(29º15'10”S, 50º15'45”W), southern Brazil,
were used in the present study. These
specimens were fixed in cold AFA (70 GL
ethanol; formalin 37%; glacial acetic acid),
and stained in aceto-carmine/fast-green. The
female organs were extracted and mounted in
Faure´s mounting medium (F) (Seixas et al.,
2010). Photomicrographs were taken with
Zeiss Axiolab and Leica DMR Hc
microscopes; the Leica microscope was
equipped with DIC. The photographic images
were prepared using Adobe's Photoshop CC.
Measurements are in micrometers (μm) and
were taken from specimens killed under slight
cover slip pressure and mounted in Canada
balsam; ranges are followed (between
parentheses) by the mean, the standard
deviation values, and the number of specimens
measured for a given character (when different
than 10). The whole mounts of adult, as well as
slides containing individual female organs
mounted in F were deposited in the following
s ci e nt i fi c c ol l ec t io n s: 1 . ' C ol e çã o
Helmintológica do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz
(CHIOC)', Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil; and 2.
'Coleção Helmintológica do Laboratório de
Helmintologia, Departamento de Zoologia,
Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul',
Porto Alegre, RS.
Description. Based on 31 specimens; 10
measured. Female reproductive system. Ovary
almost round (Figs 1, 2, and 4) 112.5-202.5
(144, 29) long, 100-130 (115, 10) wide;
vesicula intermedia (Figs 1, 3, and 5) 20-62.5
(41, n = 9, 13) long; vagina (Figs 3 and 5) 35-
87.5 (55, n = 9, 16) long, 37.5-65 (50, n = 8, 10)
maximum width; single vaginal sphincter
large and asymmetrical (Figs 3 and 5) 50-100
(78, 17) in total diameter, diameter of anterior
portion 12.5-27.5 (21, 6), diameter of posterior
portion 32.5-75 (47, 13); vesicula resorbens
(Figs 1 and 5) 95-290 (181, n = 6, 64) long,
Neotropical Helminthology. Vol. 9, Nº1, jan-jun 2015
120-310 (222, n = 6, 64) wide.
Taxonomic summary.
Type host: Aegla serrana Buckup & Rossi,
1977 (Crustacea, Anomura, Aeglidae).
Type locality: Fazenda Utopia II, 5 km RS-
020, Tainhas, Cambará do Sul, Rio Grande do
Sul, Brazil.
Site of infestation: Branchial chambers and
body surface; eggs cemented over external
surfaces of exoskeleton, in different regions of
the ventral side: perioral area, pleural strips,
sternal plates, pereiopods, and chelipods; to a
lesser extent on the dorsal side of
cephalothorax and dorsal side of uropods.
Helminth specimens deposited: 'Coleção
Helmintológica do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz':
CHIOC 38214 a - d.
Volonterio (2007) created doubts about the
taxonomic validity of T. cyanoglandula, when
she indicated similarity among the cirri of T.
cyanoglandula, T. axenos, and Temnocephala
b re s s l a u i P é r e z - G o n z á l e z , 1 9 4 9
(synonymized as T. axenos by Baer (1931))
(256 µm total length in average - T.
cyanoglandula, 141 µm total length in average
- T. axenos, and 280 µm total length in average
- T. bresslaui). The measurements of the cirrus,
prostatic bulb, and body size are similar
between T. cyanoglandula and T. bresslaui,
although, Pérez-González (1949) drew and
described the female reproductive system with
peculiar measurements, which according to
Volonterio (2007), did not agree with the
measurements of any species already
described. Temnocephala bresslaui has
vesicula intermedia, called 'ootype' by the
author, with an average of 243 µm in length,
and the vagina has a thick muscular wall which
measures an average of 250 µm in length and
150 µm in width, measurements that exclude
the possibility of synonymy with T. axenos,
Complementary description of Temnocephala cyanoglandula