Neotrop. Helminthol., 7(1), 2013
2013 Asociación Peruana de Helmintología e Invertebrados Afines (APHIA)
ISSN: 2218-6425 impreso / ISSN: 1995-1043 on line
Suggested citation: Zelada-Castro, H, Rodríguez-Borda, J, Flores-Liñan, H, León-Manco, J, Wetzel, EJ & CárdenasCallirgos, J.
Neotropical Helminthology, vol. 7, N°1, jan-jun, pp. 155 - 166.
1 Alberto Hurtado School of Medicine. Cayetano Heredia Peruvian University. Av. Honorio Delgado 430, Urb. Ingeniería, S.M.P. Lima - Peru.
E-mail: henryzc86@hotmail.com
2 Alberto Cazorla Talleri School of Sciences and Philosophy. Cayetano Heredia Peruvian University. Av. Honorio Delgado 430, Urb. Ingeniería, S.M.P. Lima -
Peru. E-mail: hugo.flores@upch.pe
3 Department of Biology, Wabash College, Crawfordsville, IN 47933, Indiana, USA. E-mail: wetzele@wabash.edu
4 Invertebrate Laboratory. Museum of Natural History. Biological Sciences School. Ricardo Palma University. Av. Benavides 5440, Lima 33, Peru.
E-mail: jmcardenasc@gmail.com
1 1 2 2 3
Henry Zelada – Castro , Jenny Rodríguez - Borda , Hugo Flores - Liñan , Jorge León - Manco , Eric J. Wetzel & Jorge
Cárdenas - Callirgos
Un estudio coproparasitológico a la población dedicada a la pesca artesanal del Terminal Pesquero de
Chorrillos, Provincia de Lima, Perú, se llevó a cabo con el objetivo de determinar la prevalencia de
enteroparasitosis y su relación con la actividad pesquera. Muestras coprológicas fueron examinadas
por el método de Ritchie y la técnica de sedimentación espontánea en tubo. La prevalencia de
enteroparasitosis fue del 68%. El único protozoo patógeno encontrado fue Giardia intestinalis
(sinónimo de G. lamblia) (Lambl, 1859) Kofoid & Christiansen, 1915, con una prevalencia del 16%,
después los helmintos mencionados Hymenolepis nana (Culbertson, 1.940) y Ascaris lumbricoides
(Linnaeus, 1758), tanto con una prevalencia de 4%. Si bien entre los parásitos comensales se encontró
a Endolimax nana (Wenyon & O'Connor, 1917), llegando a 40%, seguido de Entamoeba coli (Grassi,
1879) con 28% y, finalmente, Iodamoeba butschlii (Prowazek, 1911) con 4%, se recomienda
implementar estrategias de educación para la salud y un seguimiento permanente.
Palabras clave: Giardia - enteroparasitismo - Chorrillos - pescadores - factores de riesgo.
A fecal parasitological study of the population performing artisanal fishing of Terminal Pesquero de
Chorrillos (Fishing Terminal of Chorrillos), Province of Lima, Peru, was conducted aiming at
determining the prevalence of endoparasites and their relationship with fishing activity. Fecal samples
were examined by the Ritchie's Method and the Spontaneous Sedimentation in Tube Technique. The
prevalence of endoparasites was 68%. The only pathogenic protozoa found was Giardia intestinalis
(syn. G. lamblia) (Lambl, 1859) Kofoid & Christiansen, 1915 with a 16% prevalence. The helminth
parasites found included Hymenolepis nana (Culbertson, 1940) and Ascaris lumbricoides (Linnaeus,
1758), both with a 4% prevalence. Commensal parasites found included Endolimax nana (Wenyon &
O´Connor, 1917) at a prevalence reaching 40%, followed by Entamoeba coli (Grassi, 1879) with 28%
and finally Iodamoeba butschlii (Prowazek, 1911) with 4%, it is recommended to implement health
education strategies and a permanent monitoring.
Keywords: Giardia - enteroparasitism - Chorrillos - fishermen - risk factors.
Parasitic disease in artisanal fishermen Zelada-Casto et al.
Gastrointestinal parasitic disease is common in
our environment mostly due to the deficiencies
in our health system (Contreras et al., 1993) and
the cultural habits of the population, especially
of those living in poor conditions and who
cannot access an adequate health system,
additionally to the environmental characteristics
promoting the transmission of etiologic agents
(Apt, 1987). The access to drinking water
services, an efficient excretion removal system
and a right per capita income, additionally to the
population literacy rate, are characteristics
determining the socio-economic level of the
population and are related to the human
infection with gastrointestinal helminths
(Mehraj et al., 2008).
Human communities dedicated to fishing
activities present socio-cultural aspects
determining the transmission of protozoa and
helminths, especially for those getting oral
transmission through water and contaminated
food and this due to the human behavior habits
which are directly related to the epidemiology of
parasitic infections, such as the case of
contamination due to cysts of Giardia sp. and
oocysts of Cryptosporidium spp., which when
transmitted by fecal contamination cause
diarrhea in the population exposed to a
contaminated environment due to the lack of
access to drinking water services (Macpherson,
2005). This health approach with multifactor
impacts, including environmental, cultural and
social factors, all of them subject to continuous
changes due to the dynamic of the current human
development (Petney, 2001), may be grouped
under the title of poverty ecology, indicating a
context where food safety, health infrastructure
and a comprehensive educational proposal must
be considered (Stillwaggon, 2006) preferably
with the most vulnerable human groups, such as
children (Holland et ál., 1988) and women
(Brabin & Brabin, 1992) and where food habits,
the relationship with the wild fauna and the
ecological characteristics of the marine coastal
ecosystem play a fundamental role in the
transmission of helminthic zoonoses (Cárdenas-
Callirgos, 2012).
INTRODUCTION Based on the aforementioned, the objective of
this study was established, that is, to conduct a
coproparasitological study in part of the port
population of the Fishing Terminal of Chorrillos
dedicated to artisanal fishing and its likely
relationship to marine helminthic zoonoses
transmitted due to the consumption of marine
products, considering the fishing community as
a risk population since their diet, especially on
the high seas, is based on fish, cephalopods and
marine crustaceans (Cárdenas Callirgos,
2010); thus, it was expected to find helminth
eggs of parasites developed in the
gastrointestinal tract until reaching sexual
maturity and thus ovoposit. Also, possibly in
some larvae or immature stages, helminthes
cannot adhere themselves to the digestive tract
and thus they cannot sexually develop and are
removed with feces. But also, in some other
cases, helminths get to migrate to other organs
and; therefore, it is necessary to diagnose
through serological or surgical methods
(Tantaleán, 1994; Cabrera & Trillo
Altamirano, 2004; Cárdenas – Callirgos, 2010),
where we shall also consider that in the case of
fish collected in Chorrillos, it was previously
reported several helminthic larvae with zoonotic
potential and that become into risk factor for the
population of the city of Lima who consume
them without the previous cooking (Tantaleán &
Huiza, 1994; Zelada Castro et al., 2008).
The study zone was the Fishing Terminal of
Chorrillos located in the District of Chorrillos in
Lima, Peru (12°11'33"S 77°0'23"W) , where the
inhabitants dedicated to artisanal fishing, for
several generations now, sell fresh marine
products, providing such products to several
zones of Lima, particularly to the inhabitants of
the neighboring districts. Prior to the collection
of the fecal sample, meetings and talks to raise
awareness were conducted, which were
addressed to the members of José Olaya
Fishermen's Association and to their relatives. In
these meetings, voluntary participants were
registered who signed an Informed Consent
Neotrop. Helminthol., 7(1), 2013
where they agreed on their participation in the
study. Therefore, we worked with a randomized
and representative population sample (n = 50)
throughout all seasons of 2007. Human
coproparasitological exams were conducted by
using the direct method with saline and Lugol's
solution and two concentration techniques: The
Ritchie's Method and the Spontaneous
S e d i m e n t a t i o n i n Tu b e Te c h n i q u e
(Concentration Technique by Sedimentation
with no Centrifugation) as per the methods
standardized previously (Navone et al., 2005).
The prevalence of parasitic infection was based
on the number of individuals parasitized by the
number of sampled individuals.
No marine origin helminthic zoonoses were
observed in the results given, although the
presence of other parasitic agents, some with a
probable zoonotic origin, confirms fecal
contamination of possible animal and human
origin in water and food. In Table 1, it is
observed how the six species of parasites
reported are equally distributed presenting a
high prevalence especially for those considered
non pathogenic, where the most prevalent
parasite is Endolimax nana (Wenyon &
O´Connor, 1917) reaching 40%, followed by
Entamoeba coli (Grassi, 1879) with 28% and
finally by Iodamoeba butschlii (Prowazek,
1911) with 4% among the protozoan commensal
parasites. In the case of the pathogens, the most
prevalent was Giardia intestinalis (syn. G.
lamblia) (Lambl, 1859) Kofoid & Christiansen,
1915 with 16% prevalence, followed by
helminths named Hymeno l e p i s nana
(Culbertson, 1940) and Ascaris lumbricoides
(Linnaeus, 1758), both with a 4% prevalence,
observing, in conclusion, that the population
studied reaches a global parasitism equal to
In Table 2, we may observe that helminths are
only parasitizing female population, while in the
three parasites shared by both genders; it was
observed that men present higher prevalence,
although in the total count, women present a
higher prevalence in global parasitism with
respect to men despite of being represented on a
lower degree.
Table 1. Distribution of enteric species according to their pathogenicity in 50 fishermen of the Fishing Terminal of
Chorrillos, Lima, Peru, 2007 (*).
Etiologic Agent Number of Individuals Parasitized Prevalence (%)
Pathogenic Parasites:
Giardia intestinalis
Hymenolepis nana
Ascaris lumbricoides
Non-Pathogenic or Commensal Parasites:
Entamoeba coli
Endolimax nana
Iodamoeba butschlii
Negative 16 32
Total Parasitized Individuals 34 68
(*) Parasites were divided according to their pathogenicity following the naming conventions of the CDC (Center for Disease
Control and Prevention), USA (Alarcón et al, 2010).
Table 2. Enteroparasitism in the Fishing Terminal of Chorrillos, Lima, Peru, 2007: Prevalence of enteroparasitosis
according to the type of etiologic agent and gender.
Etiologic Agent
Prevalence in Men (N)
Prevalence in Women (N)
(n = 32) % (n = 18) %
Entamoeba coli
22.22 (4)
Endolimax nana
43.75 (14)
33.33 (6)
Iodamoeba butschlii
11.11 (2)
Giardia intestinalis
18.75 (6)
11.11 (2)
Hymenolepis nana
11.11 (2)
Ascaris lumbricoides
11.11 (2)
37.5 (12)
22.22 (4)
Total Parasitized Individuals 62.5 (20) 77.77 (14)
We may observe in the comparison conducted in
Table 3 that the parasitic richness (number of
parasitic species) of the coastal population
assessed in the group of studies mentioned
equals 22 species distributed in 11 protozoa and
11 helminths (without considering the report of
Taenia sp., where the species are not included
and considering the two species of hookworms:
Necator americanus (Stiles, 1902) and
Ancylostoma duodenale (Dubini, 1843) even
though these cannot be distinguished in the
coprological test).
In almost all of the cases (unless for A.
lumbricoides), our study presents the lowest
prevalence compared to that previously
reported. Some parasites have not been reported
in our study, but the works conducted confirm
their presence in the Peruvian coast, such as
protozoan called: Entamoeba histolytica
(Schaudinn, 1903) / E. dispar Brumpt, 1925;
Chilomastix mesnili (Wenyon 1910) Alexieieff,
1912; Pentatrichomonas hominis (syn.
Trichomonas hominis) (Davaine, 1860)
Wenrich, 1931; Enteromonas hominis da
Fonseca, 1915; Cystoisospora belli (syn.
Isospora belli) (Railliet & Lucet, 1891) Wenyon,
1923; Balantidium coli (Malmstein, 1857) and
Blastocystis hominis Brumpt, 1912; as well as
helminths called Hymenolepis diminuta
(Rudolphi, 1819); Diphyllobothrium pacificum
(Nybelin, 1931); Taenia solium Linnaeus, 1758;
Taenia saginata Goeze, 1782; Trichuris
trichiura Linnaeus, 1771; Strongyloides
stercoralis Bavay, 1876 and Enterobius
vermicularis Linnaeus, 1758. These studies
were selected since these included a wide range
of parasitic agents, including normally
protozoan parasites, and since these were
conducted with coastal populations presenting
e n v i r o n m e n t a l a n d s o c i o e c o n o m i c
characteristics similar to the target population in
our study. This is even the only one study
dedicated only to helminthiasis in the District of
Chorrillos, in Lima.
Parasitic disease in artisanal fishermen Zelada-Casto et al.
Neotrop. Helminthol., 7(1), 2013
Table 3. Comparative prevalence chart (%) of enteroparasitism in the different human populations of the coastal
zone of Lima, Peru, based on previously published studies (n = number of patients examined).
Current Study
Iannacone & Alvariño (*)
Contreras et al.
Tantaleán & Atencia
Chorrillos 2007
Ventanilla 1993 IMT - UNMSM 1993
= 72) (**)
= 143) (**)
= 912)
Entamoeba coli
Entamoeba histolytica/
E. dispar
Endolimax nana
Iodamoeba butschlii
Chilomastix mesnili
Pentatrichomonas hominis
Enteromonas hominis
Giardia intestinalis
Cystoisospora belli
Balantidium coli
Blastocystis hominis
Hymenolepis nana
Hymenolepis diminuta
Diphyllobothrium pacificum -
Taenia sp.
Taenia solium
Taenia saginata
Ascaris lumbricoides
Trichuris trichiura
Strongyloides stercoralis
Enterobius vermicularis
(*) This study only focused on helminthic infection.
(**) These studies are only based on pediatric population.
Finally, Table 4 shows the community structure
of protozoan and metazoan parasites present in
the human population studied where a certain
similarity with one of the few studies conducted
in artisanal fishermen is discerned, that is to say,
the study conducted in the southern coast of
Peru, in Chala, Arequipa, that even though it
presents 4 non-reported species in our study,
both human populations share 4 protozoan
species and 1 helminthic species. Also, it shall be
mentioned that we had a very similar number of
Table 4. Comparative prevalence chart (%) of Enteroparasitism in two artisanal fishermen's populations in the coast
of Peru (n = number of patients examined).
Etiologic Agent Current Study Sisniegas et al. (1997)
Chala - Arequipa
(n = 54)
Entamoeba coli 28 54.76
Entamoeba histolytica -
Endolimax nana 40 26.19
Iodamoeba butschlii 4 16.66
Chilomastix mesnili - 9.52
Trichomonas hominis
Giardia intestinalis
Hymenolepis nana
Diphyllobothrium pacificum
Ascaris lumbricoides
Total Parasitized Individuals
As it has been previously stated, very few
researches have been conducted on the
prevalence of parasitic diseases in the artisanal
fishermen's communities. In Table 4, details of
the study conducted in Chala, Arequipa are
presented, where the similarity between the
structures of both parasitic communities would
be related since the human population dedicated
to fishing activity is subjected to the same health
conditions despite the distance of both localities.
Thus, the handling of food would be a
determining factor for understanding the
relevance of the parasitic diseases reported
(Villegas et al., 2012). The research focused on
the assessment of the presence of
diphyllobothriasis, a parasite that could not be
found in this study despite the wide distribution
in the Peruvian coastal population that is used to
consuming raw or semi-raw fish, especially as a
daily food for artisanal fishermen. That is a risk
behavior due to the imminent danger it
represents for people who may be infected with
larvae of zoonotic helminths and even more in
the population of Chorrillos, who participated in
this research. Also, no signs of marine origin
zoonotic infection were found. Particularly, no
cestode infections from the Diphyllobothridae
family were present, which was actually found
in a study conducted in a school population of
Chorrillos (Table 3), where the presence of four
helminths not found in this study was reported
and this probably due to the use of different
diagnostic techniques and since pediatric
population is more sensitive to helminthiasis. In
this same work line, a research was conducted in
family groups of the coastal population of
Riñihue Lake in Chile for assessing the possible
impact of the educational work in the seasonal
distribution due to the presence of human
diphyllobothriasis and its presence in fresh
water fish belonging to this lake related to
gender, size and diet of host fish (Torres et al.,
1998). Finally, in other places, such as in Egypt,
one of the few studies published in human
communities dedicated to the fishing activities
was conducted. This study aimed at assessing
the presence of heterophyiasis (related to several
species of zoonotic trematodes) in tilapias
looking for metacercariae encysted in fish,
finding a prevalence of 13.3% of eggs
characteristic of the Heterophyidae group. Also,
a statistically significant positive co-
Parasitic disease in artisanal fishermen Zelada-Casto et al.
Neotrop. Helminthol., 7(1), 2013
relationship was found between the fishing
activity and heterophyidae in the population
studied (Lobna et al., 2010).
As it may be observed in Table 1, G. intestinalis
presents 16% prevalence and this flagellum,
parasitizing duodenum, jejunum and the top part
of ileum in human beings, is easily transmitted
from person to person, although it may also be a
zoonosis considering as a reservoir a wide range
of domestic and wild mammals (Roberts &
Janovy, 2005), this being mostly reported in
dogs in Lima (Zarate et al., 2003) and of Callao
(Araujo et al., 2004). The presence of this
parasite was inspected based on the possible
relationship between dogs and kids (Pablo et al.,
2012). This pathogenic parasite was followed in
terms of prevalence by H. nana with 4%, the
only one cestode that during its life cycle, the
intermediary host is optional and where
domestic mice and rats may act as reservoirs
(Roberts & Janovy, 2005); also, its prevalence in
Lima is 5.95% and for the Peruvian coast is
9.95% (Cabrera, 2003), which is higher than that
found in this study. Also, this helminth has been
related in Peru to symptoms such as
constipation, hyporexia and abdominal pain,
finding a statistical significance (p<0.05) only
when relating the presence of the parasite to
diarrhea and not with the rest of the mentioned
symptoms (Romaní et al., 2005). A.
lumbricoides is reported with the same
prevalence, which in the Province of Lima is
6.23% and in the Peruvian coast is 6.58%, being
Oxapampa the province with the highest
prevalence (64.32%) and the Low Jungle being
the geographical region with the highest
prevalence (45.30%) as well, calculating a
national prevalence of 14.5% (Cabrera, 2003).
Finally, its transmission is related to the fecal
contamination and environmental pollution due
to dogs that are sensitive to the infection and
where chicken play an important role since they
act as a paratenic host. Similarly, cockroaches
may transport and disseminate eggs (Roberts &
Janovy, 2005). This verme has important
economic implications for human population,
presenting a negative effect in growth and the
use of nutrients in undernourished children is
associated to intestinal obstruction and other
surgical emergencies endangering life and
causing the need of treatment. This generating
the need of an efficient healthcare system and
expenses for the relatives due to the disease
treatment (Stephenson, 1984).
Among the commensals found in Table 1, E.
nana was the most prevalent parasite with 40%.
This ameba lives in the human large intestine,
mainly close to the cecum and feeds on bacteria.
Although it is not pathogenic, its presence
indicates there is the possibility of colonization
of the host by pathogenic parasites (Roberts &
Janovy, 2005); E. coli presents a 28%
prevalence, this non-pathogenic ameba is more
common than E. histolytica due to its greater
capacity of surviving putrefaction and its
presence is an indicator of health level and the
efficacy of water treatment system (Roberts &
Janovy, 2005); finally, I. butschlii may infect the
large intestine (mainly the area of the cecum
where it feeds from intestinal flora of primates
and pigs), being considered a zoonosis (Roberts
& Janovy, 2005). To sum up, it is observed that
although they do not cause diseases to men,
commensal protozoa are good indicators of
fecal-oral contamination from food and water of
the population studied and of the lack of an
adequate personal hygiene. Thus, infections
inform us on the lack of hygiene in the handling
of water and food in the community of fishermen
of the Fishing Terminal of Chorrillos, presenting
a 68% prevalence of global parasitism, placing
ourselves in the scenario of a multi-parasitic
infection in a community composed of 6 species
of parasites, although probably due to the
number of patients examined and due to the
different techniques used, as well as due to the
socio-cultural risk factors affecting the
population and that may be differentiated from
the factors affecting the population examined in
the previous studies used for comparison as it is
shown in Table 3, it is observed that the
composition of parasitic communities in
previous studies indicates a higher number of
populations of parasitic helminths and protozoa;
therefore, we shall consider that several factors
may be influencing the structure of parasitic
communities, such as factors related to
individual hosts (age, anatomy, behavior, diet,
genetic basis, immune response, nutritional
condition, predisposition, physiological
condition, gender, size and social conditions), to
host populations (host social group size,
population density of the hosts, predator - prey
interactions, range of host species, sympatry
with other potential hosts and history), to
environmental characteristics (latitude, season
and habitat characteristics), to evolutionary
backgrounds (age of the species, co-evolution,
geographical barriers, key species, phylogeny of
the host and life cycle of parasites) and finally
considering stochastic factors (size of samples
of hosts, parasitic dispersion patterns,
opportunity and source communities). They
altogether influence on the opportunity of
parasites to infect a host individual (Petney &
Andrews, 1998). It has even been shown that
there is a relationship between the pathogenicity
of the infection and the genetic predisposition of
the human population exposed to the infection as
it has been shown in the studies conducted in
Sudan with respect to Schistosoma mansoni
Sambon 1907 (Dessein et al., 1999) and in ,
Nigeria with respect to A. lumbricoides (Holland
et al., 1992).
One of the factors mentioned is gender and as it
was previously mentioned in Table 2, it is
observed that the prevalence of female
parasitism is 77.77%, while in males it only
reaches 62.5%; therefore, we shall analyze the
factors related to differential parasitism between
different sex persons. Thus, a factor may have
subordinated factors conditioning it. In this case
we may consider the differences attributed to the
level of exposition in men and women to
etiologic agents, which are actually both
etiologic and immunological differences, even
when understanding the effects of sex in the
immune response of the host in its relationship
with the chemotherapy efficacy (Brabin &
Brabin, 1992).
If we analyze some factors influencing on the
presence/absence of certain intestinal parasites
and that may be relevant for the study, it shall be
mentioned that in several researches, the
possibility of a relationship between the
epidemiology of certain parasitic diseases and
the social and ecological factors has been
studied, a relationship that influences on the
target population daily life (Bhattacharya et al.,
1981), as in the case of the studies conducted in
some towns of Reunion Island where
environmental life conditions were assessed, as
well as weather conditions such as rainfall and
altitude, and cultural aspects, such as the diverse
daily habits of inhabitants related to a
differential composition of immigrants (Picot &
Benoist, 1975). Similarly, in a research
conducted in Peru, in Concepción, Puerto
Maldonado, Madre de Dios, 136 people were
parasitologically assessed observing the lack of
adequate hygienic standards, the environmental
characteristics of cultivation lands, the degree of
geographic isolation of family and the different
activities inhabitants conduct according to their
age and sex. These characteristics determine the
transmission patterns of helminthiasis reported
(Mc. Daniel et al., 1979). In Argentina, the
influence of some environmental factors on
parasitic infection was studied. This is a case
where variables such as the material of
construction of houses, the characteristics of
floors and the type of water service showed an
statistically significant association with the
presence of intestinal parasites (Basualdo et al.,
2007). In urban ecosystems, the consequences of
a poor health planning additionally to the
formation of slums and the migration
phenomenon from provinces to the capital, that
is to say, from rural areas to urban areas, causes
consequences such as inadequate houses,
unhealthy water, sewage and problems in waste
management, which encourages the
transmission of diverse infectious diseases,
especially in tropical countries where heavy rain
and a poor drainage system, if these actually
exist, contribute to the transmission of parasitic
disease through contaminated water. Therefore,
social inequality causes that poor population
become sensitive to diverse parasitic diseases
(Herbreteau, 2010). In this context, it is
important to determine in parasitological studies
the risk factors contributing to infection through
an adequate methodology (Alarcón et al., 2010)
and the use of ecological analysis tools in
Parasitic disease in artisanal fishermen Zelada-Casto et al.
Neotrop. Helminthol., 7(1), 2013
parasitological studies related to public health
(Iannacone et al., 2006).
As a final comment, it shall be mentioned that
control strategies over intestinal parasitic
diseases shall include a joint effort of
chemotherapy, health education, participative
community, basic sanitation, use of shoes and
epidemiological research, with an adequate
program of monitoring and assessment
(Albonico et al., 1999).
The authors would like to thank the financing
sources composed of the 2007 Francisco Tejada
and Semíramis Reátegui Medicine Promotion
Scholarship of Alberto Hurtado School of
Medicine of Cayetano Heredia Peruvian
University and NIH Fogarty International
Training & Research in Environmental &
Occupational Health (ITREOH) Project 2005 of
Emory University in partnership with Cayetano
Heredia Peruvian University. Similarly, we
would like to thank Manuel Tantaleán Vidaurre,
MD and Guillermo Leguía Puente, MD, from
the School of Veterinary Medicine and
Zootechnics of Cayetano Heredia Peruvian
University for their continuous support. Also,
we would like to thank Víctor La Noire, Manuel
lchez, Bertha Dioses, Melinna Raffael,
Paloma Alcázar, Mario Verano, Nancy Carlos,
Charlene Lujan, Bruno Ibañez, Nelly Mostajo
and Pablo Serna for their unselfish collaboration
throughout the project.
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Intestinal parasitoses and environmental
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Bhattacharya, SK, Mukhopadhyay, B, Bharati,
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F i r s t P e r u v i a n C o n g r e s s o f
Helmin t h o l o g y and Associa t e d
Invertebrates - International Meeting:
“New approaches about Neotropical
Authors for Correspondence / Autor para
Jorge Cárdenas - Callirgos
Invertebrate Laboratory. Museum of Natural
History. Biological Sciences School. Ricardo
Palma University. Av. Benavides 5440, Lima 33,
E-mail/ correo electrónico:
Hugo Flores-Liñán
Alberto Cazorla Talleri School of Sciences and
Philosophy. Cayetano Heredia Peruvian
University. Av. Honorio Delgado 430, Urb.
Ingeniería, S.M.P. Lima -Perú.
E-mail/ correo electrónico:
Parasitic disease in artisanal fishermen Zelada-Casto et al.