Sometimes infected fish were noted scratching
on the walls of the tank (Sharif & Roberts,
1989). In the hosts studied in captivity a
progressive loss of condition and positive
response to feeding was observed. After three
weeks 100% lethality was recorded compared
to another group kept without parasites.
Considering the parasitic prevalence (P) and
intensities (I) documented for Argentine fish,
the estimates in this study can be classified as
moderated (P=19%; I= 1) compared to 53.6%
in O. bonariensis; 80.9% in O. jenynsii and
100% in Cyprinus carpio, among others.
Paperna (1996) indicated that lernaeosis in fish
smaller than 40 mm is lethal. The heavy
invasion in the visceral mass of C.
decemmaculatus makes the fish potentially
susceptible of suffering lethal consequences in
the reproductive stage, with consequent
negative effect at population level, considering
that the standard length recorded for this
species varies between 38 mm (Ringuelet et
al., 1967), and 35 mm (males) and 45 mm
(females) (Lucinda, 2003).
The authors wish to thank Rosemary Scoffield
for her review of the English version.
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Neotropical Helminthology. Vol. 10, Nº2, jul-dic 2016 Lernaeosis in Cnesterodon