ISSN Versión impresa 2218-6425 ISSN Versión Electrónica 1995-1043
Neotropical Helminthology, 2017, 11(2), jul-dic: 309-316.
1Federal University of Piauí (Universidade Federal do Piauí), Piauí, Brazil.
2São Paulo State University (Unesp), Institute of Biosciences, Botucatu.
3Federico Villarreal National University, El Agustino, Lima, Peru.
4Ricardo Palma University, Santiago de Surco, Lima, Peru.
5Global Health Initiative, Wabash College, Crawfordsville, Indiana, USA.
6National University of the Peruvian Amazon (Universidad Nacional de la Amazonía Peruana), Loreto, Iquitos, Peru.
Corresponding author:
1 1 2 3,4
Mariluce Gonçalves Fonseca ; Gleice Ribeiro Orasmo ; Lucia Helena O'Dwyer ; Jose Iannacone ;
5 6 6
Jorge Cardenas Callirgos ; Carmén Reategui-Bardales ; Mirle Cachique Pinche ;
6 2
Erme Gloria Pizango Paima & Reinaldo José da Silva
Keywords: Amazon – Amblyomma rotundatum – Peru – Rhinella marina – Seasonality
The present study evaluated the influence of seasonality on the occurrence of ectoparasites in a population
of Rhinella marina Linnaeus, 1758 from the region of Loreto, Iquitos, Peru. Hosts were collected during
active night searches. Thirty individuals were collected in the dry season (September 2013) and 20 in the
rainy season (March 2014). The collected hosts underwent morphometric evaluation and subsequently
surveyed for the presence of ectoparasites through examination of the entire body surface under a
stereomicroscope. Only one species of ectoparasite, Amblyomma rotundatum Koch, 1844, was found on
the analyzed hosts. The prevalence and mean abundance of A. rotundatum on R. marina collected in the
rainy season were higher than in the dry season. However, the mean intensity of infestation was similar in
both seasons. The higher prevalence and abundance are likely related to the greater spatial distribution of
R. marina in the environment during the rainy season because, at this time, more water bodies are
available for reproduction. In addition, in the dry season, these organisms are buried and in estivation,
which theoretically would decrease their encounter with ectoparasites. Our results demonstrate that the R.
marina population presents a high prevalence of A. rotundatum in the rainy season and corroborates the
hypothesis that seasonality is a factor that influences the occurrence of these ectoparasites in these hosts in
the studied area. This is the first record that demonstrates the effect of seasonality on A. rotundatum
infestation in R. marina in the Peruvian Amazon.
Neotropical Helminthology
Palabras clave: Amazon – Amblyomma rotundatum – Estacionalidad – Perú – Rhinella marina
El presente estudio evaluó la influencia de la estacionalidad en la ocurrencia de ectoparásitos en una
población de Rhinella marina Linnaeus, 1758 de la región de Loreto, Iquitos, Perú. Los hospederos fueron
colectados durante búsquedas nocturnas activas. Treinta individuos fueron recolectados en la estación
seca (septiembre / 2013) y 20 en la estación lluviosa (marzo / 2014). Los hospederos recolectados fueron
sometidos a evaluación morfométrica, y posteriormente, fueron examinados para la presencia de
ectoparásitos a través del examen de la entera superficie corporal bajo un estereomicroscopio. Sólo una
especie de ectoparásito, Amblyomma rotundatum Koch, 1844, se encontró en los hospederos analizados.
La prevalencia y abundancia media de A. rotundatum en R. marina en la temporada de lluvias fue mayor
que en la estación seca. Sin embargo, la intensidad media de infestación fue similar en ambas temporadas.
La mayor prevalencia y abundancia probablemente se relaciona con la mayor distribución espacial de R.
marina en el medio ambiente durante la estación lluviosa porque en este momento, hay más cuerpos de
agua disponibles para la reproducción. Además, en la estación seca, estos organismos están enterrados y
en estivación, que teóricamente disminuirían su encuentro con los ectoparásitos. Nuestros resultados
demuestran que la población de R. marina presenta una alta prevalencia de A. rotundatum en la estación
lluviosa y corrobora la hipótesis de que la estacionalidad es un factor que influye en la ocurrencia de estos
ectoparásitos en estos hospederos en el área estudiada. Este es el primer registro que demuestra el efecto
de la estacionalidad en la infestación de A. rotundatum en R. marina en la Amazonía peruana.
Information about Ixodidae Murray, 1877
ectoparasites in R. marina and their seasonality is
scarce for this Amazonian region, with the great
majority of published reports being isolated
records of occurrence. These records report a small
number of hosts and ectoparasites in different
localities, including Brazil (Antonucci et al., 2011;
Labruna et al., 2010; Gambale et al., 2014),
Argentina (Rivas et al., 2012), Guatemala
(Bermudez et al., 2013); India (Drake et al., 2014),
and the United States (Florida) (Goddard et al.,
Infestation occurs through the introduction of the
oral apparatus of the tick, which penetrates the skin
of the amphibian deeply, with the tick remaining
fixed via the hypostomium and salivary secretion
solidification. The action of parasitism causes the
laceration of tissues and blood vessels, and the tick
ingests blood and other tissue fluids from the hosts.
During the feeding process, the ticks cause trauma,
mechanical effects, direct spoliation, and toxic
effects (Luz & Faccini, 2013). Thus, they can cause
lesions in the hosts during the blood meal intake,
resulting in the appearance of ulcerative and
hemorrhagic lesions that can alter the behavior of
the host animal, thereby affecting the host's
The order Anura has the highest record of
association with ticks among the amphibians, and
the family Bufonidae (Gray, 1825) is associated
with the highest number of reports in South
America, represented mainly by the species of the
genus Rhinella (Fitzinger, 1826) (Duellman &
Trueb, 1986; Luz & Faccini, 2013).
Rhinella marina (Linnaeus, 1758) is a bufonid
species of nocturnal and terrestrial habits and is
found in dry and tropical forest environments. This
species shows great adaptation to anthropogenic
environments near human populations (Seebacher
& Alford, 1999; Segalla et al., 2014). Its
geographical distribution extends throughout
South and Central America, southern North
America, and Australia (Zug & Zug, 1979; Frost,
Iquitos, Peru, which belongs to the district of
Loreto, Maynas Province, is considered the capital
of the Peruvian Amazon, and R. marina is one of
six bufonid species recorded for the city (Medina
Torres et al., 2012).
Neotropical Helminthology, 2017, 11(2), jul-dic
Fonsecaet al.
biological, behavioral, and reproductive
interactions with the environment (Luz & Faccini,
The present study evaluated the influence of
seasonality on the occurrence of Amblyomma
rotundatum Koch, 1844 in a population of R.
marina from the region of Loreto, Iquitos, Peru.
Host collection
The collections were carried out in an urban area
known as Boulevard (3°45'8.3" S 73°14'25'' W)
(Fig. 1) in the district of Loreto, Iquitos, through
active night searching between 06:00 pm and 12:00
am in the dry season in September 2013 and in the
rainy season in March 2014. Fifty R. marina
individuals were collected: 30 in the dry season and
20 in the rainy season. The collection was
authorized by Director's Resolution N°024-2014-
The individuals collected were placed in individual
plastic bags with a small amount of water and
vegetation to maintain moisture and were
transported immediately to the Laboratory of
Parasitology of the National University of the
Peruvian Amazon (Universidad Nacional de la
Amazonía Peruana - UNAP). They were then
anesthetized with Benzotop, a xylocaine derivative
with local action, for the morphometric procedures
and investigation of ectoparasites.
The species of the individuals was verified, and the
snout-to-vent length (SVL) was measured with
digital calipers with an accuracy of 0.01 mm.
Ectoparasite search
The analysis performed on all hosts consisted of
observation of the dorsal, ventral, and lateral
regions of the body; the orifices; and the limb
extremities using a stereomicroscope. The
ectoparasites were removed with tweezers to
preserve the mouthpiece, identified according to
the occupied sites, counted, and placed in bottles
with 70% ethanol, properly labeled for each host.
The taxonomic identification of the ectoparasites
was carried out at the Laboratory of Parasitology of
Wild Animals (Laboratório de Parasitologia de
Animais Silvestres - LAPAS) of the Institute of
Biosciences, São Paulo State University
(Universidade Estadual Paulista - UNESP),
Botucatu, São Paulo, Brazil, where ectoparasites
were deposited.
Statistical analysis
The infestation patterns calculated for R. marina
were estimated by prevalence (P, number of hosts
infested divided by total number of hosts,
expressed as a percentage), mean abundance (MA,
number of collected ectoparasites divided by the
total number of analyzed hosts), and mean
infestation intensity (MII, number of collected
ectoparasites divided by the number of parasitized
hosts) according to Bush et al. (1997). The values
presented for MA and MII are the mean ± standard
error, followed by the minimum and maximum
values in parentheses.
The Mann-Whitney test was used to test the
influence of seasonality on the occurrence of
ectoparasites. The Z test was applied to compare
the prevalences. The Spearman correlation test (r )
was applied to test the correlation between the
number of ectoparasites and the host size. All
statistical tests were performed in SigmaStat 3.10,
and the significance level was 5%.
The search for ectoparasites on R. marina
specimens collected in Boulevard, Iquitos, Peru,
during both seasons resulted in the identification of
a single species of ectoparasite, A. rotundatum.
The R. marina population analyzed in this study
had a total prevalence of 56% infestation with A.
rotundatum in both seasons, and 315 ticks were
recovered from the hosts. The mean total
abundance was 6.30 ± 1.65 (0-58) ticks per
individual, and the MII was 11.25 ± 2.61 (1-58)
ticks per host.
Of the total number of hosts analyzed in the dry
season, 36% were positive for A. rotundatum, with
ticks recovered mainly from the dorsal trunk and
plantar regions (Fig. 2A-C). In the rainy season, A.
rotundatum exhibited an infestation level of 85%,
Neotropical Helminthology, 2017, 11(2), jul-dic Amblyomma rotundatum in Rhinella marina
with all ticks located on the dorsal trunk (Fig. 2B-
C). The level of infestation was significantly higher
in the rainy season (Z = 3.12, p = 0.002). We also
found that the MA was higher in the rainy season,
but the MII was similar in the two seasons (Table
1). We did not observe a correlation between the
host body size and the number of A. rotundatum
recovered in the dry season (r = -0.04, p = 0.84) or
in the rainy season (r =-0.03; p = 0.83).
Table 1. Number of collected hosts (N), snout-to-vent length (SVL) (mm), prevalence (P%), mean abundance (MA),
mean infestation intensity (MII), and total number of Amblyomma rotundatum recovered from Rhinella marina from
Iquitos, Peru, Peruvian Amazon.
(n = 30) Rainy
(n = 20) Statistic
SVL (mm)
Number of ticks collected
Prevalence (%)
85.00b Z = 3.12; p = 0.002
Mean abundance
3.10 ± 1.13a
11.1 ± 3.56b
U = 658; p = 0.003
Mean intensity of infestation
8.46 ± 2.36a
13.06 ± 4.01a
(1-58) U = 156.5; p = 0.90
Figure 1. A) Overview of the collection area, Boulevard, municipality of Iquitos, Peru (yellow circle); B) view of the
area in the dry season; C) view of the area in the rainy season. Source: A) Google Earth; B) Fonseca, 2013; and C) Silva,
Neotropical Helminthology, 2017, 11(2), jul-dic
Fonsecaet al.
Neotropical Helminthology, 2017, 11(2), jul-dic Amblyomma rotundatum in Rhinella marina
Figure 2. Location of Amblyomma rotundatum collected from Rhinella marina in the municipality of Iquitos, Peru: A-
B) dorsal trunk region; C) limb extremities.
Antonucci, AM, Oda, FH, Signorelli L, Santana,
NF & Mendes, MC. 2011. Parasitismo de
Amblyomma rotundatum (Koch, 1844)
(Acari: Ixodidae) em Rhinella schneideri
In the present study, we found that seasonality
influenced the incidence of ectoparasites in the
population of R. marina, specifically for A.
rotundatum, which parasitizes ectothermic animals
and reproduces exclusively by parthenogenesis.
This tick is often reported infesting reptiles and
amphibians under natural conditions and
sometimes in captive animals. It has been reported
in Brazil and in several other countries in South,
Central, and North America (Labruna et al., 2010,
Antonucci et al., 2011, Rivas et al., 2012,
Bermúdez et al., 2013; Drake et al., 2014; Gambale
et al., 2014; Goddard et al., 2015; Silva Araújo et
al., 2017).
The significant difference found for the sampled
period is probably due to the greater spatial
distribution of R. marina in the environment
because a greater number of water bodies are
available for reproduction in the rainy season. In
addition, in the dry season, these organisms are
buried and in estivation, which theoretically would
decrease their encounters with ectoparasites.
Our results demonstrate that the population of R.
marina has a high incidence of ectoparasites in the
rainy season and corroborate the hypothesis that
seasonality influences the incidence of
ectoparasites for this species in the Peruvian
According to Luz & Faccini (2013), various endo-
and ectoparasites have been recorded in anurans:
bacteria, fungi, protozoa, helminths, and
arthropods. However, in spite of the large number
of tick species, the most common ones recorded
parasitizing anurans of the genus Rhinella in South
America were Amblyomma dissimile Koch, 1844
and Amblyomma rotundatum Koch, 1844, which
agrees with the species found for the Peruvian
Amazon in the present study. In addition, this is the
first record of occurrence of A. rotundatum
infesting R. marina during the dry and rainy
seasons for the region studied.
Amblyomma rotundatum has three life cycle
developmental stages (larva, nymph, and adult), all
of which are active and depend on the blood supply
for full performance of their biological functions
DISCUSSION (Terassini, 2010; Viana et al., 2012; Drake et al.,
2014). Studies have reported that A. rotundatum is
a parthenogenetic species, but a male obtained
from a natural infestation has been described, and
another was raised in the laboratory (Keirans &
Oliver, 1993; Labruna et al., 2005).
Infestation by these ticks is extremely pathogenic
to hosts, and even at small scales, can lead to death
through blood spoliation, transmission of
hemoparasites, and inoculation with toxins
(Terassini, 2010). The occurrence of A. rotundatum
infesting R. marina in the dry and the rainy seasons
is worrisome because the possible spoliative
lesions caused by the ticks can alter the
reproductive behavior of the individuals in this
important phase of their life cycle.
According to Duellman & Trueb (1989), bufonids
of the genus Rhinella are the main hosts for
Ixodidae ticks, especially A. rotundatum in South
America (Luz et al., 2015). However, most studies
are limited to records of A. rotundatum infesting
other species of bufonids, such as R. icterica
(Woehl Jr, 2002) and R. jimi (Ferreira & Faria,
Thus, further studies are needed to evaluate in the
short and long term how the populations of these
hosts and their descendants interact with the
spoliation effect of the ectoparasites and the
environment in which they live.
Universidad Nacional de la Amazonia Peruana:
Betsabeth G. Trinidad and Tackeshy N Pinedo.
Reinaldo J. da Silva was supported by CNPq-
PROTAX (440496 / 2015-2).
Neotropical Helminthology, 2017, 11(2), jul-dic
Fonsecaet al.
(Werner, 1894) (Anura: Bufonidae) no
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vol. 9, pp. 103-105.
Bermúdez, SEC, Miranda, RJ & Kadoch, NS.
2013. Reporte de larvas de Ornithodoros
puertoricensis Fox 1947 (Ixodida:
Argasidae) parasitando a Rhinella marina
(L. 1758) (Anura: Bufonidae) en David,
Chiriquí, Panamá. EDUNACHI. Puente
Biológico, vol.5, pp. 81-85.
Bush, AO, Lafferty, KD, Lotz, JM & Shostak, AW.
1997. Parasitology meets ecology on its
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Drake, MC, Zieger, U, Groszkowski, A, Gallardo,
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Dagg J, Mendo
Goddard, G, Ward, C, Dagg, J, Mendonça, M &
Robbins, RG. 2015. New records for
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Keirans, JE & Oliver JR, JH. 1993. First
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Ferreira, F & Schumaker, TTS. 2010. Ticks
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Systematic and Applied Acarology, vol.10
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Neotropical Helminthology, 2017, 11(2), jul-dic Amblyomma rotundatum in Rhinella marina
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Received May 12, 2017.
Accepted August 31, 2017.
Neotropical Helminthology, 2017, 11(2), jul-dic
Fonsecaet al.