Neotrop. Helminthol., 6(1), 2012
2012 Asociación Peruana de Helmintología e Invertebrados Afines (APHIA)
ISSN: 2218-6425 impreso / ISSN: 1995-1043 on line
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Antonio Mataresio Antonucci , Ricardo Massato Takemoto , Fernanda Menezes França ,
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Patrícia CoelhoTeixeira & Cláudia Maris Ferreira
Suggested citation: Antonucci, AM, Takemoto, RM, França, FM, Teixeira, PC & Ferreira, CM. 2012. Longibucca catesbeianae
(Nematoda: Cylindrocorporidae) of the bullfrog Lithobates catesbeianus (Anura: Amphibia) from frog farms in the state of São
Paulo, Brazil. Neotropical Helminthology, vol. 6, nº1, pp. 75 - 83.
Most parasites represent a serious socioeconomic problem, because they affect pets, commercially raised,
wild, and zoonotic animals. Weight loss, growth retardation, predisposition to other diseases and death are
symptoms presented by the parasitized animals. The aim of this study was to evaluate the helminth fauna in
bull-frog Lithobates catesbeianus raised for sale. We worked with five frog farms in the Vale do Paraíba, São
Paulo, Brazil, and examined a total of 185 animals. The autopsies were performed, and all bodies that may
have parasites were examined. Diagnostic parasitology tests were also performed. We found one species of
nematode, Longibucca catesbeianae, with a prevalence of 1.7%, mean abundance of 14.16 and an average
intensity of 850 (with a range of 729 to 1014). Given that most studies of parasitology in amphibians is
conducted in free-living animals, more research on frogs in captivity should be performed to better understand
these pests and prevent future problems in the operations frog farm.
Key words: Bullfrog – infection - Lithobates catesbeianus – Nematode - parasite - Rana catesbeiana.
Palabras clave: Infección – Lithobates catesbeianus - Nematodos - parasitos, rana-toro - Rana catesbeiana.
La mayoría de los parásitos representan un problema socioeconómico grave, porque afectan a las mascotas, a
los animales criados para la venta y a los animales salvajes, y algunos también son zoonóticos. La pérdida de
peso, retraso del crecimiento, la predisposición a otras enfermedades y la muerte son los síntomas presentados
por los animales parasitados. El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar la helmintofauna en la rana-toro
Lithobates catesbeianus criada para la venta. Se trabajó con cinco granjas de rana en el Vale do Paraíba, São
Paulo, Brasil, y se examinaron un total de 185 animales. Las necropsias se realizaron, y todos los órganos que
pueden tener parásitos fueron examinados. Exámenes de diagnóstico coproparasitológico también fueron
realizados. Se encontró una sola espécie de nematodo y se identificó como Longibucca catesbeianae, con una
prevalencia de 1,7%, abundancia media de 14,16 y una intensidad media de 850 (con un rango de 729 a 1.014).
Teniendo en cuenta que la mayoría de los estudios de parasitología en los anfibios se llevan a cabo en animales
de vida libre, más investigación en ranas en cautiverio se debe realizar con el fin de comprender mejor a estos
parásitos y evitar futuros problemas en las operaciones comerciales de granjas de rana.
1Laboratório de Ictiopatologia, NUPELIA, Universidade Estadual de Maringá, PR, Brazil. Avenida Colombo, 5790 - Bloco G90 - CEP 87020-900 - Maringá –
Paraná. Fone: (44) 3261-4642; (44)99503810 - Fax: (44) 3261-4625
2 Instituto de Pesca, APTA, SAA.-Av. Francisco Matarazzo, 455. São Paulo, SP, Brazil.
3 Centro de Aqüicultura da Universidade Estadual de São Paulo, Jaboticabal, São Paulo, Brazil.
Antonucci et al.
Longibucca catesbeianae the bullfrog Lithobates catesbeianus
The American bullfrog (Rana catesbeiana
Shaw, 1802), recently reclassified as Lithobates
catesbeianus Frost et al., 2006, was introduced
in Brazil in the 1930s from specimens brought
from Canada and was established in a frog farm
known as Ranário Aurora in the state of Rio de
Janeiro (Ferreira et al., 2002). Until the 1970s,
the frog rearing and fattening tanks were called
multiple tanks, in which various types of food
were offered, such as slaughterhouse leftovers to
attract insects (flies) with developing larvae for
attracting frogs. However, the unpleasant odor
caused a negative impact on production that
culminated in the development of several other
systems of rearing and fattening.
Notwithstanding the existence of a full range of
rearing structures, Brazilian producers typically
modify or mix systems so as to adapt these
structures for a variety of purposes, giving rise to
the so-called hybrid systems (Teixeira et al.,
2001; Ferreira et al., 2002). Currently, frog
farming in Brazil constitutes an alternative
agroindustrial enterprise, particularly to
producers with restricted area availability, due to
its minimal space requirements (Dias et al.,
2008, 2009).
Large concentrations of animals constitute a
factor favoring the emergence of disease through
the inherent creation of a favorable environment
for epizootic outbreaks due to the presence of
different pathogens that, under natural
conditions, would have a minimal presence
(Pavanelli et al., 2002). According to Hipolito
(2004), most parasites do not cause the death of
the animal; however, they can seriously
compromise the host's development. Parasitism
includes actions in which one organism, the
parasite, is metabolically dependent on another,
the host, and depending on numerous factors,
may or may not cause damage leading to the
emergence of parasitic disease.
Many protozoa and metazoa found in
amphibians are not associated with disease
u n l e s s t h e h o s t i s s t r e s s e d o r
immunocompromised. Amphibians most
susceptible to parasitism are those that are newly
captured, transported or maintained under poor
hygienic conditions and outside of their optimal
thermal zone of activity (Wright & Whitaker,
2008). According to these authors, the parasites
with an indirect life cycle tend to die if the
amphibian used as an intermediate or definitive
host is not in its native environment. With respect
to parasites with a direct life cycle, the infections
can be intensified in closed environments.
The main helminths with socioeconomic
interest, due to their high prevalence in domestic
and wild animals, belong to the phylum
Nemathelminthes, which includes nematodes,
and to the phylum Platyhelminthes, which
comprises cestodea, trematodea and monogenea
(Almeida & Ayres, 1996). According to Fagonde
Costa (2005), most nematodes produce adverse
effects that are dependent on the parasite load in
the animal. Thus, the mere presence of some
worms does not indicate that the hosts are being
harmed. The pathological action of the parasite
depends on the affected organ, perforating
injuries, parasitism intensity and secondary
bacterial contamination (Hipolito, 2004).
The study of parasitic diseases that affect
amphibians in captivity is still incipient. Within
the specialized literature, articles are mainly
restricted to case references and surveys of the
prevalence of parasites, with few studies on the
parasite-host relationship. A review by Hipolito
(2004) catalogued the occurrence of infestation
by crustaceans (Lernaea cyprinacea
Linnaeu,1758), insects (myiasis caused by the
Notochaeta sp. fly larva), acanthocephala and
nematodes, such as Longibucca catesbeianae
Souza Junior, Artigas & Martins, 1993, in Brazil.
In the international literature, rare cases of
infestation by nematodes have been referenced,
and include infestations by Eustrongylides sp,
Neotrop. Helminthol., 6(1), 2012
which is considered a zoonotic parasite and has
been found encysted in the muscles of farmed
bullfrogs in Cuitzeo Lake, Mexico (Lezama &
Sarabia, 2001).
The aim of this study was to understand the
possible parasitoses suffered by commercially
raised bullfrogs in the State of São Paulo and to
assess the sanitary conditions of farms.
The helminthofauna survey was performed in
five frog farms in different municipalities in
the region of Vale do Paraíba, São Paulo,
Brazil. These frog farms were designated A, B,
C, D and E, and this region was chosen for
having the largest number of active frog farms
in the state.
We collected 36 apparently healthy bullfrogs
(L. catesbeianus) from each property, for a
total of 180 individuals, between March and
June 2008. The post-metamorphosis animals
were collected randomly and redistributed in
the laboratory into three groups of 12 animals
each, according to their stage of development
within the frog farm rearing (Lima &
Agostinho, 1992).
Five wild bullfrogs (invaders) were also
collected from the dependencies of frog farm
B (dam) that inhabited this site in the absence
of any husbandry, sanitation or food control.
The frogs were taken to the Pathology
Laboratory of Aquatic Organisms of the
Fisheries Institute in São Paulo, where they
remained in vivaria adapted for bullfrogs
(Bueno-Guimarães, 1999) for a maximum of
four days. The water was changed daily, and
the animals were force-fed with extruded feed
containing 40% crude protein.
Prior to sacrifice, the animals were
anesthetized by hypothermia and inspected to
detect any injury or ectoparasites.
Subsequently, they were desensitized and
sacrificed by medullar section and bleeding at
the level of the atlas vertebra in the cervical
region, using methods described by Cornel
University (2005) that eliminate suffering.
Necropsies were performed on newly
sacrificed animals under a stereoscopic
microscope, via an incision made with scissors
starting at the cloaca, exposing the entire
coelomic cavity and viscera. All organs likely
to be parasitized were removed and observed
separately in Petri dishes. The oral cavity and
tongue were also observed.
The gastric and intestinal contents were
isolated for further analysis, and a portion of
the final third of the intestine was used for
copro-parasitological examination. This
examination followed the Ritchie method for
detection of helminth eggs and possible
protozoa (Figueira de Mello, 1973).
Additionally, we used another method to
detect helminth eggs with lighter densities,
using a sucrose-saturated solution
(density=1.203) instead of water. In this
centrifugal flotation method, similar to that of
Ritchie, ether was not used (Figueira de Mello,
The gastric mucosa and the anterior portion of
the intestine were scraped with a spatula and
the scrapings placed on a glass slide with a
cover slip for detection of parasites by light
microscopy (Souza Junior et al., 1993).
The helminths found were collected and fixed
in 4% formaldehyde heated to approximately
65°C, according to Eiras et al. (2006), and
taken to the NUPELIA Ictioparasitology
Laboratory (Research Nucleus in Limnology,
Ichthyology and Aquaculture) at Maringá
State University - UEM (Universidade
Estadual de Maringá) for identification. The
helminths were dehydrated in a series of
Antonucci et al.
Longibucca catesbeianae the bullfrog Lithobates catesbeianus
alcohol baths and cleared with beech wood
creosote, and the slide was mounted with
Canada balsam. The identification of parasite
specimens was performed using an optical
microscope at a magnification of 1000x and by
comparing what was observed with figures
presented in the literature (Souza Junior et al.,
Parasite counting was performed on the
McMaster chamber used in clinical laboratories
for the quantification of helminth eggs
(Nascimento et al., 2009). Given that each
reading field of the camera carries a volume of
0.15 mL and that the camera has two fields, the
number of helminths found could be
approximated. The liquid containing the
parasites was homogenized, and three different
readings of the same host were made, recording
parasite counts and chamber volume. The total
volume of formaldehyde with helminths was
determined using a measuring cylinder. With
this total volume and using a simple rule of three,
the total volume of formaldehyde in which the
helminths were fixed was used to estimate the
total number of parasites. Calculations of
amplitude, incidence, prevalence and parasite
abundance followed the protocols proposed by
Bush et al. (1997).
The only helminth found was the nematode
Longibucca catesbeianae described by Souza
Junior et al. (1993). This is a small nematode
measuring 520-707 µm that is usually located in
the gastric mucosa, although it can also be found
in the intestinal mucosa.
Among the five frog farms examined, only two
presented parasitized animals, and even then,
not all individuals were infested (low
prevalence). Only one frog originating from frog
farm D and two frogs from frog farm E exhibited
infestation by L. catesbeianae in the stomach,
indicating a prevalence of 1.66%, a mean
abundance of 14.16%, an average intensity of
850 parasites and an amplitude of 729-1014
parasites for all captive animals studied.
The infected animal from frog farm D weighed
357.1 g, making it the largest in the group, and
according to farm reports, it was an animal from
an older lot, above the normal age and weight for
slaughter. In frog farm E, parasitized frogs
weighed 201.4 g and 167.7 g, the former being
the largest of the group and the latter of
intermediate weight; both were within the
normal weight and age for the frog fattening
sector of commercial frog farming (Ferreira et
al., 2002).
The three parasitized animals presented worms
only in the stomach that were adhered to the
gastric mucosa. The other viscera and cavities
did not show any lesions or structures suggestive
of parasite fixation or migration, indicating that
the animals were kept under appropriate
husbandry conditions (Fontanello et al., 1993).
The coproparasitology methods used did not
reveal helminth eggs or protozoan cysts in the
fecal samples analyzed.
The fact that larger animals are more highly
parasitized may be due to a cumulative effect
because these are, theoretically, the older
animals such that they have had more
opportunities to acquire parasites.
According to Measures (1994), the genus
Longibucca was described in the 1930s in four
species of bats in North America. The same study
proposed that two of the nematode species,
namely, Longibucca eptesica and Longibucca
lasiura, are synonymous. The genus Longibucca
has also been described in South American
snakes, such as the Muçuranas, Pseudoboa
Neotrop. Helminthol., 6(1), 2012
cloelia and Clelia clelia Daudin, 1803,
according to Souza Junior et al. (1993). The
presence of L. catesbeianae causes gastric and
intestinal lesions, bleeding and apathy in the
hosts (Hipolito, 2004). However, this was not
observed in this study.
The invading individuals showed a higher
prevalence of parasites than did animals in farms
D and E, which can be explained by the both the
adoption of appropriate sanitary and feed
management in farmed animals (Fontanello et
al.,1993) and by the greater possibilities for
parasite cycle completion in the natural
Campos et al. (2007) and Tavares-Dias et al.,
(2001), found no significant differences between
the total parasite count and the count performed
using a McMaster chamber, indicating the
efficiency of this technique. These procedures to
identify parasites, eggs and cysts in live animals
need to be standardized and validated for aquatic
organisms to avoid the sacrifice of animals and
facilitate the collection of material.
Few studies in Brazil have described parasites
affecting the commercially bred bullfrog, L.
catesbeianus. One of these studies was the re-
description of the nematode Gyrinicola
chabaudi Araujo & Artigas, 1982, collected in
the gastrointestinal tract of tadpoles from a
nursery (Souza Junior & Martins, 1996).
Another study was conducted in Mexico on
skeletal muscle injuries of bullfrogs
commercially raised in the Cuitzeo Lake, and
reported the presence of the zoonotic nematode
Eustrongylides sp, whose larvae not only cause
injury but can also encyst (Lezama & Sarabia,
2001). These authors corroborate the relevance
of the objective of this study of parasites in frogs
with commercial importance that are primarily
destined for human consumption, given that
these can harbor zoonotic parasites such as those
mentioned above.
Most reports on amphibian parasites are
performed on wild animals that have been
collected from ecological reserves, parks and
other locations (McAlpine & Burt, 1998; Bursey
& William, 1998). Invading frog farm
amphibians in close proximity to the farmed
bullfrogs were captured and analyzed for the
observation of existing parasites (Souza Junior
& Martins, 1996; Souza Junior et al., 1993).
McAlpine & Burt (1998), while conducting a
field study in New Brunswick, Canada, collected
Rana catesbeiana, R. clamitans Latreille, 1801
and R. pipiens Schreber,1782 and observed four
species of cestodes, 14 species of digeneans, five
species of nematodes and two species of
Acanthocephala. Similar work performed by
Brusey & Willian (1998) in Ohio, USA,
described, in bullfrogs, the digenean
Haematoloechus longiplexus Stafford, 1902 and
nematode Rhabdias ranae Walton,1929 in the
lung, the cestode Ophiotaenia gracilis Jones,
Cheng and Gillespie, 1958 in the small intestine,
the nematode Cosmocercoides variabilis
Harwood, 1930 in the large intestine,
Physaloptera sp Rudolphi, 1919 nematode
larvae in the stomach and the nematode
Gyrinicola batrachiensis Walton, 1929 in
bullfrog tadpole intestines.
Pryor & Bjorndal (2005) hatched bullfrog eggs
in the laboratory for subsequent studies of the
effects of the nematode Gyrinicola batrachiensis
on the development of tadpoles after
experimental infestation. They concluded that
the relationship between these animals is one of
mutualism because intestinal development and
fermentation are favored in the presence of
In a survey of wild bullfrog parasites,
Marcogliese et al., (2000) described the
occurrence of digeneans of the genus
Diplostomum sp Nordmann, 1832 in bullfrog
tadpoles inhabiting the St. Lawrence River in the
region of Quebec, Canada. Studies were also
performed to assess intra-specific variation of
Antonucci et al.
Longibucca catesbeianae the bullfrog Lithobates catesbeianus
the digenean Haematoloechus floedae
Harwood, 1832, collected from the lungs of wild
amphibians of the genus Rana in North and
Central America (León-Règagnon et al., 2005).
Yildirimhan et al., (2006) referenced the
infestation of the urinary bladder of Rana
macrocnemis Boulenger, 1885 by monogenea
Polystoma macrocnemis Vaucher, 1990 and also
described the presence of digenea,
acanthocephala and nematoda in these frogs. All
these studies show that L. catesbeianus are
susceptible to infestation by helminths,
especially in the wild, because the completion of
the parasite cycle can occur under these
Distinct biological and ecological
characteristics between hosts generate
differences in the exposure and rates of
infection/infestation, as well as differences in
the degree of post-infection compatibility and
susceptibility (Guidelli et al., 2006). In most
cases, the host possesses genetic and
immunological mechanisms against helminths
because most of the immunological processes
are under genetic control. Antibodies mainly act
against helminths located on the mucosa of the
digestive tract. With the evolution of
relationships between parasites and hosts,
helminths have evolved mechanisms to evade
the immune system that are essential for their
survival and proliferation (Araujo & Madruga,
The host animal has several immunological
mechanisms against pathogens, infectious
agents and parasites. Natural protective barriers,
such as the skin, secretions and various
biologically active substances, must be
overcome by these agents. Helminths can
overcome all these barriers (Soares, 2001).
Hipolito (2004) reported that in a survey of
producers, most stated that they had adopted
preventive measures. In the questionnaire
administered to producers in this study, they
stated that such measures, such as invader
control and daily bay cleaning, were performed.
However, the use of medication as a preventive
measure was inappropriately reported and
observed in three of the frog farms visited. At
two of the facilities, water quality control was
not observed and crossed other locations before
arriving at the farm. In all frog farms, domestic
animals had access to the bullfrog-fattening
enclosure, and there was no site for cleaning of
employee shoes and clothes. Only one farm used
an effluent settling pond before effluent was
released into the stream.
Studies should be conducted to clarify the L.
catesbeianae life cycle because the invading
animals, which lacked sanitation or food control,
were much more highly parasitized. The
parasite/host relationship must also be better
elucidated because one can assume that
bullfrogs, an exotic species in Brazil, are
resistant to most existing parasites, as is the case
for other introduced and farmed animals.
Even though the prophylactic and preventive
measures were not ideal for biosecurity in the
frog farms assessed, these measures proved
effective because there was a low incidence of
infections by helminths and other parasites. Only
one nematode species was found to be infecting
the bullfrogs, and this infection occurred with
low prevalence.
To the frog breeders, who kindly provided the
animals for the development of the study. To
NUPÉLIA, for providing the structure and
support for the analysis of the collected material
and to CAPES, for the awarded fellowship.
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Author for correspondence / Autor para
Antonio Mataresio Antonucci
Laboratório de Ictiopatologia, NUPELIA,
Universidade Estadual de Maringá, PR, Brazil.
Avenida Colombo, 5790 - Bloco G90 - CEP 87020-
900 - Maringá Paraná.
Fone:(44) 3261-4642; (44)99503810 - FAX: (44)
E-mail / correo electrónico:
Received January 23, 2012.
Accepted February 15, 2012.