1* 1 1
Karine Soares de Oliveira , Larissa Jardim , João Alberto Paschoa dos Santos ,
2 2
Fábio Hideki Yamada & Reinaldo José da Silva
1Universidade Santa Cecília/UNISANTA, Laboratório de Peixes Continentais/LAPEC, Santos, São Paulo, Brazil.
2Unesp - Univ Estadual Paulista, Instituto de Biociências, Campus de Botucatu, Departamento de Parasitologia, Laboratório
de Parasitologia de Animais Silvestres/LAPAS, Botucatu, São Paulo, Brazil
Neotropical Helminthology, 2015, 9(2), jul-dec: 351-357.
Keywords: Atlantic Forest - Cucullanidae - Freshwater Fish - Nematoda.
During surveys on helminth parasites of freshwater fishes from the Cubatão River, a new
occurrence of Cucullanus (Cucullanus) pinnai pinnai parasitizing Rhamdioglanis frenatus
(Siluriformes, Heptapteridae) was recorded. This nematode has been reported infecting several
host species from different localities, mainly Siluriformes and some Characiformes. The present
study is the first parasitological survey from R. frenatus and expands the range of fishes
parasitized with C. (C.) p. pinnai in the Neotropical region.
ISSN Versión impresa 2218-6425 ISSN Versión Electrónica 1995-1043
Keywords: Cucullanidae - Mata Atlántica Nematoda - pez dulceacuicola.
Durante los estudios de helmintos parásitos de peces de agua dulce del arroyo Cubatão, se
registró una nueva ocurrencia de Cucullanus (Cucullanus) pinnai pinnai parasitando
Rhamdioglanis frenatus (Siluriformes, Heptapteridae). Este nematodo se ha registrado en varios
especies huéspedes de diferentes localidades, siendo la mayoría Siluriformes y algunos
Characiformes. El presente estudio es el primer estudio parasitológico de R. frenatus y amplía la
lista de peces parasitados por C. (Cucullanus) pinnai pinnai en la región Neotropical.
Neotropical Helminthology. Vol. 9, Nº2, jul-dec 2015
The Atlantic Forest is one of the main
biodiversity hotspots for conservation
priorities and highly threatened of the planet
(Myers et al., 2000). According to Colombo &
Joly (2010), this complex biome contains
higher biodiversity than most of the Amazon
forests. Therefore, there is only 7.6%, of the
original Atlantic Forest left, and less than 50%
of the remnants are protected in Conservation
Units (Colombo & Joly, 2010). “Serra do Mar”
is a mountain ridge covered by the Atlantic
Forest with many streams and high fish species
diversity estimated at 269 species belonging to
89 genera and 21 families (Abilhoa et al.,
Siluriformes Cuvier, 1817 comprises the most
morphologically diverse and geographically
widespread order of Ostariophysi with
approximately 36 families, 477 genera, and
3088 valid species (Ferraris, 2007). The catfish
family Heptapteridae Gil, 1861 is one of the
most diverse from Central and South America
(Rosas-Valdez & Pérez-Ponce de León, 2008).
Rhamdioglanis frenatus Ihering, 1907 lives in
streams with pools and riffles, bed sediments
of sand, gravel or rock on the bottom, and clear
water. This fish species is distributed from the
North of Santa Catarina State to South of Rio
de Janeiro State, Brazil (Menezes et al., 2007).
The Neotropical fauna of nematode parasites
from freshwater fish features more than 137
species and subspecies belonging to 52 genera
in 10 superfamilies. Cucullanidae Cobbold,
1864 is a large family of parasitic nematodes,
members of which have been described from
almost every part of the world (Ndew et al.,
2014). The cucullanids are peculiar intestinal
parasites of fishes and rarely turtles. Parasites
of this family are characterized by a highly
developed buccal cavity formed from the
oesophagus (i.e. oesophastome) (Berland,
1970). The genus Cucullanus Müller, 1777
includes approximately 100 species (Timi &
Lanfranchi, 2006). According to Giese et al.
(2010), there are 26 known Neotropical
species of Cucullanus reported in South
American, in which 16 species have been
described in Brazil. Originally, Cucullanus
(Cucullanus) pinnai pinnai Travassos, Artigas
& Pereira, 1928 was described from intestine
of Pimelodus clarias Linnaeus, 1758 and
Pseudoplatystoma sp. from the Paraná River,
São Paulo State, Brazil (Moravec et al., 1993).
The aim of this study was to report the new
occurrence of C. (C.) pinnai pinnai
parasitizing R. frenatus from Cubatão River,
São Paulo State, Brazil.
The Cubatão River has approximately 35 km
long and is located in the “Baixada Santista”
watershed. It occupies an area of 175.55 km
(Abreu-Santos et al., 2014) and is inserted in
the Conservation Unit of the “Parque Estadual
da Serra do Mar” (PESM), Itutinga Pilões. The
headwaters of the Cubatão River are located in
the city of São Bernardo do Campo, and that
finish discharging at Cubatão municipality,
São Paulo State, Brazil (Luiz-Silva et al.,
2002) (23º56'03.3" to 23º55'50.2"S and
46º31'31.1" to 46º31'10.8"W) (Figure 1). This
work was approved by the Brazilian Institute
of Environment (IBAMA) SISBIO N. 25826-
A total of 32 specimens of R. frenatus were
sampled in July 2013 and February 2014 from
Cubatão River using electrofishing. Fish were
fixed in 4% formalin and after, they were
necropsied and the organs were surveyed for
endoparasites. Nematodes found were stored
in 70% ethanol and diaphanized with lactic
acid or lactophenol. Identification of the C.
(Cucullanus) pinnai pinnai followed Moravec
(1998). All measurements are in micrometers
with the mean followed by the range and the
Soares de Oliveira et al.
Neotropical Helminthology. Vol. 9, Nº2, jul-dec 2015 Cucullanus pinnai pinnai parasite of Rhamdioglanis
number of specimens measured between
parentheses. The images were made using a
differential interference contrast microscope
(Leica DM 5000B).
Phylum Nematoda Rudolphi, 1808
Class Secernentea Von Linstow, 1905
Order Ascaridida Skrjabin and Schulz, 1940
Family Cucullanidae Cobbold, 1864
Genus Cucullanus Müller, 1777
Cucullanus (Cucullanus) pinnai pinnai
Travassos, Artigas & Pereira, 1928
(Figure 2)
Diagnosis: Nematode medium size. Dorso-
ventral oral aperture surrounded by a cuticular
ring with an internal row of denticles, and two
pairs of submedial cephalic papillae. Muscular
esophagus expands until the anterior end to
form a pseudo oral capsule (esophastome).
Nerve ring surrounding esophagus near its
narrowest region. Excretory pore near but not
beyond posterior end of esophagus. Tails
Female (based on 7 specimens): Body 4.16
(2.31 4.97, n=7) long; 0.27 (0.14 0.36, n=7)
wide. Esophagus 0.53 (0.44 0.59, n=7) long;
width 0.12 (0.10 0.14, n=7) in the anterior
portion and 0.11 (0.07 0.13, n=7) in posterior
portion. Cauda 0.17 (0.14 0.21, n=7) long.
Vulva with slightly projected lips 1.34 (0.96
2.30, n=5), and muscular vagina. Anus 0.02
Figure 1. Map of Cubatão River, municipality of Cubatão, São Paulo State, Brazil, showing the areas (A and B) of collection of
the Rhamdioglanis frenatus specimens included in this study.
Neotropical Helminthology. Vol. 9, Nº2, jul-dec 2015 Soares de Oliveira et al.
(0.02 0.04, n=7) from posterior end
extremity. Excretory pore 0.14 (0.26 0.39,
n=3) from anterior extremity. Conical tail.
Male (based on 9 specimens): Body 3.07 (2.47
3.57, n=9) long; 0.20 (0.17 0.22, n=9) wide.
Esophagus 0.47 (0.36 0.52, n=9) long; width
0.11 (0.083 0.14, n=9) in the anterior portion
and 0.09 (0.08 0.11, n=9) in posterior portion.
Caudal 0.16 (0.13 0.18, n=9) long. Tail tip
0.03 (0.03 0.05, n=9) long. Excretory pore
0.09 (0.23 0.29, n=3). Spicules equal and
sclerotized 0.45 (0.32 0.51, n=8) long.
Taxonomic summary
Type-host: Rhamdioglanis frenatus Ihering,
Locality: Cubatão River, São Paulo State,
Site of infection: Intestine.
Prevalence: 31.25% (10 of 32 fishes
Mean Intensity of infection: 1.6 ± 4.24.
Figure 2. Cucullanus (Cucullanus) pinnai pinnai parasite of Rhamdioglanis frenatus in a coastal stream of Atlantic Forest,
Brazil. A) Anterior end, showing cephalic papillae (Cp), esophastome (Eso), nervous ring (Nr), and excretory pore (Ep). B)
Lateral view of the male posterior region, showing cloacal sucker (Cs), caudal papillae (Pa) gubernaculum (Gb), spicules (Sp),
and caudal tail (Ta). C) Detail of the vulvar region, showing vulva (Vu), muscular vagina (Va), and eggs (Eg). D) Lateral view of
the female posterior region, showing anus (An), and caudal tail (Ta).
Neotropical Helminthology. Vol. 9, Nº2, jul-dec 2015 Cucullanus pinnai pinnai parasite of Rhamdioglanis
Table 1. Checklist of host species parasitized with Cucullanus (Cucullanus) pinnai pinnai and geographical
distribution from Neotropical region.
Host species Locality References
Ageneiosus valenciennesi Bleeker, 1864 Parana River -
Brazil Moravec et al.
Galeocharax knerii Steindachner, 1879 Parana River -
Brazil Moravec et al. (1993)
Leporinus copelandii Steindachner, 1875 Mogi Guaçu River – Brazil Kohn & Fernandes (1987)
Loricaria sp. Mogi Guaçu River Brazil Moravec et al. (1997)
Luciopimelodus pati Valenciennes, 1835 Parana River –
Argentina Moravec et al. (1993)
Megalonema platinum Günther, 1880 Parana River –
Uruguay Petter (1995)
Paulicea luetkeni Steindachner, 1876 Parana River -
Foz do Iguaçú Moravec et al. (1997)
Pimelodella gracilis Valenciennes, 1835 Parana River Brazil Moravec et al. (1997)
Pimelodus albicans Valenciennes, 1840 Parana River –
Argentina Chemes & Takemoto
P. clarias Linnaeus, 1758 Parana River -
Brazil Kohn & Fernandes (1987)
P. maculatus Lacepède, 1803 Itaipu Reservoir -
Brazil Moravec et al. (1997)
P. ornatus Kner, 1858 Paraná River -
Brazil Moravec et al. (1993)
Pimelodus sp. Paraná River -
Brazil Moravec et al. (1993)
Pseudopimelodus roosevelti Borodin, 1927 Mogi Guaçu River - Brazil Kohn & Fernandes (1987)
Pseudoplatystoma sp. Parana River -
Brazil Moravec et al.
P. coruscans Spix & Agassiz, 1829 Parana River -
Uruguay Petter (1995)
Rhamdioglanis frenatus, Ihering, 1907 Cubatão River -
Brazil Present study
Schizodon borellii Boulenger, 1900 Parana River -
Brazil Machado et al. (1994)
Steindachneridion parahybae Steindachner, 1877 Mogi Guaçu River - Brazil Kohn & Fernandes (1987)
Cucullanus (Cucullanus) pinnai pinnai have
been reported for several host species of
different localities (Eiras et al., 2010; Kohn et
al., 2011) (Table 1).
This finding represents the first record for
Cucullanus (Cucullanus) pinnai pinnai
parasiting R. frenatus from Cubatão River, São
Paulo State, Brazil and expands the
biogeography and occurrence of this nematode
species, corroborating Moreira et al. (2014),
that suggesting low specificity of this
nematode that has been reported parasitizing
several host species from Neotropical region.
According to Eiras et al. (2011), in the past two
decades the studies of parasite of freshwater
fishes has been focused mainly on fishes with
valuable resource. There is a lack of studies on
the parasite fauna of fishes from streams of
“Serra do Mar”. Furthermore, this paper
provides information of fish parasite from
stream of Atlantic forest one of the most
threatened Brazilian biome and that requires
conservation and sustainable policies.
The author thanks the Instituto Florestal for the
license granted for research (260108-
along the Laboratório de Peixes Continentais
(LAPEC) and Laboratório de Parasitologia de
Animais Silvestres (LAPAS) for supporting
the study. Fabio Hideki Yamada thanks
Fundação de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado de
São Paulo/FAPESP (2011/22603-3). Reinaldo
José da Silva is supported by CNPq
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Received April 17, 2015.
Accepted June 23, 2015.