Simone C. Cohen
Suggested citation: Cohen, S.C. 2013. On diversity of the monogenoidean fauna in a megadiverse country, Brazil. Neotropical
Helminthology, vol. 7, N°1, jan-jun, pp. 1 - 6.
Neotrop. Helminthol., 7(1), 2013
2013 Asociación Peruana de Helmintología e Invertebrados Afines (APHIA)
ISSN: 2218-6425 impreso / ISSN: 1995-1043 on line
Laboratório de Helmintos Parasitos de Peixes. Instituto Oswaldo Cruz, FIOCRUZ, Brazil.
Monogenoidea represents a class of hermaphroditic Platyhelminthes ecto-parasitic of mainly
fishes. They inhabit the gills, skin, nasal fossae, ureters and some intestinal ducts. Brazil is known
as a country with rich fauna, flora and mineral resources, with more than 4000 species of
freshwater fishes, representing approximately 31% of the world freshwater fish species. Abou 365
species of Monogenoidea described from Brazil is listed. The International Symposium on
Monogenea (ISM) represents the most traditional event for researchers worldwide that study this
group of parasites. During the Sixth ISM, in South Africa, Brazil had being elected the next venue
(ISM 7). This is the first time in American continent that will enable the participation of
researchers and students of the whole continent.
Keywords: ectoparasites - fishes - International Symposium on Monogenea - Monogenoidea.
Palabras clave: ectoparásitos - peces - Simposio Internacional sobre Monogenea - Monogenoidea.
Monogenoidea representa una clase de hermafroditas, en su mayoría ectoparásitos,
Platyhelminthes que parasitan principalmente peces, que habitan en las branquias, piel, fosas
nasales, los uréteres y pocos en los conductos intestinales. Brasil es conocido como un país con
una rica fauna, flora y recursos minerales, representando el liderazgo de especies de peces de
agua dulce, con más de 4000 especies, que representan aproximadamente el 31% de las especies
de peces de agua dulce del mundo. Una lista de 365 especies de Monogenoidea ha sido descrita de
Brasil. El Simposio Internacional sobre Monogenea (ISM) representa el evento más tradicional
para los investigadores de todo el mundo que estudian este grupo de parásitos. Durante la Sexta
ISM, en África del Sur, Brasil tuvo el privilegio de ser elegida la próxima sede (ISM 7). Esta es la
primera vez en el continente americano, y permitirá la participación de investigadores y
estudiantes de todo el continente.
The first author to recognize Monogenoidea as a
distinct taxon was van Beneden (1858), which
divided Trematoda into two groups: the
monogénèses and the digénèses. Carus (1863)
used the name of the group in latinized form,
Monogenea. Bychowsky (1937) raised the taxon
from order to class and amended the name of the
group to Monogenoidea. During the IV
International congress of Parasitology, in Poland
in 1978, a round table discussed the problems on
nomenclature and decided to adopt the name
Monogenea, since the ending oidea is in
disagreement with the code, which reserves this
ending to superfamily. Boeger & Kritsky (1993)
argued that the name Monogenoidea follows the
priority principle, considering that this name
was the first proposed for the group at class level.
These authors also argued that the ending
“oidea” to superfamily is a recommendation by
the International Code of Zoological
Nomenclature, and also, the code did not pertain
to taxa above family groups.
Monogenoidea represents a class of
hermaphroditic, mostly ectoparasites
Platyhelminthes parasitizing mainly fishes,
inhabiting the gills, skin, nasal fossae, ureters
and few in the intestinal ducts. In amphibians
and aquatic reptiles they may be found in the
mouth, cloaca, or urinary bladder. This group
has been found in a diversity of groups as
mammals (Hippopotamus) and cephalopods
(Boeger & Vianna, 2006).
Infections with parasites are common in cultures
fishes and some groups cause veterinary
problems. Parasites have assumed a central role
among the limiting factors of productivity,
particularly those with direct life cycle, such as
Monogenoidea. This group has been recognized
as responsible for economic losses for fish
farming activities. The presence of
Monogenoidea in a variety of fish species has
been responsible for mortalities or a reduction in
the health of the stocks (Antonelli et al., 2010).
It is not possible to argue that Monogenoidea are
the most important group of parasites, but the
simplicity of the life cycle make them excellent
models to understand the host-parasite
relationship. It had been demonstrated that some
species of Monogenoidea are adequate as
experimental studies models, besides they are
important pathogenic agents. This parasitic
group have intrinsic interest and the adaptations
developed by them to the parasitism, diversity of
attachment organs, general morphology and
plasticity of the life cycle attracted high number
of parasitologists dedicated to study them
(Poulin, 2002).
In the Monogenoidea, the haptor allows the
attachment on hosts and generally is composed
b y h o o k s , s u c k e r s o r c l a m p s . A s
monogenoideans are mostly soft-bodied and
hence highly plastic in body shape, their hard
sclerotized structures, including copulatory
organs and haptoral sclerites, are taxonomically
most important and often used to distinguish
between species. The morphology of these
attachment organs has been extensively studied
in various ecological and evolutionary contexts
due its influence in the specificity,
specialization, and the reproductive isolation
(Vignon et al., 2011).
The well-established morphology of the group
provides the language for species description
and diagnosis. However, molecular data have
tended to supplement morphology through a
diversity of taxonomic and evolutionary scales.
Increasingly, molecular markers are being
incorporated in revisions and description of new
species, often with molecular based phylogeny,
demonstrating the uniqueness of a new taxon
and/or its relationship among the established
taxa (Littlewood, 2008).
In the last decade of the 20 century, a great
progress was done in the studies of phylogeny of
most group of helminths, specially the
Neodermata (Littlewood et al., 1999 a,b,
Brooks, 2000, Littlewood & Bray, 2001). The
application of cladistics methods (Brooks, 1989,
Brooks & Mc Lennan, 1993), the intense search
for new adequate characters for phylogeny, as
data on ultrastructure, spermiogenesis, life cycle
(Justine, 1991, 1993, Littlewood & Bray, 2001)
and the wide use of molecular data on
phylogenetic studies has resulted in a
Diversity of the monogenoidean fauna in Brazil
Neotrop. Helminthol., 7(1), 2013
considerable increase of understanding the
phylogenetic relationships within the helminth
groups, including Monogenoidea (Scholz,
According to Whittington (1998), there are 25
000 known fish species in the world.
Considering that Monogenoidea are the more
specific parasites to their hosts and each fish
species host a different species of
Monogenoidea, is would be possible to predict
that there are 25 000 monogenoidean species in
the world. However, numerous studies made by
Kritsky, Boeger and collaborators indicated that
a single host species can harbor about five
species of Monogenoidea, reaching 25 different
species in Pygocentrus nattereri Kner, 1860
(Boeger & Kritsky, 1988, Kritsky et al. 1988,
1992, 1996, 1997, 1998; Mizelle & Price, 1965,
Kohn & Pinto-Paiva, 2000) in the Amazonian
Region, and, considering this fact, the number of
25 000 is underestimated.
Brazil is known as a country with rich fauna,
flora and mineral resources, representing the
leader of freshwater fishes species, with more
than 4000 species, representing approximately
31% of the world freshwater fish species
(Levêque et al., 2008) distributed among 39
different families (Buckup et al., 2007). Despite
the importance of the group as parasites of
fishes, until 1965 only two species had been
described in Brazil: Fredericianella ovicola
Brandes, 1894 and Capsala laevis (Verril, 1874).
In 1965, Mizelle and Price obtained in Steinhart
Aquarium specimens of P. nattereri provenient
from Amazonas and described eight new species
of Dactylogyridae. From 1966 to 1969, nineteen
species of Dactylogyridae form Amazonian
Region were described. The first member of the
family Microcotylidae was reported in 1970 and
the presence of the genus Polystoma were
reported for the first time in 1978 from
amphibians collected in Para and Rio de Janeiro
states (Kohn et al., 1978). The first species of
Gyrodactylidae in South America was described
by Szidat (1973) parasite of Corydoras paleatus
(Jenyns, 1842), in Argentina. From 1973 to
1989, only one species, Oogyrodactylus
farlowellae Harris, 1983, an oviparous
gyrodactylid, was described from an amazonian
fish held in an aquarium in England. Oviparous
gyrodactylids are restricted to South American
freshwater catfishes mainly in the relatively
recent Loricariidae (Siluriformes), while
viviparous gyrodactylids, on the other hand,
represent one of the most diverse and
widespread taxons of Monogenoidea (Boeger et
al., 2003).
Kohn & Santos (1989) presented a list of 93
species of Monogenoidea described from Brazil.
In 1998, Kohn & Cohen updated the list,
enlarging the records to South America and
reported 252 species from Brazil, the majority of
them (193) from Amazonian region. Cohen &
Kohn (2008) referred that more 65 species were
described from Brazil and 26 new geographical
records were reported. From 2008 to now, 48
new species were described and 11 known
species were referred from Brazilian hosts. The
growth rate on number of species is related to the
increasement of research on Monogenoidea in
The International Symposium on Monogenea
represents the most traditional event for
researchers worldwide that study this group of
parasites. The idea of these meetings was
initiated by R. Ergens and M. Gelnar from the
Czech Republic. The first International
Symposium on Monogenea (ISM) was held on
Ceske Budejovice, Czech Republic in 1988.
This inaugural meeting was convened for all
specialists on monogenoideans to meet and
discuss current research on the class
Platyhelminthes. Five years later, the second
took place in Montpellier, France and the
tradition continued in august of 1997 when the
Third ISM returned to Czech Republic and was
convened in Brno. The Fourth International
Symposium on Monogenea was held in
Australia in 2001. Four years later, The 5
International Symposium on Monogenea was
held in China on 2005 and the 6 International
Symposium on Monogenea in Cape Town,
South Africa in 2009.
During the Sixth ISM, in South Africa, Brazil
had the privilege of being elected the next venue
Diversity of the monogenoidean fauna in Brazil
(ISM 7). This is the first time in American
continent and will enable the participation of
researchers and students of the whole continent.
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Buckup, PA, Menezes, NA & Ghazzi, MS (eds.)
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Justine, JL. 1991. Cladistic study in the
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Justine, JL. 1993. Phylogénie des Monogenes
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2010. Sparicotyle chrysophrii (Van
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Gilthead sea bream Sparus aurata
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Supplement aux comptes Rendus des
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Boeger, WA & Kritsky, DC. 1988. Neotropical
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in the Brazilian Amazon. Proceedings of
the Helminthological Society of
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Boeger, WA & Kritsky, DC. 1993. Phylogeny
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Boeger, WA, Kritsky, DC & Pie, MR 2003.
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(Platyhelminthes, Monogenoidea).
Zoologica Scripta, vol. 32, pp. 437-448.
Bo e ger, WA & Vi a nn a , RT. 20 0 6.
Monogeneoidea. In: J. Adis, J.R. Arias, G.
Rueda-Delgado and K.M. Wantzen
(Eds.), Aquatic Biodiversity in Latin
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Second edition. Pensoft Publishers, Sofia,
Bulgaria, pp. 42-116.
Brooks, DR. 1989. The phylogeny of the
Neotrop. Helminthol., 7(1), 2013
o f A m a z o n i a n C h a r a c h o i d e a .
Proceedings of the Biological Society of
Washington, vol. 101, pp. 87-94.
Kritsky, DC, Boeger, WA & van Every, LR.
1992. Neotropical Monogenoidea. 17.
Anacanthorus Mizelle & Price, 1965
(Dactylogyridae: Anacanthorinae) from
Characoid fishes of the Central Amazon.
Journal of the Helminthological Society
of Washington, vol. 59, pp. 25-51.
Levêque, C, Oberdorff, T, Paugy, D, Stiassny,
MLJ & Tedesco, PA. 2008. Global
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Hydrobiologia, vol. 595, pp. 545-567.
Littlewood, DTJ. 2008. Platyhelminth
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characters. Parasite, vol. 15, pp. 333-341.
Littlewood, DTJ. & Bray, RA. 2001.
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Linnean Society, vol.68, pp. 257-287.
Littlewood, DTJ, Rohde, K & Clough, KA.
1999b. The interrelationships of all major
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Mizelle, JD & Price, CE. 1965. Studies on
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Poulin, R. 2002. The evolution of monogenean
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Kohn, A & Pinto Paiva, M. 2000. Fishes
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Kritsky, DC, Boeger, WA & Thatcher, VE. 1988.
Neotropical Monogenea. 11. Rhinoxenus,
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Journal of Parasitology, vol. 28, pp. 1481-
Correspondence to author/ Autor para
Simone C. Cohen
Laboratório de Helmintos Parasitos de Peixes.
Instituto Oswaldo Cruz, FIOCRUZ, Brazil.
E-mail / Correo electrónico:
Received January 31, 2013.
Accepted April 18, 2013.