1,2 1
Aprigio Mota Morais & José Celso de Oliveira Malta
1INPA – National Research Institute of Amazonia, Fish Parasitology and Pathology Laboratory, Manaus, AM.
2"Superior level personnel improvement coordination (CAPES)" "Post-doctoral national program" (PNPD).
Corresponding author: e-mail aprigio.mota@inpa.gov.br or aprigiomota@yahoo.com.br
CEP 69011-970 Phone (55) (092) 3643-3378.
Neotropical Helminthology, 2015, 9(2), jul-dec: 265-276.
Keywords: fish ectoparasites - floodplain lakes - Pygocentrus nattereri - Solimões River.
The present paper describes the fauna of Monogenoidea parasitizing Pygocentrus nattereri
(Kner, 1958) : Namely, captured in six Solimões River floodplain lakes in Central Amazonia
Baixio, Preto, Iauara, Ananá, Campina and Maracá, located between the cities of Manaus and
Coari, Brazil. It adds information to the earlier described species, and cites new records. Three
hundred and fifty-five (355) P. nattereri specimens were captured during the months of March,
June, September and December 2008. They were collected and identified: 50,987
monogenoidean specimens, in seven genera and sixteen species. A new species of Anacanthorus
Mizelle and Price, 1965 was found, yet its number of individuals was too small to enable a
detailed description. This study presents the first record of a new Gyrodactylidae species
parasitizing P. nattereri. The large diversity of Monogenoidea species, which utilize P. nattereri
as their host, points out to the major role this species of fish plays in maintaining the diversity in
the floodplain lakes in Central Amazonia.
ISSN Versión impresa 2218-6425 ISSN Versión Electrónica 1995-1043
Neotropical Helminthology. Vol. 9, Nº2, jul-dec 2015
The biodiversity of Amazonian fishes is
significantly high and relatively well studied
with respect to other Brazilian River Basins.
But, in face of the large diversity of fishes
being found, the knowledge on parasite species
as well as their life cycles, still has much to be
further investigated (Thatcher, 2006; Silva-
Souza et al., 2006).
In the past few years, fish parasites have been
recognized as a major component of the Global
diversity (Poulin & Morand, 2004). Despite
this recognition having been intensified by
several, current scientific studies, there are
signs indicating parasites to keep on being an
underestimated component of the total
biodiversity in many parts of the world (Luque
& Poulin, 2007).
Fish parasite species must be treated as an
integrating and important component of the
natural communities, not only because they
represent a substantial part of the species
biodiversity and biomass (Poulin & Morand,
2004). But also on account of the indirect and
direct influence they exert on the community
framework and free living species relative
abundance, respectively (Wood et al., 2007).
In Amazonia, with over 3000 fish species
described, a little less than 300 fish metazoan
parasite species are known. A modest
evaluation estimating each fish species to be
harboring at least fifteen species of those
organisms comes up to at least 45000 parasite
species, and thus, 44700 of them still remain to
be described for science (Malta & Varella,
2006; Thatcher, 2006).
Therefore, a lot of fish parasite species still
remain to be collected and identified, despite
the ever fewer, remaining taxonomists and
systemats (Brooks, 2000). Since parasites can
only be studied following the species scientific
recognition, biodiversity estimations for any
geographical area are not always a true picture
of their actual diversity (Overstreet, 1997;
Poulin & Morand, 2004; Eiras et al., 2010).
Palabras clave: Ectoparásitos de peces - lagos inundables - Pygocentrus nattereri - Río Amazonas.
Fue descrita la fauna de parásitos de la clase Monogenoidea en Pygocentrus nattereri capturados
en seis lagos inundables del río Amazonas en la Amazonía Central: Baixio Negro Iauara, Ananá,
Campina y Maracá, localizados entre las ciudades de Manaus y Coari, Brasil. Fueron adicionadas
informaciones a las descripciones originales de las especies ya descritas y fueron citadas nuevas
ocurrencias. Fueron capturados 355 P. nattereri durante los meses de marzo, junio, septiembre y
diciembre de 2008. Los peces median 15,4 cm ± 3,5 y pesaban 230,9 g ± 2,7. Fueron colectados y
determinados, hasta el menor taxón posible 50,987 especímenes de Monogenoidea, divididos en
siete géneros y 16 especies. Fue encontrada una nueva especie de Anacanthorus sp., sin embargo
el número de individuos fue muy bajo para hacer la descripción correspondiente. Fue realizado el
primer registro de una especie de la familia Gyrodactylidae parasitando P. nattereri. La gran
diversidad de especies de Monogenoidea que utilizan a P. nattereri como huésped indica la
importancia del rol que esta especie de pez posee para mantener la biodiversidad en los lagos
inundables de la Amazonía Central.
Morais & Malta
Taxonomical studies addressing the discovery
of new species and their occurrences represent
both a major contribution to the knowledge on
the biodiversity of any determined area as well
as the basis for other parasite ecology studies
such as environmental management, biotic
integrity and river basins conservation (Luque
& Poulin, 2007).
Considering the importance of fish parasites as
key biodiversity components, the knowledge
pertaining to whether their number is
decreasing or not in a determined environment,
becomes crucial when one undertakes
environmental management and conservation
actions. Moreover, these organisms may be
utilized as indicators of the stability being
found at a given environment (Poulin, 2004;
Luque & Poulin, 2007).
Amongst the countless number of Amazonian
fish species, Pygocentrus nattereri (Kner,
1958) commonly known as red piranha, stands
out. It harbors a considerable number of
parasite species that utilize it as an
intermediary, paratenic and definitive host.
Furthermore, it plays a determinant role as a
sustainer of several parasite species, which
contributes directly on increasing their local
biodiversity (Boeger & Thatcher, 1988;
Morais et al., 2014).
The present study aims to carry out the
characterization of the Monogenoidea fauna
from P. nattereri. Fish specimens were
captured at Central Amazonian floodplain
lakes, every parasite species was identified,
new occurrences were recorded and the
geographical distribution was widened.
Six floodplain lakes located on the Solimões
River banks, were sampled: Baixio
Neotropical Helminthology. Vol. 9, Nº2, jul-dec 2015
(03°17'27,2 S/60°04'29,6 O); Preto
(03°21'17,1 S/ 60°37'28,6 O); Iauara
(03°36'39,2 S/ 61°16'33,0 O); Ananá
( 0 3 ° 5 3 ' 5 4 , 8 S / 6 1 ° 4 0 ' 1 8 , 4 O ) ,
Campina,(03°46'15,8” S/ 62°20'10,3” O) and
Maracá (03°50'32,8” S/ 62°34'32,4” O), All
located between the cities of Manaus and Coari
in the state of Amazonas (Figure 1).
Four quarterly trips were undertaken in March,
June, September and December 2008. The
fishing effort was standardized in all sampling
sites, through the use of gill nets. The nets
staying time in the water was of approximately
10 h per lake, day and evening periods, with
two fish groundings every five hours.
A necropsy record was filed for each fish
specimen. Necropsies were performed in the
field following an adapted protocol from the
Fish Parasitology and Pathology Laboratory at
the National Research Institute of Amazonia
(LPP-INPA) described in Morais et al. (2011).
All monogenoidean specimens found were
collected, fixed and prepared following a
specific methodology (Amato et al., 1991;
Kritsky et al., 1995; Kritsky & Stockwell,
2005). Drawings were made with the aid of a
light optical microscope with phase contrast
using a camera lucida and digitalized on a
“Kanvus Life 127 - TB-LIFE 127” digitalizing
The photomicrography of the smaller
specimens was done with an optical
microscope and those of the larger ones with a
stereoscope microscope with a coupled digital
camera. All measurements and scales were
made with the aid of . All an ocular micrometer
measures are in micrometers or millimeters
with the means between brackets. When that
did not occur, the corresponding unit was
The types and voucher material were deposited
at the non-insect invertebrate collection of
Biodiversity of monogenoideans from Pygocentrus nattereri
Neotropical Helminthology. Vol. 9, Nº2, jul-dec 2015 Morais & Malta
INPA in Manaus. Voucher numbers are
recorded following the species number
between brackets.
Three hundred fifty-five (355) P. nattereri
captured at six floodplain lakes in Central
Amazonia, were collected and examined. Fish
specimen measured 15.4cm ± 3.5 and weighed
230.9g ± 2.7. We collected and identified
50,987 Monogenoidea class specimens
included in the seven genera and 16 species
related below.
Seven, Amphithecium Boeger & Kritsky 1988
genus, species: A. brachycirrum Boeger &
Kritsky 1988(INPA 611, 612); A. calycinum
Boeger & Kritsky, 1988; A. camelum Boeger &
Kritsky 1988 (INPA 603, 604); A. catalaoensis
Boeger & Kritsky, 1988; A. falcatum Boeger &
Kritsky, 1988 (INPA 608, 609); A. junki
Boeger & Kritsky 1988 (INPA 610) and A.
microphalum Kritsky, Boeger & Jégu 1997
(INPA 605).
Four, Anacanthorus Mizelli & Price 1965
genus, species: A. thatcheri Boeger & Kritsky,
1988 (INPA 606, 607); A. reginae Boeger &
Kritsky 1988 (INPA 615, 616, 617); A.
stachophallus Kritsky, Boeger & Van Every,
1992 and Anacanthorus sp (INPA 618).
One, Enallotecium Boeger & Kritsky, 1988
genus, species: E. aegidatum Boeger &
Kritsky, 1988 (INPA 602) and one,
Nothotecium Boeger & Kritsky, 1988 genus,
species: N. mizellei Boeger & Kritsky, 1988
(INPA 598, 599).
One, Nothozothecium Boeger & Kritsky, 1988
genus, species: N. penetrarum Boeger &
Kritsky, 1988 (INPA 600, 601). One,
Rhinoxenus Kritsky, Boeger & Thatcher, 1988
genus, species: R. piranhus Kritsky, Boeger &
Thatcher, 1988 (INPA 613, 614) was the only
species occurring in the nostrils. One,
Gyrodactylidae family; Gyrodactylus
Nordmann, 1832 genus, species: Gyrodactylus
sp (INPA 619).
All, Monogenoidea species morphometric
measures and morphological characters
presented in this study are similar to those
found in: Boeger and Kritsky (1988); Kritsky
et al. (1988) Kritsky et al. (1992); Kritsky et al.
(1996); Kritsky et al. (1997a); Kritsky et al.
(1997b); Kritsky et al. (1998) and Viana
(2007) mainly body measures and sclerotized
structures (Table 1 and Figure 2).
Amphithecium falcatum resembles A.
calcynum in the haptor sclerotized structures
possessing non scythe-shaped terminations on
the accessory piece. However, A. falcatum
possesses sliced cirrus ending whereas this
structure shows to be really sharp-pointed in A.
Amphithecium camelum is the only species of
the genus that possesses a dorsal protuberance
on its runk that gives rise to its name. Its t
anchors and bars are visibly different and its
vitellaria are laterally fringed. The copulatory
complex structure points out a relationship
with A. cataloensis. Two morphological forms
are recognized for A. camelum, the “Amazonas
form” and the “Rondônia form”. The form
found in this study was that of “Amazonas”
which presents substantially different
structures such as larger copulatory complex,
bars and hooks when compared to the
Rondônia form”.
Amphithecium cataloensis resembled A.
camelum in the copulatory complex
morphology and long anchor shafts. However,
it differed from A. camelum by the absence of a
slit ventral bar, and on account of presenting a
longer rod on the hook. Amphithecium junki
has anchors similar to those of A. cataloensis,
but differing by possessing a blade-shaped
cirrus branch, in addition to hooks with rods or
Neotropical Helminthology. Vol. 9, Nº2, jul-dec 2015
wings on the shorter anchor.
Amphithecium microphalum is the only
species that shows an anteromedially
posterodorsal retrocession on the ventral bar.
The copulatory complex is smaller than that of
all other species found, which originated its
specific name.
Anacanthorus reginae differs from all other
earlier described Anacanthorus species by
possessing, on the accessory piece, a variable
expansion in the sub-terminal region. It is
apparently related with the haptor and hooks
comparati v e morphology - b a s ed A .
Only five specimens of Anacanthorus sp. were
collected, which is an insufficient number to
enable a thorough description. However, it has
a hood-like basal prominence on the cirrus and
a small, triangular sclerotized protuberance on
the median region of the accessory piece, are
its marking characteristics. The analyzed
specimens do not fit into any described
species, but are related with A. reginae, yet the
differences both on the cirrus and accessory
piece distinguish it from the other species of
the genus.
Enallotecium aegidatum differs from
Enallotecium cornutum and E. umbelliferum
by having anchors with lengthened shafts and
points of short duration. It differs from E.
variabilum by possessing a more distal and
robust rod and a less developed protuberance
on the accessory piece and the dorsal anchor
being slightly smaller than the ventral one.
Rhinoxenus piranhus has the presence of the
dorsal anchor modified in one hook-shaped
sclerite and the absence of a dorsal bar as its
marking characters. Rhinoxenus piranhus
resembles R. arientinus by presenting only
ventral bars and modified dorsal anchor, yet
they differ on the presence of two pairs of
hooks located on two lateral lobules of the
trunk and two sclerotized edges present only in
R. arientinus.
The number of Gyrodactylus sp. samples was
insufficient to enable making a thorough
description; the specimens found were located
on the host's body surface.
Biodiversity of monogenoideans from Pygocentrus nattereri
Figure 1. Study area geographical localization in Central Amazonia – AM.
Body wider
anchor lenght
Ventral bar Dorsal bar Cirrus
Acessory piece
210 (199-
64 (52-75) 42 (39-46) 54 (52-59) 15 (11-17) 28 (24-30) 29 (28-33) 29 (28-31) 16 (13-21) 12 (8-15) - -
203 (195-
60 (53-72) 40 (38-44) 54 (52-58) 12 (10-14) 28 (24-29) 30 (26-33) 28 (27-31) 17 (12-20) 12 (9-14) - -
392 (339-
50 (45-53) 52 (49-60) 70 (64-81) 23 (18-25) 46 (40-50) 42 (38-45) 32 (28-33) 50 (49-55) 30 (28-37) - -
390 (282-
89 (71-96) 20 (18-22) 77 (62-90) 19 (16-22) 70 (69-75) 44 (39-49) 43 (38-51) 53 (52-55) 35 (33-38) - -
230 (195-
81 (52-85) 42 (35-39) 62 (55-70) 16 (12-18) 26 (25-30) 27 (26-30) 26 (26-28) 38 (30-41) 31 (22-36) - -
240 (189-
68 (42-75) 49 (35-52) 62 (52-75) 14 (10-16) 43 (39-45) 36 (33-38) 36 (32-37) 28 (25-30) 24 (22-29) - -
350 (340-
125 (95-
67 (64-70) 85 (80-92) 23 (19-25) 40 (38-42) 47 (43-49) 35 (33-37) 18 (16-20) 14 (11-16) - -
450 (290-
120 (90-
51 (48-65) 85 (49-110) 30 (22-33) - - - 70 (59-75) 60 (48-65) - -
700 (620-
130 (125-
60 (57-75) 131 (110-
39 (36-42) - - - 80 (70-91) 80 (75-94) - -
575 (560-
155 (125-
80 (75-90) 115 (110-
39 (36-41) - - - 60 (57-61) 58 (57-59) - -
690 (600-
50 (55-73) 125 (115-
131 (110-
42 (39-50) - - - 88 (73-98) 86 (71-90) - -
230 (214-
69 (67-95) 40 (37-49) 76 (75-90) 11 (12-15) 33 (32-40) 41 (39-41) 40 (39-42) 21 (20-24) 18 (15-19) - -
249 (180-
79 (70-85) 58 (50-60) 85 (80-92) 15 (11-16) 58 (57-60) 43 (41-45) 33 (31-35) 25 (23-26) 22 (21-23) - -
m penetrarum
1350 (1001-
390 (310-
160 (145-
145 (140-
75 (67-82) 36 (33-39) 42 (39-44) 37 (34-41) 211 (209-
65 (54-68) - -
702 (680-
170 (165-
109 (107-
110 (76-
33 (32-36) 125 (122-
55 (49-57) - 179 (173-
49 (45-56) 119 (115-
700 (388-
240 (185-
192 (165-
154 (130-
81 (70-98) 101 (100-
- - *29 (22-
- 55(45-39)
Neotropical Helminthology. Vol. 9, Nº2, jul-dec 2015 Morais & Malta
Table 1. Morphometric characters measuring matrix of Monogenoidea species parasitizing Pygocentrus nattereri. (measures in mµ).
*Masculine Copulatory Organ diameter (MCO).
Neotropical Helminthology. Vol. 9, Nº2, jul-dec 2015 Biodiversity of monogenoideans from Pygocentrus nattereri
Amphithecium microphalum Amphithecium thatcheri Anacanthorus reginae Anacanthorus stachophallus Anacanthorus sp. Enallotecium aegidatum
Amphithecium falcatusAmphithecium brachycirrum Amphithecium calycinum Amphithecium camelum Amphithecium cataloensis Amphithecium junki
Figure 2. Anchors, ventral and dorsal bars complex, and copulatory complex of the species of monogenoideans described on
Pygocentrus nattereri.
Figure 3. continuation. Anchors, ventral and dorsal bars complex, and copulatory complex of the species of monogenoideans
described on Pygocentrus nattereri.
Neotropical Helminthology. Vol. 9, Nº2, jul-dec 2015 Morais & Malta
simple base while that of A. stacophallus is C-
shaped. These observations agree with what
was observed initially by Boeger & Kritsky
(1988) and later by Kritsky et al. (1992) on P.
nattereri collected at Ilha da Marchantaria
lakes, Solimões River, State of Amazonas.
Enallotecium aegidatum was originally
described as N. aegidatum by Boeger &
Kritsky (1988) parasitizing the gills of P.
nattereri, and placed in Enallothecium genus
by Kritsky et al. (1998).
This species apparently possessing low
specificity was found on nine hosts of genera
Prystobrycon Eigenmann, 1915, Pygocentrus
(Müller & Troschel, 1844) and Serrasalmus
Cuvier, 1819, though they were not reported in
the original description. Notothecium
aegidatum described in this study, possesses a
small, weakly sclerotized drop or umbrella-
like protuberance on the accessory piece
similar to what was described by Kritsky et al.,
Notothecium mizellei was designated as type
species for this genus. Specimens found in this
study do not differ from those utilized in the
studies of Boeger & Kritsky (1988) and
Kritsky et al. (1997b). In does not have a
ventral aperture similar to what was found by
Kritsky et al. (1997b). In this study N. mizzelei
differed from the other species by being the
only one possessing two protruding branches
on its copulatory organ.
Notozothecium penetrarum is type species of
the genus; the specific name is due to the
peculiar way the adults penetrate through the
haptor into the gill filament tissues. This
results into a relatively permanent fixation on
the gills, causing a major damage on the
penetrating site. It also stands out by
presenting larger body length and width than
other species.
It is considered to be the largest species of the
Amazonian fish parasite biodiversity has been
increasing with new descriptions being
reported from year to year. Nearly 472
parasitic species, distributed into protozoans
and metazoans, have been described so far,
they represent 4% of the parasite fauna
estimated for the fishes in the region, and P.
nattereri as the major host harboring the largest
number of metazoan parasite species (Morais
et al., 2011).
Differences in Amphithecium genus species
are based on the anchors, hook and bars
morphology (Boeger & Kritsky, 1988; Kritsky
et al. 1997a). The same authors described the
seven species found in this study, including A.
calcynum, the type species of this genus.
All species of Amphithecium genus possess a
hook-shaped termination on the cirrus
accessory piece, but for A. brachycirrum, as
observed by Boeger & Kritsky (1988). Other
specific differences on the species found in the
present study corroborate the ones determined
by Boeger & Kritsky (1988) and Kritsky et al.
Anacanthorus stacophallus, first recognized
by Boeger & Kritsky (1988) as Anacanthorus
sp. and later described by Kritsky et al. (1992)
as A. stacophallus is easily distinguished by
the copulatory complex morphology. Hence,
A. stacophallus is considered A. thatcheri
sister species, but differing in the accessory
piece morphology. Anacanthorus stacophallus
presents diagonal, basal aperture on the cirrus
proximal extremity, while in A. thatcheri it
shows to be lateral (Kritsky et al., 1992).
The differences observed between A.
thatcheri, A. reginae and A. stacophalus in this
study are found in the cirrus morphology.
Anacanthorus thatcheri possesses hook-like
cirrus; A. reginae presents cirrus with J-shaped
similar to that of Gyrodactylus sp.n.4., found
by Viana (2007). Nevertheless, since the
specimens in this study were not stained with
Gomori trichrome, we were unable to assert
them to belong to the same species, since the
staining can give a false appearance to their
superficial shield. This is the first record of a
species of the family Gyrodactylidae
parasitizing P. nattereri.
Therefore, in spite of all morphological and
morphometric characters found in
Gyrodactylus sp., being in conformity with
Gyrodactylus sp.n.4, the absence of the shield
on Gyrodactylus sp. may be an effect from the
mounting of the specimens on the slide which
occurred in Hoyer's solution, not allowing us to
assert them to be the same species. Thus, new
collections and ways of preparing slides with
Gomori trichrome as a staining technique must
be considered in the identification of that
species so as to be able to confirm the absence
of the shield, or not.
Works as those of Vital et al. (2011) and
Boeger & Kritsky (1988) recorded the high
parasite diversity of Monogenoidea for P.
nattereri. Of the 308 species of Monogenoidea
recorded in 144 freshwater fish species
described for the Neotropical region (Boeger
et al., 2006), 28 of them, that is, 9.1%
parasitize P. nattereri.
Since the monogenoideans possess a high
degree of parasite specificity, occurring on one
host or on very phylogenetic close hosts (Cone
& Kurt, 1982). Pygocentrus nattereri
represents a major host for this group of
parasites since these possess a direct life cycle
depending only on that host to complete their
life cycle.
Of the 28 species of Monogenoidea parasites
described for P. nattereri, 15 of them were
determined in the present work. The species
were similar to those described in the works of
Boeger & Kritsky (1988) and Vital et al.
genus (Boeger & Kritsky, 1988). The
morphometric measures corroborate those
reported by Boeger & Kritsky (1988) and
Kritsky et al. (1996). There are small
differences on the amplitudes; the specimens
in this study presented the highest values.
Rhinoxenus piranhus is specific to the nostrils
and the morphological and structural
characteristics are in accordance with those of
the species determined by Kritsky et al. (1988).
According to these authors the modifications
of the haptor in R. piranhus as well as in the
other species of the genus are apparently
related with the needs required to get fixed on
the surface of the nostrils.
Our viviparous species of Monogenoidea of
the family Gyrodactylidae of the genus
Gyrodactylus were described as collected on
the body surface of Characiformes of Brazil.
One of them was Gyrodactylus sp.n.4 parasite
of S. rhombeus Linnaeus, 1766) which is a (
species whose phylogeny is very close to P.
nattereri (Viana, 2007).
The species Gyrodactylus sp. found in this
study presented a pair of anchors with the
superficial root and point overpassing the
haptor border boundaries. This characteristic
was also observed in G. traira and Kritsky et
al. (1995) parasite of Hoplias malabaricus
(Bloch, 1794).
The absence of the shield of the superficial bar
of Gyrodactylus sp. was also observed in
Gyrodactylus sp.n.3, a species also described
by Viana (2007). However, Gyrodactylus
sp.n.3 possesses small anterolateral
protuberances on the superficial bar and the
platform of the head of the hook is convex,
characteristics absent from Gyrodactylus sp.
and Gyrodactylus sp.n.4.
In this study were collected specimens of
Gyrodactylus sp. which characterizes itself by
presenting a superficial bar shield not very
Neotropical Helminthology. Vol. 9, Nº2, jul-dec 2015 Biodiversity of monogenoideans from Pygocentrus nattereri
Neotropical Helminthology. Vol. 9, Nº2, jul-dec 2015 Morais & Malta
(2011). These figures confirm P. nattereri as
the freshwater fish species harboring the
largest number of parasite species in Brazil.
The high parasitic diversity comprised by
different taxonomic groups in distinct and
complex life cycle stages, demonstrates the
importance of P. nattereri as a direct sustainer
of 55 invertebrate parasite species. This fact
reveals the determining role this fish species
plays in contributing to increase and maintain
the biodiversity in Amazonian floodplain lakes
as well as any other environment this species
may occur.
Funding this research was financially
supported by the PIATAM project And
the Central Amazon. Proceedings of the
H e l m i n t h o l o g i c a l S o c i e t y o f
Washington, vol. 55, pp. 87-90.
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Adis, J.; Arias, J.R.; Rueda-Delgado, G.
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Brooks, DR. 2000. Parasite systematics in the
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21 century: opportunities and
obstacles. Memórias do Instituto
Oswaldo Cruz, vol.95, pp. 99-107.
Cone, DK & Kurt, MDB. 1982. The host
especifity of Urocleidus adspectus
( M u l l e r, 1 9 3 8 ) ( M o n o g e n e a :
An c yrocep h al i n a e) . Journal of
Parasitology, vol. 75, pp. 702-706.
Eiras, JC, Takemoto, RM & Pavanelli, GC.
2010. Diversidade dos parasitas de
peixes de água doce do Brasil. Maringá,
PR: Clichetec, NUPELIA, Maringá,
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Kritsky, DC, Boeger, WA & Thatcher, VE.
1988. Neotropical Monogenea. 11.
Rhinoxenus gen. n. (Dactylogyridae:
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Received July 30, 2015.
Accepted September 24, 2015.