Neotrop. Helminthol., 7(1), 2013
2013 Asociación Peruana de Helmintología e Invertebrados Afines (APHIA)
ISSN: 2218-6425 impreso / ISSN: 1995-1043 on line
This study evaluated the ectoparasite distribution on the gill archs of pond-reared pacu (Piaractus
mesopotamicus Holmberg, 1887), hybrid patinga (P. mesopotamicus female x P. brachypomus (Cuvier,
1817) male), hybrid tambacu (Colossoma macropomum (Cuvier, 1816) female x P. mesopotamicus male)
and hybrid surubim (Pseudoplatystoma reticulatum female x P. corruscans Spix & Agassiz, 1829 male). A
total of 300 fish were examined from fish farms in West-Central Brazil for parasitological assessment of the
gill arches I, II, III and IV, from the outer to inner arch, respectively. Only the monogenean Mymarothecium
boegeri Cohen & Kohn, 2005 and Anacanthorus penilabiatus Boeger, Husak & Martins, 1995 from the
hybrid patinga showed the greatest (p<0.05) mean intensities on the gill arch I when compared to gill arch
IV. Microhabitat preference was not observed in the other fish examined. Copepodids of Lernaea
cyprinacea Linnaeus 1758 showed no microhabitat preference. This study highlighted the fact that under
culture conditions, homogeneous distribution of parasites on the gills may occur.
Keywords: Anacanthorus - Copepoda - Characidae - Mymarothecium - parasitologia - Siluriformes.
Suggested citation: Jerônimo, GT, Gonçalves, ELT, Bampi, D, Paseto, A, Pádua, SB, Ishikawa, MM & Martins, ML. 2013.Gill
microhabitat of monogenea and copepodids of Lernaea cyprinacea on the gills of four Brazilian freshwater fish. Neotropical
Helminthology, vol. 7, N°1, jan-jun, pp. 65 - 74.
1AQUOS – Aquatic Organisms Health Laboratory, Aquaculture Department, Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC), Rod. Admar Gonzaga, 1346, 88040-
900, Florianópolis, Santa Catarina, Brazil.
2Aquaculture Center of São Paulo State University, UNESP, Via de Acesso prof. Paulo Donato Castellane, s/n, Bairro Rural, 14884-900, Jaboticabal, São Paulo,
3Embrapa Western Agriculture, EMBRAPA, BR 163, km 253.6, Cx. Postal 661, 79804-970, Dourados, Mato Grasso do Sul, Brazil.
1 1 1 1
Gabriela Tomas Jerônimo , Eduardo Luiz Tavares Gonçalves , Daniela Bampi , Ágata Paseto , Santiago Benites de
2 3 1
Pádua , Márcia Mayumi Ishikawa & Maurício Laterça Martins
Este estudio evaluó la distribución de ectoparásitos en los arcos branquiales de pacu (Piaractus
mesopotamicus), hibrido patinga (P. mesopotamicus hembra x P. brachypomus macho), híbrido tambacu
(Colossoma macropomum hembra x P. mesopotamicus macho) e híbrido surubim (Pseudoplastystoma
reticulatum hembra x P. corruscans macho) cultivados en viveros. Un total de 300 peces fueran
examinados en piscifactorías del Centro Oeste de Brasil para un levantamiento parasitológico en los arcos
branquiales denominados I, II, III y IV, del arco más externo al más interno, respectivamente. Solamente los
monogeneos Mymarothecium viatorum y Anacanthorus penilabiatus, parásitos del híbrido patinga,
presentaran mayores (p<0,05) intensidades promedios en el I arco cuando es comparado con el IV arco
branquial. Aun así, ninguna preferencia por micro-hábitat por los parásitos en los otros peces fuera
observado. Copepoditos de Lernaea cyprinacea no presentan preferencia por micro-hábitat. Este estudio
muestra que en condiciones de cautiverio puede ocurrir una distribución homogénea de los parásitos en las
Palabras clave: Anacanthorus - Copepoda - Characidae - Mymarothecium - parasitologia - Siluriformes.
Gill microhabitat of monogenea and Lernaea Jerônimo et al.
The Central-Western region of Brazil presents
propitiated characteristics for freshwater fish
culture development. Nowadays, it has been
observed significant increase in the production
of characid and silurid fish and also their
hybrids. According to MPA (2012), in 2010, the
production of those fishes in the region was
responsible for about 70 tons, in which we could
notice the improvement of 35% in relation to
Besides the intensification and aquaculture
development, fish farms are predisposed to
epizootics being the ectoparasites the most
important agents responsible for economic
losses (Shoemaker et al., 2012). Contrarily to
endoparasites, ectoparasites can be directly
affected by the water quality favoring or not their
reproduction which can culminate to fish
mortality (Moraes & Martins, 2004). According
to Jerônimo et al. (2011a) the relationship
host/parasite consists in an important biotic
factor in fish, both intra and interspecific being
directly related to water temperature, light
intensity, photoperiod, chemical water
composition and stocking density. Moreover,
parasitic fauna of fish depends on the
geographical location of the ecosystem and
seasonality (Jerônimo et al., 2011a), on the
water characteristics and the environmental
fauna (Dogiel, 1970).
The study of parasitic communities is important
for understanding the ecological relationship
between the hosts and parasites once it depends
mostly of populational dynamics, which allow
observing the relation among the different
parasite taxa competing or not by specific sites
of attachment (Luque & Cezar, 2004). The fish
gills represent one of the most exploited
microhabitat by the ectoparasites (Fernando &
Hanek, 1976) revealing the specific site of
preference in the hosts (Jeannette et al., 2010).
There may be different outcomes to explain the
microhabitat selection of ectoparasites on fish
gills. Geets et al. (1997) suggested that the
parasite attachment to different sites in the gills
INTRODUCTION is a result of food availability. Another
hypothesis is that the distribution on the gill
arches may be a result of variation in the water
flow and such mechanism would restrict the
adaptation of parasites to the attachment sites
(Arme & Halton, 1972; Davey, 1980; Etchegoin
& Sardella, 1990; Poulin et al., 1991). The third
hypothesis was due to parasite reproduction in
different sites and that the preference for
microhabitat could be related to the age of
parasite (Rohde, 1994). On this view, Timi
(2003) suggested that parasite selection for
specific site might occur in order to enhance the
parasite reproduction chances or by interspecific
Some investigators have focused the
microhabitat studies in fish from natural (Geets
et al., 1997; Oliva & Luque, 1998; Lo &
Morand, 2001; Baker et al., 2005; Raymond et
al., 2006; Jeannette et al., 2010; Hermida et al.
2012, Iannacone & Alvariño, 2012) and culture
environment (Buchmann, 1989; Heinecke et al.,
2007; Rubio-Godoy, 2008), but no studies were
performed in Brazilian cultured fish until this
By supporting the above statements, the
hypothesis of this study was that ectoparasites
may present microhabitat preference depending
on the host and/or parasite taxon in culture
conditions. This study aimed to evaluate the
microhabitat distribution of ectoparasites on the
gills of four fishes of economic importance in
In the period of July 2009 through July 2011, a
total of 300 fishes were captured from ponds
located at Grande Dourados, Mato Grosso do
Sul (2212'54.45''S 5448'26.35''W), Central-
Western region of Brazil. From these, 60 pacu
(Piaractus mesopotamicus Holmberg, 1887), 60
hibrids patinga (P. mesopotamicus fêmea x P.
brachypomus Cuvier 1818 macho), 60 hibrids
tambacu (Colossoma macropomum Cuvier 1818
female x P. mesopotamicus male) and 120
Neotrop. Helminthol., 7(1), 2013
hibrids surubim (Pseudoplatystoma reticulatum
(Eigenmann & Eigenmnn, 1889) female x P.
corruscans (Spix and Agassiz, 1829) male) were
The fishes were measured and weighed and the
water quality monitored during the culture of
each fish. Water temperature, dissolved oxygen,
electrical conductivity and pH were measured
with a HANNA multiparameter. The alkalinity
was measured by titulation method,
transparency was measured with a Secchi disc
and total ammonia, nitrate, nitrite, iron and
orthophosphate was measured with a
colorimetric method ALFAKIT.
The fishes were captured with net and
transported to the fish farm Laboratory of
Embrapa Western Agriculture and deeply
anesthetized in clove oil (75 mg.L ) (Ethic
C o m i t t e e 2 3 0 8 0 . 0 2 9 9 7 9 / 2 0 0 9 -
05/CEUA/UFSC) for parasitological analysis.
The gills arches were carefully separated from
the outer to the inner arch and named as I, II, III
and IV, respectively. After that, the gills were
bathed in hot water 60 C, for parasite relax and
fixed in 5% formalin solution for posterior
quantification according to Jerônimo et al.
(2011b). The parasites were identified by the
method of Hoyer's to observe the sclerotic
structures (Kritsky et al., 1995) and identified
according to Boeger et al. (1995, 2002), Cohen
& Kohn (2005) and Thacther (2006). The
prevalence, mean intensity and mean abundance
were calculated as suggested by Bush et al.
(1997), wich for monogeneans were not
separated by species. The monogeneans are
deposited in the Laboratory AQUOS, Santa
Catarina, Brazil collection under the numbers
GTJ 1-20.
For statistical analysis, the hypothesis tests were
used to compare the values parasitic values
among the arches (I, II, III and IV), being the null
hypothesis the absence of microhabitat
preference. The behavior of the data was verified
by analyzing the residual and predictions. The
homocedasticity was analyzed by the Bartlett
test with transformations. The data were
submitted to a one way or factorial ANOVA, and
the averages compared by the Tukey test.
Monogenean values from pacu was transformed
in root (y), once these values presented
proportional variation to the means and
posteriorly submitted to variance analysis. To
other hosts the monogenean values were
transformed to root (y) and the Lernaea
cyprinacea copepodids values were transformed
in root (y+0.5), once these data presented
elevated numbers below 10 and mostly equal
The means and standard deviation of weight and
total length were as follows, respectively: pacu
689.2 ± 288.7 g and 28.8 ± 3.7 cm, hybrid
patinga 724.3 ± 173.0 g and 32.5 ± 2.3 cm,
hybrid tambacu 1,141.0 ± 295.6 g and 37.6 3.4
cm, and hybrid surubim 784.2 ± 371.3 g and 44.9
± 6.2 cm.
The ectoparasites of the Monogenea class were
identified as Anacanthorus penilabiatus Boeger,
Husak & Martins, 1995 in pacu, hybrid patinga
and hybrid tambacu; Mymarothecium boegeri
Cohen & Kohn 2005 and M. viatorum Boeger,
Piasecki & Sobecka, 2002 in the hybrids
tambacu a nd p atinga, respectively;
Amphocleithrium paraguayensis Price &
Romero 1969, Vancleaveus fungulus Kritsky,
Thatcher & Boeger, 1986, V. ciccinus Kritsky,
Thatcher & Boeger, 1986, V. janacauensis
Kritsky, Thatcher & Boeger, 1986 and
Ameloblastella sp. Kritsky, Mendonza-Franco
& Scholz, 2000 in the hybrid surubim. Crustacea
was identified as Lernaea cyprinacea Linnaeus,
1758 copepodids in the hybrids patinga,
tambacu and surubim.
The water quality was kept within the
recommended levels for freshwater fish (Table
1), except for ammonia concentration that was
slightly higher in pacu culture.
More than 95% prevalence was found in all
monogenean-parasitized fishes (Table 2). The
highest mean intensity of monogenean in the
Gill microhabitat of monogenea and Lernaea Jerônimo et al.
gills was observed in pacu followed by the
hybrids surubim, patinga and tambacu. On the
other hand, the hybrids patinga and tambacu
showed 40% and 36% prevalence of
copepodids, respectively, contrarily to that
found in the hybrid surubim that presented low
prevalence (16%) and pacu that was not found to
be parasitized by copepodids (Table 3).
For monogeneans from pacu neither the
variance analysis nor the Tukey test means
comparison showed significant difference (Fig.
The Fig. 2 presents the parasitic values of
monogeneans transformed in log (y+1) in order
to reduce the intervals between the highest and
the lowest values of the data. Only the hybrid
patinga showed higher mean intensity and mean
abundance of infection in the gill arch I that that
observed in the arch IV (Table 2).
According to the variance analysis and Tukey
test means comparison no significant difference
(p>0.05) was found in the parasitism by
copepodids among the gills arches and fishes
Figure 1. Variance analysis comparing transformed data of monogeneans among the gill arches of pacu, Piaractus
mesopotamicus. Different letters indicate significant difference among the arches in confidence intervals of 95%.
Monogenean root (y)
Figure 2. Variance analysis comparing transformed data of monogeneans and copepodids of Lernaea cyprinacea among the gill
arches of the hybrids surubim, patinga e tambacu. Different letters indicate significant difference among the arches in confidence
intervals of 95%.
Neotrop. Helminthol., 7(1), 2013
Table 1. Mean values of water quality during the culture of Brazilian freshwater fishes.
Fish Recommended
values by
Boyd & Tucker
Alkalinity (mg.L-1)
57.98 8.01
40.72 5.83 49.82
9.35 39.03 6.43 20 a 300
7.02 0.36
7.41 0.98 7.19 0.45 7.14
0.49 6 a 8
Conductivity (S.cm-1)
55.11 7.34
34.04 8.11 62.99 9.94 26.00 4.93 < 1.000
Dissolved oxygen (mg.L-1)
4.21 1.99
7.38 2.23 6.61 1.29 6.30 1.47 5 a 15
Temperature (oC)
22.8 2.23
22.17 3.90 21.99 4.09 23.53 4.18 20 a 30
Transparency (cm)
24.55 7.89 17.62 4.68 23.78 8.36 20 a 50
Ammonia (mg.L-1)
0.45 0.21
0.18 0.17 0.15 0.09 0.25 0.15 < 0,3
Iron (mg.L-1 Fe)
0.46 028
0.26 0.37 0.33 0.53 0.12 0.19 0.05 a 0.5
Nitrate (mg.L-1 NO3)
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.2 a 10
Nitrite (mg.L-1 NO2)
0.10 0.32 0.03 0.06 0.02 0.07 < 0.03
Ortophosphate (mg.L-1 PO4) - 0.08 0.24 0.45 0.39 0.17 0.32 0.005 a 2
Table 2. Prevalence (P), mean intensity (MI), mean abundance (MA) and minimum and maximum values (Min –
Max) of monogeneans on the gill arches of the examined hybrids. Different letters indicate significant difference
among the arches (p<0.05).
Arch I Arch II Arch III Arch IV Total
Pacu (n=60)
P (%) 100 100 100 100 100
MI 416.5 353.2a 395.1 348.9a 373.0 328.1a 344.7 327.8a 1529 1312
MA 416.5 353.2a 395.1 348.9a 373.0 328.1a 344.7 327.8a 1529 1312
Min – Max 3 – 1245 2 – 1315 8 – 970 2 – 1008 24 - 4269
Hybrid patinga (n=58)
P (%) 100 98 97 93 100
MI 25.7 22.9a 21.9 17.9ab 20.1 23.7ab 15.7 13.4b 81 58
MA 25.7 22.9a 21.6 18.0ab 19.5 23.6ab 14.6 13.5b 81 58
Min – Max 1 – 87 1 – 81 1 – 171 1 – 71 3 - 314
Hybrid tambacu (n=60)
P (%) 86 78 76 78 97
MI 18 24.8a 18.6 21.4a 16.6 18.4a 12.8 16.6a 60.9 81
MA 15.5 23.9a 14.4 20.3a 12.6 17.5a 9.9 15.5a 52.5 77
Min – Max 1 – 105 1 – 83 1 – 75 1 – 88 1 - 285
Hybrid surubim (n=120)
P (%) 91 92 94 92 95
MI 28.0 27.8a 35.0 39.8a 36.9 38.7a 33.9 43.5a 130 138
MA 25.4 27.7a 32.1 39.2a 34.8 38.2a 31.0 42.5a 123 158
Min – Max 1 – 170 1 – 311 1 – 179 1 – 274 2 - 934
Gill microhabitat of monogenea and Lernaea Jerônimo et al.
Table 3. Prevalence (P), mean intensity (MI), mean abundance (MA) and minimum and maximum values (Min –
Max) of copepodids of Lernaeacyprinaceaon the gill arches of the examined hybrids. Different letters indicate
significant difference among the fishes (p<0.05).
Arch I Arch II Arch III Arch IV Total
Hybrid patinga (n=60)
P (%) 28.3a 18.3a 16.7a 23.3a 40a
MI 3.0 2.9a 3.5 3.1a 2.6 1.7a 1.8 1.3a 6 7
MA 0.9 2.0a 0.6 1.9a 0.4 1.2a 0.4 1.0a 2 5
Min – Max 1 – 10 1 – 12 1 – 6 1 – 6 1 - 30
Hybrid tambacu (n=58)
P (%) 28.3a 26.7a 25a 30a 36a
MI 12.6 12.5a 9.6 7.8a 14.1 15.1a 12.1 11.7a 38 41
MA 3.6 8.8a 2.6 5.9a 3.5 9.8a 3.6 8.5a 14 30
Min – Max 1 – 51 1 – 34 1 – 64 1 – 42 1 - 180
Hybrid surubim (n=120)
P (%) 5.8b 10b 5b 10.8b 16b
MI 2.0 0.6a 1.8 0.6a 2.7 0.7a 3.0 1.2a 5 4
MA 0.1 0.5a 0.2 0.6a 0.1 0.6a 0.3 1.2a 1 3
Min – Max 1 – 4 1 – 4 1 – 5 1 – 7 1 - 11
Neotrop. Helminthol., 7(1), 2013
This study evaluated whether ectoparasites in
Brazilian cultured fishes present microhabitat
preference on the gills under culture conditions.
The greatest monogenean values (p<0.05) in the
arch I of the hybrid patinga were similar to that
found by Rohde & Watson (1985), who reported
high mean intensity of Kuhnia scombri Kuhn,
1829 e K. sprostonae Price, 1961 (Monogenea:
Polyopisthocotylea) in the arches I and II. In
fact, these authors suggested microhabitat
difference on the gills of Scomber australasicus
Cuvier, 1832, S. scombrus Linnaeus, 1758 and S.
japonicas Houttuyn, 1782 captured in Pacific
and Atlantic Ocean. Similarly to the present
results, Ramasamy et al. (1985) also observed
high mean intensity of infection by Vallisia
indica Unnithan, 1962 and Allodiscocotyla
chorinemi Yamaguti, 1953 (Monogenea:
Polyopisthocotylea) in the arch I of
Scomberoides commersonnianus Lacepède,
1801. In European eel, Anguilla Anguilla
Linnaeus, 1758, Buchmann (1989) also stated
high mean intensity of Pseudodactylogyrus bini
Kiknuchi, 1929 in the arches I and II. On the
other hand, Raymond et al. (2006) evaluated the
distribution of Afrodiplozoon polycotyleus
Paperna, 1973 on the gills of Barbus neumayeri
Fischer, 1884 from the river Mpanga, Uganda
and concluded that the parasites have been
concentrated on the gill arches II and IV,
differently of our results. The other fish
examined in this study no difference was found
among the gill arches corroborating the results
of Soylu et al. (2010) on the spatial distribution
of Dactylogyrus crucifer Wagener, 1857 on the
gills of Rutilus rutilus Linnaeus, 1758 in Lake
Spanca, Turkey.
Similarly to that observed by Ramasamy et al.
(1985) in S. commersonnianus Lacepède, 1801
parasitized by copepod Caligus sp., our results
did not show significant difference neither
among the gill arches nor among the fishes
parasitized by the copepodids of L. cyprinacea.
This could be explained by the larval stage of
parasite. According to Timi (2003) adult
parasites of Lernanthropus cynoscicola Timi
and Etchegoin, 1996 in Cynoscion guatucupa
Cuvier, 1830 occupied different sites of
attachment and greater prevalence in the gill
arch IV followed by the arches III, II and I. On
the other hand, females showed high prevalence
and mean abundance in the arch II (Timi, 2003).
Ho & Do (1985) studying the specific niche of
Lernanthropus concluded that the body shape of
these copepods has been developed to minimize
the resistance against the income water stream in
the respiratory process. On this view, copepods
of this genus could be used as model to study the
microhabitat. It can be inferred that the body
shape of Lernaea copepodids also present
resistance to water flow on the gills being
unneeded the specific microhabitat on this stage
in the life cycle.
The analyses found in this study corroborate the
null hypothesis of the non-existence of
microhabitat preference on the gills at least on
these fishes examined.
Unpublished data (Martins et al.) also showed
no preference by gill microhabitat in Nile tilapia
parasitized by the monogeneans Scutogyrus
longicornis Paperna & Thurston, 1969,
Cychlidogyrus sclerosus Paperna & Thurston,
1969, Cychlidogyrus thurstonae Ergens, 1981
and Cychlidogyrus tilapiae Paperna, 1960 in
fish farm in Southern Brazil.
We consider that the differences found between
arch I and arch IV in the hybrid patinga were not
enough to justify our hypothesis once they can
also be related to difference in size between the
arches. Another reason to this support could be
related to culture conditions. Differently from
fish examined in natural environment, high
stocking density in culture conditions could
provoke the homogeneous distribution on the
gills. Further studies must be carried out on other
cultured fish considering the competition of
parasites and specific surface gill tissue.
The authors thank National Council for
Scientific and Technological Development
(CNPq) for financial support (CNPq
Gill microhabitat of monogenea and Lernaea Jerônimo et al.
577657/2008-9) and grant to M.L. Martins
(CNPq 302493/2012-7); Ministry of Fisheries
and Aquaculture; Embrapa Western Agriculture,
Dourados, MS, Brazil; Macroprogama 1 “Bases
Tecnológicas para o Densenvolvimento
Sustentável da Aquicultura - AQUABRASIL”
and Coordination for the Improvement of
Higher Education Personnel (CAPES) for
doctoral schollarship to G.T. Jerônimo
(CAPES/BEX 9655-11-5).
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Received January 8, 2013.
Accepted March 11, 2013.
Correspondence to author/ Autor para
Maurício Laterça Martins
AQUOS – Aquatic Organisms Health Laboratory,
Aquaculture Department, Federal University of
Santa Catarina (UFSC), Rod. Admar Gonzaga,
1346, 88040-900, Florianópolis, Santa Catarina,
E-mail / Correo electrónico: