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Philippe Vieira Alves , Cláudia Portes Santos & José Luis Luque
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Philippe Vieira Alves , Cláudia Portes Santos & José Luis Luque
1Programa de Pós-Graduação em Biologia Animal, Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro, BR 465, Km 7,
Seropédica, Rio de Janeiro, 23890-000, Brasil. Laboratório de Avaliação e Promoção da Saúde Ambiental, Instituto Oswaldo
Cruz, Av. Brasil, 4365, Manguinhos, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, 21040-360, Brasil. Departamento de Parasitologia Animal,
Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro, CP 74.540, Seropédica, Rio de Janeiro, 23851-970, Brasil. E-mail:
Neotropical Helminthology, 2015, 9(1), jan-jun: 29-40.
The helminthological collections are depository of the type/voucher specimens and contribute to the
maintenance of the history of the species. In this study, a reassessment of the taxonomic status of
Lobatostoma (a priori) species is performed based on specimens deposited in the United States
National Parasite Collection (USNPC). Nine slides (six species) of stained specimens of L. albulae
Yamaguti, 1968; L. kemostoma (MacCallum & MacCallum, 1913); L. manteri Rohde, 1973; L.
pacificum Manter, 1940; L. ringens (Linton, 1905); L. veranoi Oliva & Luque, 1989, including the
photomicrographs from the USNPC, were analyzed. The specimens under accession numbers
USNPC 36394.02 (assumed to be L. ringens) and USNPC 083016/B7.30, B7.36 (assumed to be L.
kemostoma), are identified herein as Cotylogaster sp. and Lobatostoma sp., respectively. Further, we
provide taxonomic comments on each taxon studied and outline the need of caution when assessing
the taxonomic identification of deposited material in the helminthological collections.
Keywords: Aspidogastrea – Cotylogaster - helminthological collections – Lobatostoma – taxonomy - USNPC.
Palabras clave: Aspidogastrea - colecciones helmintológicas – CotylogasterLobatostoma – taxonomía - USNPC.
Las colecciones helmintológicas son depositarios de los especímenes tipo/muestras representativas y
contribuyen al mantenimiento de la historia de la especie. En este estudio, se proporciona una
reevaluación de la situación taxonómica de las especies de Lobatostoma (a priori) basado en
especímenes depositados en la United States National Parasite Collection (USNPC). Nueve láminas
(seis especies) con muestras teñidas de L. albulae Yamaguti, 1968; L. kemostoma (MacCallum &
MacCallum, 1913); L. manteri Rohde, 1973; L. pacificum Manter, 1940; L. ringens (Linton, 1905); L.
veranoi Oliva & Luque, 1989, incluyendo las fotos enviadas por USNPC, fueron analizadas. Los
especímenes bajo los números de acceso USNPC 36394.02 (que se supone L. ringens) y USNPC
083016/B730, B7.36 (que se supone L. kemostoma), se identificaron en este estudio como
Cotylogaster sp. y Lobatostoma sp., respectivamente. Además, se proporcionan comentarios
taxonómicos acerca de cada taxón estudiado y se enfatiza la necesidad de evaluar conservadoramente
la identificación taxonómica de material depositado en las colecciones helmintológicas.
ISSN Versión impresa 2218-6425 ISSN Versión Electrónica 1995-1043
Neotropical Helminthology. Vol. 9, Nº1, jan-jun 2015
Aspidogastrea Faust & Tang, 1936 is a small
group of trematodes parasitizing molluscs as
obligate hosts and vertebrates (fishes and
turtles) as facultative or obligate final hosts
(Rohde, 2002). It represents the most basal
group of flukes (Olson et al., 2003). The
aspidogastreans are characterized by having a
ventral holdfast organ with rows of alveoli or
suckerlets, or just presenting a row of rugae or
suckers (Rohde, 2002).
Lobatostoma Eckmann, 1932 is one of the
most speciose aspidogastreans and their
members are found in molluscs and teleost fish
distributed worldwide (Rohde, 1994). Alves et
al. (2015a) listed nine valid species in the
genus, namely, L. anisotremum Oliva &
Carvajal, 1984; L. hanumanthai Narasimhulu
& Madhavi, 1980; L. jungwirthi Kritscher,
1974; L. kemostoma (MacCallum &
MacCallum, 1913); L. manteri Rohde, 1973;
L. pacificum Manter, 1940; L. platense Mañé-
Garzon & Holcman-Spector, 1976; L. ringens
(Linton, 1905); and L. veranoi Oliva & Luque,
1989. Of them, six have been described from
carangid fish, while the remaining have been
described from fish of the families
Haemulidae, Sciaenidae and Cichlidae (only
freshwater host). All species possesses head
lobes, single testis and the presence of a cirrus-
sac as differential diagnosis of the genus
(Rohde, 2002).
Alves et al. (2015b) redescribed L. kemostoma,
based on the type and newly collected material
from the type host Trachinotus carolinus
(Linnaeus, 1766) (Carangidae) off the
Brazilian coast. They also designated a
lectotype from the syntypes deposited in the
United States National Parasite Collection
(USNPC), Beltsville, Maryland. So far, this
collection has been of assistance for
parasitologists all over the world with loan of
specimens, lots of which serve as source of
information on biodiversity and systematics of
parasites (see Hoberg, 2002). Recently, the
operational responsibility for curation and the
management of specimens deposited in the
USNPC has been transferred to the National
Museum of Natural History (NMNH),
Washington, D.C. (Hoberg & Phillips, 2014).
As a part of an ongoing research project on
Lobatostoma, we had access to specimens
deposited in the USNPC/NMNH. Herein, we
reassess the taxonomic identification of some
species, with comments on each taxon.
The type and voucher specimens of
Lobatostoma examined were lent by the staff
of USNPC. Photomicrographs of holotypes,
kindly sent by Ms. Patricia A. Pilitt (Associate
Curator of USNPC), were also studied. A list of
the material examined is shown in Table 1.
The specimens were studied according to their
original descriptions and the present literature
on aspidogastreans. Photomicrographs were
taken using a CELL D™ software set up in the
Olympus™ BX51 microscope. The names of
fish follow FishBase (Froese & Pauly, 2014).
A total of nine slides containing stained
specimens of Lobatostoma spp. (a priori),
including those photographs sent by the staff of
USNPC, were analyzed. Taxonomic
inconsistencies were observed in the
specimens under accession number USNPC
36394.02 labeled as L. ringens. In fact, the five
specimens on the slide are reassigned to
Cotylogaster Monticelli, 1892. Similarly, the
two slides USNPC 083016/B7.30, B7.36 with
two specimens on each, previously labeled as
Alves et al.
Neotropical Helminthology. Vol. 9, Nº1, jan-jun 2015
L. kemostoma are now identified as
Lobatostoma sp. The comments on each taxon
are provided below:
Lobatostoma albulae Yamaguti, 1968 (Fig.
This species was briefly described based on
two specimens from Albula vulpes (Linnaeus,
1758) (Albuliformes: Albulidae) off the
Pacific Ocean. Several important
morphological features, such as the
arrangement and the total number of alveoli on
the ventral disc were incompletely described.
In addition, the holotype (Fig. 1A) illustrated
in the original description was deformed due
the excessive number of eggs, which made
impossible its specific identification.
Apparently, the second specimen studied by
Yamaguti was not deposited (see Yamaguti,
Narasimhulu & Madhavi (1980) suggested
that L. albulae is probably junior synonym of
L. ringens, but there is no evidence for this and
Oliva & Luque (1989) considered as valid only
nine species, excluding L. albulae. Despite of
that, new material from the type host is
necessary to reassess the taxonomic status of
this doubtful species. Therefore, L. albulae is
considered to be a species inquirenda.
Lobatostoma from a helminthological collection
Figure 1. Holotypes of Lobatostoma deposited in the USNPC: A) L. albulae from Albula vulpes ventral view (USNPC
063691.00); B) L. pacificum from Trachinotus paitensis ventro-lateral view (USNPC 09321.00); C) L. manteri from T. blochii
ventral view (USNPC 71056.00).
Neotropical Helminthology. Vol. 9, Nº1, jan-jun 2015 Alves et al.
Lobatostoma pacificum Manter, 1940 (Fig.
Lobatostoma pacificum was the first species of
the genus described from the Pacific Ocean
parasitizing Trachinotus paitensis (Cuvier,
1832) (syn. of T. paloma) in the Galapagos
Islands. It is differentiated from the similar L.
kemostoma, by having higher number of
marginal alveoli on the ventral disc (32–34 vs
30), cephalic lobes with different shape and
size and by having a hindbody (from distal
base of the ventral disc to posterior end)
smaller than the ventral disc. L. pacificum is
also differentiated from the other species of the
genus by possessing the hindbody at least one
third of the body length.
The specimen USNPC 09321.00 is registered
in the USNPC as “type”, without any mention
of what kind of type it is, recognized by the
International Commission on Zoological
Nomenclature (ICZN), article 72.1. (ICZN,
1999). Manter deposited all holotypes of the
several described species in the USNPC and
the paratypes in the Allan Hancock Foundation
at The University of Southern California,
consequently the studied specimen is the
holotype (see pag. 329 in Manter, 1940).
Lobatostoma manteri Rohde, 1973 (Fig. 1C)
This species was described from Trachinotus
blochii (Lacepède, 1801) off the Australian
coast (Pacific Ocean part). It differs from the
other eight congeneric species by having
56–62 marginal alveoli on the ventral disc
(Rohde, 1973). Despite of the author also
differentiates the species by the ratio between
the cirrus sac and pharynx, L. platense shows
similarly the cirrus sac twice the size, at least,
of the pharynx (Mañé-Garzon & Holcman-
Spector, 1976).
Among the Lobatostoma species, L. manteri
has been widely studied regarding the biology
of the genus. For instance, studies on life cycle
(Rohde, 1973), morphology (Rohde, 1973),
including ultrastructure (Rohde, 1989; Rohde
& Watson, 1989a; Rohde et al., 1991),
sensorial system (Rohde & Watson, 1989b,
1992), parasite-host system (Rohde &
Sandland, 1973; Rohde, 1981) and
pathogenicity (Rohde, 1975) were performed
on this species.
Lobatostoma ringens (Linton, 1905) (Fig. 2
The species was described as Aspidogaster
ringens Linton, 1905 from T. carolinus and
Micropogonias undulatus (Linnaeus, 1766) in
the North Atlantic Ocean; the type host was not
given. Eckmann (1932) erected Lobatostoma
to accommodate L. ringens and L. kemostoma
based on features already mentioned. Since
then, L. ringens has been reported from several
unrelated groups of fishes (nine different
families) across the western Atlantic Ocean,
with the major number of records in the genus
(Hendrix & Overstreet, 1977; Chinchilla &
Mago, 2005). Moreover, there are two records
on molluscs, although its life cycle has not
been completely elucidated as for L. manteri
and L. jungwirthi (Rohde, 1973; Zylber &
Ostrowski de Núñez, 1999).
The identification of the species has been
broadly based on the relative position of testis,
the ratio hindbody/ventral disc and
pharynx/cirrus sac, number of marginal alveoli
and the arrangement of the vitellaria (Rohde,
1973; Mañé-Garzon & Holcman-Spector,
1976; Lunaschi, 1984; Oliva & Carvajal,
1984). However, the intraspecific variation,
the degree of contraction, as well as the
mounting of the material, can alter some of
these features (Oliva & Luque, 1989; Alves et
al., 2015a). Therefore, L. ringens can be
differentiated from its congeners, but three by
having 32–40 marginal alveoli. It differs from
L. pacificum and L. kemostoma by a smaller
hindbody (less than one third of the body vs at
least one third of the body). It is also
differentiated from L. jungwirthi, the only
freshwater species of the genus, due to the
lacking of a hindbody in the last taxon.
Neotropical Helminthology. Vol. 9, Nº1, jan-jun 2015
The unique specimen which bears the name of
the taxon, as recommended by ICZN, is still
lacking. According to records of USNPC, in
1996, Ms. Meryl A. Ferguson redetermined the
specimens of L. ringens USNPC 035556.02,
035557.02, 035559.02 deposited by G.W.
MacCallum in 1911 and 1912 as “types”,
although she has not published any work to
validate it (P. Pilitt, personal communication).
A redescription of L. ringens, based on
morphological and molecular studies of
specimens collected across the western
Atlantic Ocean, is needed along with a critical
review of the material deposited in the
Gomes & Fábio (1976) redescribed L. ringens
arguing that there were no records of this
species in the South America, but Szidat
(1961) and Suriano (1966) have already
reported it (with taxonomic description) from
Oncopterus darwinii Steindachner, 1874 and
Micropogonias furnieri (Desmarest, 1823),
respectively, in the Argentine waters.
Moreover, they overlooked the number of
median alveoli on the ventral disc, thus
underestimating the total number of them.
Lobatostoma veranoi Oliva & Luque, 1989
(Fig. 3 A–C)
Lobatostoma veranoi was described from
Menticirrhus ophicephalus (Jenyns, 1840) in
the Peruvian coast. It represents the third
species described from a host which does not
belong to the Trachinotus genus. This species
is distinguished from the others but one by
having a higher number of marginal alveoli
(64–66 vs 62 at maximum). Oliva & Luque
(1989) pointed out that L. veranoi differs from
the similar species in the number of marginal
alveoli L. anisotremum (64), by its smaller
cirrus sac than the pharynx, but they did not
Lobatostoma from a helminthological collection
Figure 2. Vouchers and type specimens of Lobatostoma ringens deposited in the USNPC: A) Young adult from Calamus calamus
ventral view (USNPC 08538.02); B) Adult from Trachinotus carolinus ventral view (USNPC 035560.00).
Neotropical Helminthology. Vol. 9, Nº1, jan-jun 2015 Alves et al.
provide any measurement of the cirrus sac to
corroborate this statement.
In the present study, new measurements were
taken from the paratype under accession
number USNPC 80460.00. Indeed, the cirrus
sac (160µm long) is smaller than the pharynx
(217 µm long), leading us to agree with Oliva
& Luque (1989).
Lobatostoma sp. (Fig. 4 A–B)
Bunkley-Williams et al. (1996) reported L.
kemostoma from T. carolinus off the
Caribbean Sea and also off the Dauphin Island,
northern Gulf of Mexico. However, the
specimens do not have any autapomorphic
character of the referred species as stated by
Alves et al. (2015a). Thus, they were identified
in the present study just as Lobatostoma sp.
since its degree of contraction and preservation
precluded the observation of the main
morphological characters.
Cotylogaster sp. (Fig. 5)
The five specimens on the slide (USNPC
36394.02) were identified as L. ringens by Ms.
M. A. Ferguson, but further analysis on this
material showed that they do not belong to the
Figure 3. Paratype of Lobatostoma veranoi (USNPC 80460.00) deposited in the USNPC: A) Whole-mount – ventral view; B)
Detail of the internal organs, second quarter of the body ventral view; C) Detail of the internal organs, first quarter of the body
ventral view. Abbreviations: cirrus sac (cs), intestinal caecum (ic), pharynx (p), seminal vesicle (sv), vitellaria follicular (vf).
Neotropical Helminthology. Vol. 9, Nº1, jan-jun 2015 Lobatostoma from a helminthological collection
subfamilyAspidogastrinae. These specimens
are now placed in Cotylaspidinae Chauhan,
1954 because they have three longitudinal
rows of alveoli on the ventral disc as stated by
Rohde (2002). In this subfamily, just
Cotylogaster Monticelli, 1892 is found in
teleost fish; Cotylaspis Leidy, 1857 and
Lissemysia Sinha, 1935 are primarily parasites
of molluscs and turtles (Rohde, 2002),
although L. pandei Rai, 1970 and L. agrawali
Singh and Tewari, 1985 have been described in
teleost fish (Rai, 1970; Singh & Tewari, 1985).
The morphology of the specimens agrees with
Cotylogaster which is characterized by
possessing two testes; the presence of the
cirrus sac in the genus is controversial. Rohde
(2002) pointed out that this feature is present in
the group and Yamaguti (1963) differentiated
Cotylogaster from Cotylogasteroides
Yamaguti, 1963 (synonym of the former), by
the presence or absence of the cirrus sac,
respectively. However, following works on
redescription and description of new species
did not mention a true cirrus sac. Rather, it
corresponds to the prostatic complex
(Fredericksen, 1972; Hendrix & Overstreet,
1977), which is the case of the present forms.
Four species are currently recognized in the
genus, C. basiri Siddiqi and Cable, 1960; C.
dinosoides Hendrix and Overstreet, 1977; C.
michaelis Monticelli, 1892; and C.
occidentalis Nickerson, 1902. Of these, three
have been reported from marine fish, only C.
occidentalis have been found in molluscs and
Figure 4. Lobatostoma sp. deposited in the USNPC: A) Young adult ventral view (USNPC 083016. B7.36); B) Adult – ventral
view (USNPC 083016.B7.30).
Neotropical Helminthology. Vol. 9, Nº1, jan-jun 2015 Alves et al.
in the freshwater fish Aplodinotus grunniens
Rafinesque, 1019 from North America
(Fredericksen, 1972).
The specimens studied herein resemble C.
dinosoides by possessing a simple buccal
funnel with acuminate end without lateral
lobes, but they are similar with C. basiri by the
presence of eyespots in the anterior end; these
features are unique for each taxon. Regardless
of records of C. basiri in T. carolinus, C.
dinosoides was described based on immature
specimens (Hendrix & Overstreet, 1977),
which may explain the absence of eyespots
near to the pharynx. Thus, new sampling effort
focused on aspidogastreans from T. carolinus
and Pogonias cromis (Linnaeus, 1766) (type
host of C. dinosoides) in the North Atlantic are
needed in order to elucidate these taxonomic
Figure 5. Cotylogaster sp. (USNPC 36394.02) deposited in the USNPC.
Table 1. Collection data from the United States National Parasite Collection (USNPC), with accession number of the
studied material. Abbreviations: H = holotype, P = paratype, S = syntype, V = voucher.
Species Hosts (Family host) Accession number References
L. ringens (Linton,
Trachinotus carolinus
(Linnaeus, 1766)
035560 (S)
MacCallum &
Calamus calamus
(Valenciennes, 1830)
08538.02 (V)a Linton (1910)
L. pacificum
Manter, 1940
Trachinotus paitensis
(Cuvier, 1832)
09321.00 (H)a Manter (1940)
L. albulae
Yamaguti, 1968
Albula vulpes (Linnaeus,
1758) (Albulidae)
063691.00 (H)a Yamaguti (1968)
L. manteri Rohde,
Trachinotus blochii
(Lacepède, 1801)
71056.00 (H)a Rohde (1973)
L. veranoi Oliva &
Luque, 1989
ophicephalus (Jenyns,
1840) (Sciaenidae)
80460.00 (P) Oliva & Luque
Cotylogaster sp. as
L. ringens
Trachinotus carolinus
(Linnaeus, 1766)
36394.02 (V) Dataset of
Lobatostoma sp. as
L. kemostoma Trachinotus carolinus
(Linnaeus, 1766)
083016/B7.30, B7.36 (V)
et al. (1996)
aPhotomicrographs released by Ms Patricia Pillit.
The relevance of parasites within studies on
conservation and management of the
biodiversity have been increased since the last
decade, due to the recognition of the essential
role that these organisms play in the
ecosystems (Brooks & Hoberg, 2000; Pérez-
Ponce de León & García-Prieto, 2001; Nichols
& Gómez, 2011; Gómez et al., 2012).
Moreover, Marcogliese (2005) stated that
resource managers interested in environmental
quality should consider the studies on
parasitology along with other disciplines in
ecosystem assessments.
In this context, the helminthological
collections or museums repositories are very
useful to maintain the type and voucher
specimens as an empirical record, which
validates all taxonomic research (Hoberg et al.,
2009). In addition, taxonomic works on
specimen-based data can improve the
knowledge about the global composition,
spatial distribution, ecology, systematics, and
organismal history (Krishtalka & Humphrey,
2000; Hoberg et al., 2009). Despite of its
importance, shortcomings of the data
deposited or gaps in the information can
appear in the museums dataset (Ponder et al.,
2001) as well as presented by the specimens
under accession numbers USNPC 36394.02
and USNPC 083016/B7.30, B7.36.
Neotropical Helminthology. Vol. 9, Nº1, jan-jun 2015 Lobatostoma from a helminthological collection
Neotropical Helminthology. Vol. 9, Nº1, jan-jun 2015 Alves et al.
In this work, we added new information on
morphology of some species of Lobatostoma
and one of Cotylogaster deposited in the
USNPC, but further studies using both fresh
and deposited material of the genera are
warranted to better clarify our knowledge on
the group. It is clear that type/voucher
materials are very useful for taxonomic
studies, even though they must be critically
examined since specimens with questionable
identification can be found among the
deposited material.
We thank Patricia Pilitt and Eric Hoberg for the
loan of specimens of Lobatostoma available at
USNPC. This study was supported financially
by Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento
Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq),
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal
de Ensino Superior (CAPES) and Fundação
Oswaldo Cruz-PROEP.
marine fishes. Journal of Aquatic Animal
Health, vol. 8, pp. 87-92. Triage for the
biosphere: the need and rationale for
taxonomic inventories and phylogenetic
studies of parasites. Comparative
Parasitology, vol. 67, pp. 1-25. Hallazgo
de Lobatostoma ringens (Linton, 1907)
Eck m an n, 1 9 32 ( Tre ma toda :
Aspidogasteridae) en Umbrina coroides
Cuvier, 1830 (Pisces: Sciaenidae) en
Venezuela. Boletín del Instituto de
Oceanografía de la Universidad Oriente,
vol. 44, pp. 105-110.
Über zwei neue
Trematoden der Gattung Aspidogaster.
Zeitschrift für Parasitenkunde, vol. 4,
pp. 395-399. Morphology and
taxonomy of Cotylogaster occidentalis
(Trematoda: Aspidogastridae). The
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1110-1116. FishBase. World
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Ocorrência de
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Parasite conservation, conservation
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Aguirre, RS Ostfeld & P Daszak, (eds.).
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Integrative Parasitology: collections,
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Eckmann, F. 1932.
Fredericksen, DW. 1972.
Froese, R & Pauly, D. 2014.
Gomes, DC & Fábio, SP. 1976.
Gómez, A, Nichols, E & Perkins, SL. 2012.
Hendrix, SS & Overstreet, RM. 1977.
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Bunkley-Williams, L, Dyer, WG & Williams
Jr, EH. 1996.
A redescription of
Lobatostoma kemostoma (MacCallum
& MacCallum, 1913) (Trematoda:
Aspidogastrea) from the Florida
pompano fish Trachinotus carolinus
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Journal of Helminthology, vol. 89, pp.
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Una nueva especie de Aspidogastrea,
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Neotropical Helminthology. Vol. 9, Nº1, jan-jun 2015 Alves et al.
Received January 2, 2015.
Accepted February 4, 2015.