galbana (local) +Ch. gracilis (comercial) + Pavlova lutheri (comercial); D3)
Chaetoceros sp (local) +I. galbana (comercial) + P. lutheri (comercial) y un control (C) con las microalgas
comerciales I. galbana, Ch. gracilis y P. lutheri. Las microalgas fueron suministradas a los adultos de M. donacium
mediante un sistema de alimentación continuo en una concentración de 2,0 x 10 cel/mL, a una temperatura promedio
de 16°C, aireación constante y recambio diario de agua. Los análisis químicos e histológicos determinaron el
desarrollo gonadal y el contenido total de lípidos. El desarrollo gonadal mostró diferencias significativas como
resultado de las dietas suministradas, siendo D2 la que presenta la mejor respuesta a los 44 días de
acondicionamiento (56% maduros). El contenido total de lípidos no presentó diferencia significativa entre los
tratamientos, pero fueron superiores a los evidenciados en medio natural. Además, la temperatura no influyó en el
desarrollo gonadal ni en el contenido total de lípidos, descartando la correlación entre este factor y las variables
dependientes. Para optimizar el acondicionamiento de reproductores de M. donacium, se recomienda utilizar un
sistema de alimentación continuo, manteniendo la temperatura constante y considerando los lípidos totales como
una estrategia de manejo en medio controlado.
assessed for nutritional applications, but only 20
species are currently used in the aquaculture
industry (Priyadarshani et al., 2012). The
nutritional quality of an alga is a determinant of its
final utilization (Volkman et al., 1989), with local
microalgae acting as natural food sources
(Borowitzka, 1997).
Microalgae are an important food source in the
commercial breeding of aquatic animals,
especially in larval and juvenile bivalve molluscs,
rotifers use to feed larvae of crustaceans and
marine fish (Borowitzka, 1997); source depends on
the content and nature of its biochemical
constituents, representing the basis for the
formation of new tissue, restoration of those who
have been affected and for normal metabolism of
organisms breeding. A combination of algae as diet
provides more nutritional value because they
contain an assortment of most nutritional
requirements for growth of the larvae, are these
shrimps, molluscs and fish (Álvarez, 1994).
They have reported numerous studies aimed at
analyzing the effect of different diets and
nutritional components on both the gonadal
maturation and larval development in bivalve; as
reporting on the microalgal most commonly use for
Mesodesma donacium (Lamarck, 1818) is a
Lamellibranchia bivalve of commercial interest
that inhabits the mid- and infralittoral zones of
sandy beaches exposed to waves (Segura et al.,
1998), extending from the intertidal zone to a depth
of 15 m (Carré, 2007). This mollusk is distributed
from the Bay of Sechura, Peru (5°S) to the Inio
river mouth located at the extreme southern end of
Chiloé, Chile (43°S) (Alamo & Valdivieso, 1997;
Vargas, 2003; Zaro, 2004; Santelices, 2006). The
commercial extraction of M. donacium and
increasing ocean surface temperatures (Quiroz &
Barriga, 1997) are factors that have contributed to
the decrease and collapse of natural beds of this
bivalve (Segura et al., 1998). In fact, the capture of
M. donacium is banned in Peru.
A potential alternative for recovering populations
of this species is through the incorporation of
broodstock-obtained juveniles into the natural
environment. For this to occur, considerable
consideration should be given to nutritional aspects
(Farías & Uriarte, 2002) and the survival of bivalve
larvae and juveniles (Contreras, 2006). In the last
40 years, hundreds of microalgae have been
Zevallos & Toledo
The Biologist (Lima). Vol. 15, Nº1, jan - jun 2017
the production of molluscs cultured controlled
were T - Iso and Chaetoceros neogracile
(S.L.VanLandingham, 1968), associated with
elevated levels of total lipid and docosahexaenoic
acid (DHA) in T - Iso and high levels of
carbohydrates, eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and
riboflavin in C. neogracile (Farías & Uriarte,
Farias (2008) reports that within the requirements
lipid are the main energy source and in particular
triglycerides of fatty acids, saturated short chain
are predominantly used for energy purposes, β
oxidation way (Borowitzka, 1997). On the other
hand, the main function of essential fatty acids in
bivalves, as part of membrane phospholipids, is the
regulation of the flow of cellular and subcellular
membranes, and acclimation to different
temperature ranges.
Highlighting reproductive studies Argopecten
purpuratus (Lamarck, 1819) maintained at 16 ° C
and fed with a mixture of microalgaes Isochrysis
galbana (Parke, 1949) and Chaetoceros gracilis
(Pantocsek, 1892), obtaining lipid and gonadal
recoveries achieved with higher percentages of
42.64 % ± 4.68 maturity after the first 10 days in a
period of 80 days reproductive conditioning
(Martınez et al., 2000).
In the case of M. donacium, there is a lack of
information Salgado & Ishiyama (1979) showed
that immature and less mature stages occur June
through August; intermediate stages and full
maturity from August to November; stages of
partial or total evacuation from December to
March, and are gradually descending until July;
stages of gonadal reversal observed from February
to July.
In this context, the aim of the present study was to
evaluate the effect of different mixed local and
commercial microalgae diets on the gonadal
development of broodstock M. donacium.
Collection area and samples
Adult M. donacium were collected from La Punta,
Arequipa, Peru (17º11'S-71º47'W) and transported
to the Laboratory of Mollusk Research at the
Instituto del Mar, Ilo, Peru.
Random samples of 21 specimens were made
before the start of laboratory tests and 29
specimens during the fortnight of December for the
morphometric measurement, determination of
gonadal status and biochemical profile.
Broodstock conditioning
Adult M. donacium (56-84 mm length) were
conditioned in a tank with four 20 L trays (30 x 20
cm) that contained sifted and washed sandy
substrate (0.5 mm diameter, phi 2-1) (Wentworth,
1922). Twenty M. donacium individuals were
placed in each tray. The seawater in the tank was
maintained at an average of 16±1°C and was fully
replaced every 36 h by an air lift pump. The
dissolved oxygen content was kept at 3.61 mL/L,
while salinity was maintained at 34.824 psu.
Dietary trials
Strains of local microalgae were collected from the
surface of the water column at sandy ocean floor
beaches in Vila Vila (Tacna, Peru; 18°06'S-
70°43'W) and La Punta (Arequipa, Peru;
17º11'S–71º47'W) using a 20 µm mesh net. The
microalgae were isolated using either successive
dilutions or dish isolation with a Pasteur pipette
(Almaguer et al., 2004). The microalgae were then
acclimated in dishes with a liquid medium enriched
with F/2 Guillard (1975) for growth and
maintenance for a month. Samples of each
microalgae were sent to the Germplasm Bank for
Aquatic Organisms of the Instituto del Mar, Peru
and were identified as Isochrysis galbana (Parke,
1949), Chaetoceros sp, and Phaeodactylum
trycornutum (Bohlin, 1898).
The commercial microalgae used in the dietary
assays were Ch. gracilis, Pavlova lutheri
(J.C.Green, 1975), and I. galbana. These
microalgae were obtained from the Central
Laboratory for Marine Cultures of the Faculty of
Marine Sciences at the Universidad Católica del
Norte, Coquimbo, Chile.
Three diets were formulated using mixes of local
and commercial microalgae. The diets respectively
used each microalgae in a 35-30-35% proportion:
D1) I. galbana (local) + Chaetoceros sp (local) +
Microalgae for Mesodesma
The Biologist (Lima). Vol. 15, Nº1, jan - jun 2017
Ph. tricornutum (local); D2) I. galbana (local) +
Ch. gracilis (commercial) + P. lutheri
(commercial); D3) Ch. sp (local) + I. galbana
(commercial) + P. lutheri (commercial); and C) a
control using commercial I. galbana, + Ch.
gracilis, + P. lutheri. These microalgae diets were
administered daily using a continuous feeding
system at a concentration of 2.0 x 10 cells/mL.
Analysis of gonadal development
Of the collected M. donacium, eight were measured
and examined under an optic microscope to
determine sex and gonad development. Every 15
days during the dietary trials, all M. donacium
individuals were measured (total length, TL; ± 0.01
mm) and weighed (total weight, TW; and soft
tissue weight, WST; ± 0.001 g). Additionally, the
sex and gonadal development of eight individuals
were determined every 15 days during the dietary
trials through smear analysis under a microscope
using the scale proposed by Buitrón & Perea
(1996). In addition to these determinations, four
individuals were sampled every 15 days and
preserved in 96° ethanol for posterior histological
analyses. The remaining samples were frozen at -
13 °C until determinations of fat content.
Chemical assays
The soft tissues of M. donacium from the different
diets were separated by sex and homogenized. The
moisture content (AOAC, 2000) was determined
for the soft tissue samples of M. donacium by
drying them at 95 °C in a forced air drying oven
(H.W. Kessel) until reaching a constant weight.
Total lipid content was determined with the Soxhlet
Soxtec Fat Extraction System 2045, using 25-50
mL of hexane as a solvent (Foss, 1992).
Statistical analysis
The Chi-squared test was used for categorical data
to compare the proportion of each sex and gonadal
development in function diets of M. donacium
individuals. A one-way analysis of variance
(ANOVA) was used to compare total lipid results,
while a multivariate ANOVA (p = 0.05) was used to
determine the influence of temperature on gonad
development and the percent of total lipids. Data
normality and homocedasity were verified before
analyses, which were performed in the SPSS v.21.0
statistical software. If significant differences were
found, an a posteriori Tukey test was applied.
Zevallos & Toledo
Effect of diet on gonadal development in M.
donacium 2
The Chi-squared test (X = 18.46) demonstrated
significant differences in gonad maturity between
the M. donacium samples (p < 0.05) in relation to
the distinct diets during the reproductive
conditioning. In the D2 group, 60% were classified
in stage 3 (mature) of the reproductive cycle,
followed by the C group with 55%; the D1 group
with 50%; and the D3 group with 10%. Likewise,
the D1 group presented the lower percentage of M.
donacium in stage 4 (20%), followed by D2 and C
(35%), and D3, with 70% of individuals in the
spawning stage (Table 1).
Regarding gonadal development at the beginning
of November, the majority of the broodstock were
spawning (stage 4; 44%), while 25% were in
recovery (stage 5). Over the trial period, gonadal
development was progressive, and by the first and
second halves of December, 56 and 50% of the
conditioned individuals respectively reached
maturity (stage 3) (Table 2).
In November, 38% of the M. donacium sampled
from natural ocean conditions were in stage 3,
while 63% were in stage 4. In December, 100% of
the individuals collected from the ocean were
spawning (stage 4).
Gonadal development of broodstock conditioned
M. donacium 2
The Chi squared test (X = 89.54) demonstrated
significant differences (p < 0.05) in sexual maturity
over the period of broodstock conditioning. At the
beginning of November, 44% of the M. donacium
individuals were spawning (stage 4) and 25% were
in recovery (stage 5). Sampling at day 23
evidenced progressive gonadal development
towards maturity (stage 3), with 56 and 50% of the
broodstock respectively reaching this stage by the
first and second halves of December (Table 2).
The D2 diet favored rapid gonad development,
with 50% of this group reaching maturity (stage 3)
during the first 44 days of broodstock conditioning
(16 ±1°C, 3.61 mL/L dissolved oxygen, 34.82 psu).
This treatment also resulted in the release of
gametes, with 50% of the broodstock spawning
The Biologist (Lima). Vol. 15, Nº1, jan - jun 2017
(stage 4), with decreased biomass found in the
individuals sampled during this period. A similar
situation was observed with the D1 group fed a diet
comprised of local microalgae.
3.3 Effect of microalgae diets on the lipid content of
M. donacium
One-way ANOVA indicated that there were no
significant differences between the different
dietary groups in regards to total lipids (p > 0.05).
However, a higher amount of lipids was found in
mollusks of the D3 group during the second half of
December, which coincided with 50% of the
female reaching maturity (stage 3) (Table 3). The
total lipid content of broodstock conditioned M.
donacium decreased over the first 13 days before
evidencing a slight increase at day 40 of the trial.
Due to this, the November total lipid content of
laboratory individuals was very similar to that of
M. donacium sampled from the ocean, the majority
of which were in stage 4 or 5 of sexual
development. In December, the total lipid content
of the broodstock conditioned M. donacium
increased, albeit insignificantly, as compared to
November. However, these values were
significantly higher than the December values of
M. donacium sampled from the ocean. These
observations indicate a correlation between lipid
content and gonadal development (until stage 3) as
a result of the local and commercial microalgae
diets consumed during sexual maturation.
Microalgae for Mesodesma
Table 1. Effect of microalgae diets on gonadal development in Mesodesma donacium.
Reproductive Cycle Stage Total
Number of individuals
% of diet
50% 20% 30%
Number of individuals 12* 7 1 20
% of diet
60% 35% 5%
Number of individuals 2 14 4 20
% of diet
10% 70% 20%
Number of individuals 11* 7 2 20
% of diet
55% 35% 10%
Number of individuals 35* 32 13 80
% of diet
X2= 18.46
* indicates signicant differences (p < 0.05)
Table 2. Stage of gonadal development in Mesodesma donacium over time under controlled conditions (three
treatments and a control).
Cycle Stage
Period of Broodstock Conditioning
15 Nov
28 Nov
13 Dec
25 Dec
08 Jan
% % % % %
X2= 89.54
* indicates signicant differences
The Biologist (Lima). Vol. 15, Nº1, jan - jun 2017
Zevallos & Toledo
* indicates signicant differences (p < 0.05).
Fo: test statistic
Diet Period of Broodstock Conditioning
15 Nov 28 Nov 13 Dec 25 Dec 08 Jan
Table 3. Effect of microalgae diets on total lipid content in Mesodesma donacium.
production under controlled conditions would
require better microalga species as a dietary
The microalgae diets given to broodstock M.
donacium influenced gonad development. The D2
diet, composed of the local I. galbana and
commercial Ch. gracilis and P. lutheri, was the
most apt for obtaining the greatest percentage of
mature (stage 3) individuals by day 44 of
broodstock conditioning. Following this point,
gametes were released, resulting in 50% of the
broodstock moving into stage 4 (recovery) and a
consequent decrease in the biomass of M.
donacium individuals. A similar situation was
observed in the D1 group fed a diet composed only
of local microalgae. These results contrast with
those obtained by Martínez et al. (2008), who
demonstrated that adult specimens of A.
purpuratus maintained at 16 °C and fed a mix of
microalgae (I. galbana and Ch. gracilis) and fats
resulted in 42,64 ± 4,68% gonad recovery during
the first 10 days of an 80-day broodstock
conditioning period. Martínez (2000) later
indicated that a diet of mixed microalgae enriched
with unsaturated fats led to better results of sexual
maturity and the number of spawning A.
Lipid content decreased in the gonads of
broodstock conditioning M. donacium during the
first month, but increased slightly during the
second month. Due to this, the lipid content values
Broodstock conditioning was achieved in adult M.
donacium at 44 days through a continuous feeding
regimen that used mixed microalgae local and
commercial diets, whereas M. donacium in the
natural environment evidenced only 38% in stage 3
and the remaining individuals in stage 4. During
December, 100% of the clams sampled from the
ocean were spawning. These observations
corroborate that reported by Salgado & Ishiyama
(1979) about stage partial or total evacuation
evidenced from December to March, and the
results obtained by FIP (2009) where females
evaluated during November in Tacna presented
more than 80% on high maturity and the onset of
spawning occurred in December 2007; and Tejada
concluded that females collected in Tacna during
December 2010 found mostly spawned and 39% in
gonadal recovery period (Tejada, 2009; 2010).
Considering all of this, the mixed diets used in the
treatments provided positive benefits, more
quickly inducing sexual maturity in laboratory-
maintained clams through microalgae commercial
and local obtained from the littoral region of Peru,
as compared to a purely commercial diet.
Considering all of this, the mixed diets used in the
treatments provided positive benefits, inducing
sexual maturity in laboratory-maintained clams
through microalgae obtained from the littoral
region of Peru. This is in line with Borowitzka
(1997), who indicated that better bivalve
The Biologist (Lima). Vol. 15, Nº1, jan - jun 2017
were initially similar to those of clams sampled
from the ocean, where the majority of adults were
in stage 4 or 5 of the reproductive cycle. However,
the lipid content of captive adults was significantly
greater than that of ocean samples in December,
although these values were not significantly higher
than those of laboratory individuals in November.
This occurrence was related to the progressive
development of the gonad until reaching stage 3,
which in turn was associated with the distinct diets
consumed during the reproductive cycle. The
assessed diets were primarily composed of local I.
galbana (local) and commercial P. lutheri and Ch.
gracilis. According to Ching & Liang (2001), I.
glabana and P. lutheri are dominated by the fatty
acids 18:1n-9 and 18:4n-3 and 20:5n-3,
respectively. This would indicate that these lipids
are a primary energy source, as also supported by
Farías & Uriarte (2002), Hendricks et al. (2003),
and Farías (2002). Specifically, these authors
found lipids to be a necessary element of the adult
bivalve diet during spawning, as well as during
gamete development since energy reserves are
absorbed during gametogenesis (Martínez, 2000).
Fatty acids also play a role in forming part of the
phospholipids present in cell membranes, aiding in
the regulation of fluidity and acclimatization to
different temperature ranges (Farias, 2008).
The temperature of seawater did not influence the
progress of gonadal development in individuals fed
distinct diets. Likewise, the percentage of total
lipids in M. donacium individuals subject to the
experimental trials was not influenced by
temperature. The recorded temperatures fluctuated
within a range of ± 0.6 °C, values that did not
change the process of broodstock conditioning.
Due to this, the progressive variation in gonadal
development is likely attributable to the various
mixed diets given over the experimental period.
This research was carried out thanks to the
logistical support of the Institute of the Sea of Peru
and its own contribution. The authors are grateful
to all the people who provided their support in the
field and experimental phase of this research.
Microalgae for Mesodesma
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Microalgae for Mesodesma
Received January 28, 2017.
Accepted March 2, 2017.