The Biologist (Lima), 2017, 15(1), jan-jun: 15-22
1Facultad de Ciencias y Filosofía, Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia, Av. Honorio Delgado 430, Lima 31,
Lima, Perú. Hospital Nacional Docente Madre Niño San Bartolomé, Av. Alfonso Ugarte 825, Lima 01, Lima, Perú.
3Universidad Nacional Federico Villarreal, Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Matemáticas. Jr. Río Chepén 290,
Lima 10, Perú
*E-mail: /
1,3 1,2,*
Roberto Adolfo Ubidia-Incio & Jeel Jr. Moya-Salazar
Keywords: database – genome-wide analysis – phylogenetics – protein
Proteins are important in phylogenetics because they show conservation, not only in their sequence, but also in their
functions and the properties of their different substructures due to residue or amino acid family conservation. The
analysis of the set of data from a great number of proteins will show us properties that have been the driving force of
species diversification. Here, we present a phylogenetic method for constructing cladograms using TaxPlot data. We
constructed a cladogram using the UPGMA method using the total hits obtained from all the combinations of TaxPlot
previously transformed into percentages of similarity. This cladogram based on the similarity of bacterial proteomes
presents a large similarity with the relations that exist for the analyzed organisms based on conserved sequences.
ISSN Versión Impresa 1816-0719
ISSN Versión en linea 1994-9073 ISSN Versión CD ROM 1994-9081
Palabras clave: análisis genómico – base de datos – filogenética – proteína
Las proteínas son importantes en la filogenética dado que muestran la conservación, no solo de sus secuencias, sino
también de sus funciones y de las propiedades de sus diferentes subestructuras debido a la conservación de las
familias de aminoácidos. El análisis de grupos de datos de un gran número de proteínas puede mostrar sus
propiedades que han tenido fuerza de manejo de la diversificación de especies. Aquí, presentamos un nuevo método
filogenético para la construcción de cladogramas usando la base de datos TaxPlot. Hemos construido un cladograma
utilizando el método UPGMA de acuerdo con los aciertos (Hits) totales obtenidos a partir de todas las combinaciones
de TaxPlot previamente transformados en porcentajes de similitud. Este cladograma basado en la similitud de los
proteomas bacterianos presenta una gran similitud con las relaciones que existen para los organismos analizados en
base a secuencias conservadas.
The Biologist
The Biologist (Lima)
Genome analysis is a useful tool because it allows
us to understand diverse biologic phenomena by
showing the conservation of the genes responsible
of specific functions, not only one isolate gene but a
group of them with a function that has been
conserved during the course of evolution (Roman
et al., 2000). Comparing genomes of many related
organisms allows also seeing and understanding
how the emergence of new genes can help to
develop new functions inside a pre-established
gene system. That is why identifying orthologs is
critical to predict protein functions on new strains
or species that cause a determined pathology
(Roman et al., 2000; Tatusov et al., 2003). Without
doubt, the later would benefit the understanding of
the pathogenic mechanisms employed by many
organisms such as Acute Diarrhea Disease causing
bacteria, the way the appeared and diversified.
Moreover, in a greater measure, the utility when
looking for strategies against them and preventing
their infection (Tatusov et al., 2003).
Comparative genomics offers a useful scope for
understanding information at a genomic level, for
this, the first objective when a genome is
sequenced, is to identify the functional regions,
both genes and regulatory sequences. A part of that
information needs experimental work, but another
part could be obtained from comparative analysis
in silico, which can facilitate the identification of
those elements (Tatusov et al., 2003). Thus, the
purpose of comparative genomics is, through the
comparison of genomes of different species, to
understand how those species have evolved, and
the functions of their genes and non-coding regions
(Thorat & Thakare, 2013).
The bioinformatics tool, TaxPlot, that belongs to
NCBI (National Center for Biotechnology
Information), allows us to observe the similitude
among three organisms based on the proteome of
one of them, it refers to the amount of similar
proteins from the genomes of three different
species, using the first one as a query, from which
every protein sequence is taken and compared with
p r e - c o m p u t e d B L A S T r e s u l t s
( of the
other two species (Wheeler et al., 2001). This type
of analysis has been previously used to study
The Biologist (Lima). Vol. 15, Nº1, jan - jun 2017
INTRODUCTION similarities between other organisms, such as
archaeas (Makarova et al., 2015). In other cases,
these tools have been used to predict genes form
recently sequenced genosomes, for example on
Serratia plymuthica AS-12 (Roman et al., 2000,
Neupane et al., 2012), Staphylococccus
epidermidis (Thorat & Thakare, 2013), and others
(Heidelberg et al., 2000, Bhagwat & Bhagwat,
2008; Siddaramappa, 2007). This tool allows us to
analyze genomes where a comparison has been
previously done, so it is not needed to download
complete genomes in order to do an analysis.
Nevertheless, it has the disadvantage of not being
continually maintained, so the number of available
genomes is limited and not updated.
Acute Diarrhea Disease is one of the four principal
causes of child mortality in the world and one of
three that has been related to climate change
(Murga et al., 1993; MINSA, 2015). In the
Americas, it has been estimated that 112 000
annual deaths are caused by diarrheal diseases
(WHO, 1999). This affection causes alterations on
the human development in three fundamental
aspects: limiting the organic growth, reducing the
intellectual capital, and increasing the Disability-
Adjusted Life Years (DALY), mainly in children
under 2 years.
The principal causes of Acute Diarrhea Disease are
the bacteria from the genus Campylobacter,
Salmonella, Shigella, Vibrio, Proteus and
Enterococcus faecalis; and also Escherichia coli
O157:H7, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Morganella
morgani, Aeromonas oxytona, among others
(Cama et al., 1999; WHO, 1999; Seas et al., 2000;
Winn et al., 2006).
The objective of the present investigation was to
design a novel phylogenetic method using the data
from Diarrhea causing disease-bacteria listed in the
TaxPlot tool, and to analyze their genomes and
establish a proteomic-scale relationship between
The application of this method was done through
an analytic, retrospective, cross-sectional study
Ubidia-Incio & Moya-Salazar
applied to acute diarrhea disease-causing bacterias.
Species: The species considered for testing this
method: Campylobacter jejuni subsp jejuni
(NCTC 11168=ATCC700819) [Cje], Shigella
dysenteriae (strain Sd197) [Sdy], Salmonella
entérica subsp enterica (serovar Typhimurium
strain LT2) [Sen], Vibrio cholerae (01biovar El Tor
strain N16961) [Vch], E. coli O157:H7 (strain
Sakai) [Eco], Proteus mirabilis (strain H14320)
[Pmi], E. faecalis (strain V583) [Efa], K.
pneumoniae (strain 342) [Kpn] (Winn et al.,
2006; Cama et al., 1999).
Resources for genome analysis: An inter-protein
comparative analysis of each species was done
w i t h t h e t o o l Ta x P l o t f o r m N C B I
bact=1) with the objective of observing the degree
of similitude between orthologs proteins of the
analyzed species. The relation between each
species (“query” species) and the others in groups
of two (comparative species) was observed.
Techniques for collecting and processing data:
The number of total hits was used; this means, the
number of proteins that produced hits for the two
comparative species based on the total number of
proteins of the query species without taking into
account the bias in the similitude towards any of the
comparative species. All this initial data was
tabulated in a comparative matrix with the
variables [Cje], [Sdy], [Sen], [Vch], [Eco], [Pmi],
[Efa] and [Kpn], where the relationship between
the degrees of similitude was analyzed.
Eight organisms were included; we used TaxPlot as
a tool to observe the similitude between the
selected bacteria based on their proteome instead of
the classical reach in which conserved regions are
evaluated. The plots generated by this tool, provide
us with total hits data, that are hits obtained from
comparing all the proteins from a query organism
against the protein from other two species selected,
through pre-calculated BLAST scores, those hits
were distributed depending on the degree of
similarity to one or the other species.
Taxonomy: A phylogenetic classification of the
proteins codified in the complete genomes was
done through the creation of cladograms, using the
UPGMA method (unweighted paired group means
analysis) (Kuske et al., 2002), using the data from
The Biologist (Lima). Vol. 15, Nº1, jan - jun 2017
each query species, joining the two species with a
higher percentage of hits, then calculating the mean
of the values of the two joint species against all the
other, and repeating this process until every species
had been joined (Fig. 1). Finally, a consensus
cladogram was created based on the eight
cladograms previously created.
A cladogram based on rRNA 16S was made using
the software Phylip version 3,696 (University of
W a s h i n g t o n ,
/phylip.html) and visualized with TreeView
version 1,6.6 (University of Glasgow, http:// in
order to compare the method based on conserved
sequences alignment and the method presented
here (Fig. 2).
Data Analysis: Data analysis was performed in
four basic processes: Codification, tabulation,
table construction, and preparation of graphics and
Limitations: In principle, the presentation of
analyzed species does not include the totality of
existent enteropathogens because TaxPlot does not
include all of them on its database. Second, there is
no bioinformatics tool available for designing
cladograms with data from TaxPlot. Lastly,
function patterns were not evaluated for
enterobacteria. In spite of these limitations, our
research contributes to the bioinformatics
development applied to clinic microbiology.
New phylogenetic analysis method
With the help of the bioinformatics tool TaxPlot of
NCBI we could access to similitude data of all the
proteome of the Acute Diarrhea Disease-causing
bacteria analyzed in groups of three. We obtained
168 plots where it was possible to observe the
similitude between each species selected as query
towards other two from the group of analyzed
bacteria. From this data, previously transformed
into percentages, obtained from the total hits for
each comparison, a cladogram was created (Fig. 2).
The methodology for elaborating this cladogram is
described in the flowchart presented in Figure 1.
The Biologist (Lima). Vol. 15, Nº1, jan - jun 2017
Ubidia-Incio & Moya-Salazar
Figure 1. Flowchart for the development of the cladogram based on TaxPlot data for the ADD-causing species.
The Biologist (Lima). Vol. 15, Nº1, jan - jun 2017
New phylogenetic analysis method
Figure 2. Comparative cladograms. A. Consensus tree obtained with the UPGMA method with the total hits data obtained with
the bioinformatics tool TaxPlot (numbers indicate the percentage of siilitude). B. Phylogenetic tree where the studied groups
have been highlighted in green frames, showing the evolutionary divergence [modied from Ciccarelli et al. (2006), C.
Cladogram based on rRNA 16S sequences from the analyzed species using the software Phylip and TreeView.
The Biologist (Lima). Vol. 15, Nº1, jan - jun 2017
Ubidia-Incio & Moya-Salazar
The cladogram based in proteome similitude
presents a great similitude with the relation that
exists for these organisms based on conserved
sequences (Fig. 2) (Montiel, 1997; Moran et al.,
2005; Chieh-Hua et al., 2011; Neupane et al.,
2012). When comparing cladograms (TaxPlot,
alignment based on protein universal families, and
rRNA 16S), in general, the analized bacteria form
very similar groups. Campylobacter jejuni showed
a plesiomorphic character.
It is noticeable the separation between
Enterobacteriaceae (S. enterica, E. coli O157:H7,
S. dysenteriae, P. mirabilis and K. pneumoniae)
and Vibrionaceae (V. cholerae). Also, among this
wh ole group ( Gam mapro teo bacte ria ),
Epsilonproteobacteria (C. jejuni) and Firmicutes
(E. faecalis), where the similitude among
enterobacteria ranges between 63,45% and 68,81%
with the method based on TaxPlot, nevertheless,
when incorporating bacteria from other clades this
similitude diminishes drastically, to 56,06% when
incorporating V. cholera, 41.08% for E. faecalis
and 32.14% for C. jejuni.
The only exception to the similitude of results
between the method based on TaxPlot and the
method based on the rRNA 16S sequence is the
relation for S. dysenteriae, S. enterica and E. coli
O157:H7, where we have E. coli and S. enterica
more related among them than with S. dysenteriae.
The usual order is Escherichia coli more related to
S. dysenteriae rather than S. enterica (Fig. 2).
This method seems to have as limitation the
difference in the number of proteins of the query
species. C. jejuni has the lowest number (1623), in
comparison with over 3000 proteins in the other
bacteria, thus the low number of coincidences
makes it appear as the farthest, while methods
based on protein universal families (Chieh-Hua et
al., 2011) shows it is near the other proteobacteria.
Being E. faecalis the farthest as it belongs to the
phylum Firmicutes (Ciccarelli et al., 2006).
Curiously, when aligning and obtaining a
cladogram from the sequences of rRNA 16S, we
obtain the same order between these two bacteria
with respect to the result obtained comparing the
proteome (TaxPlot, Fig. 2).
The method we present here represents a holistic
approximation to the study of phylogenetic
relationships between close species that could be
contrasted against other more specific
approximations in order to observe the
evolutionary behavior in organisms that share a
common environment or niche. In the case of
bacteria, it is known that there have been many
events of horizontal gene transfer (HGT) making it
more complex the identification of the
evolutionary history in these groups as an
orthologous gene may be more similar for two
organisms that are not necessarily the closest,
evolutionarily talking (Akortha & Filgona, 2009;
Stecher et al., 2012). Making a comparison using
the whole proteome this effect can be diminished in
This method reduces the time needed for
phylogenetic analysis due to the help provided by
the existence of tools as TaxPlot that stores
precalculated data, and establishes a phylogenetic
reconstruction at a proteomic level; these features
work well as no distant organisms are chosen that
will diminish the power of this method. These
elements of judgment can be transported as exact
data employing bioinformatics data that could, as
in this case, describe the features of the pathogenic
agents who produce a disease.
The Authors are grateful for the contribution of the
researchers from the Laboratorios de Investigación
y Desarrollo (LID) of Universidad Peruana
Cayetano Heredia for their advice, their time, and
inculcate in us the vocation for bioinformatics.
The cladogram based on the similitude of the
proteome of the studied bacteria presents a great
similitude with the relations found or these
organisms using conserved sequences (Fig. 2)
(Moran et al., 2005; Neupane et al., 2012; Moya-
Salazar & Ubidia-Incio, 2015). Additionally, it
shows the relation that exists between our species
based on their proteome, showing as more related
species those that have a higher number of similar
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Accepted January 19, 2017.