examination of the specimen of Calonectris
Neotropical Helminthology, 2017, 11(1), jan-jun
Two nematode species in Brazil
Contracaecum pelagicum was described for the
first time from the black-browed albatross
Talassarche melanophris (Temminck, 1828)
(=Diomedea melanophris) (Aves, Diomedeidae) in
Australia (Johnston & Mawson, 1942). Lent &
Freitas (1948) redescribed this species from the
type-host from Uruguay reporting this species for
the first time in South America. In Brazil, C.
pelagicum was reported in Spheniscus
magellanicus (Forster, 1781) (Aves, Spheniscidae)
by Santos (1984), Ederlil et al. (2009) and Campos
et al. (2013) and referred in Sula leucogaster
Boddaert, 1783 (Aves, Sulidae) by Silva et al.
(2005). In Argentina, it was redescribed in S.
magellanicus (Garbin et al., 2007, 2013; Diaz et
al., 2010), in Talassarche melanophris
(=Diomedea melanophris) (type-host) by Garbin et
al. (2007), and in Phalacrocorax atriceps King,
1828 (Garbin et al., 2013). From Chile, this species
had been reported from Spheniscus humboldti
Meyen, 1834 and S. magellanicus by González-
Acuña et al. (2008) and from the former by Yáñez
et al. (2012).
Seuratia shipleyi had been described from different
hosts from Western Pacific, Russia, Australia and
Africa (after Mendonça & Rodrigues, 1968),
Netherlands (Borgsteede & Jansen, 1980), New
Caledonia (Vassart & Melina, 1988) and from
Spain (Alvarez-Mascato et al., 1989). In South
America, it was referred from Brazil in T.
melanophris (=D. melanophris) from Rio de
Janeiro State (Mendonça & Rodrigues, 1968) and
in Puffinus puffinus (Brünnich, 1764) by Melo et
al. (2012) from Paraiba State, and in Chile
parasitizing Pterodroma externa (Salvin, 1875)
(Diaz et al., 2007).
In the present paper C. pelagicum and S. shipleyi
are presented in C. borealis which represents the
first record for these nematodes parasitizing this
host, contributing for the knowledge of the
Brazilian biodiversity.
The authors are grateful to Larissa Pavanelli from
“Scitech Consultoria Ambiental”, Brazil, for the
Alvarez-Mascato, F, Santamarina-Fernández, MT
& S a n m a r t i n - D u r á n , M L . 1 9 8 9 .
Occurrence in Spain of Seuratia shipley
(Stossich, 1900) (Nematoda: Acuariidae)
parasitizing the great skua Stercorarius
skua (Catharactaskua). Revista Ibérica de
Parasitologia, vol. 48, pp. 295-296.
Borgsteede, FHM & Jansen, J. 1980. Spirurata in
wild bird in the Netherland. Tropical and
Geographical Medicine, vol. 32, pp. 91-92.
Campos, SDE, Pereira, BBN, Siciliano S, Costa
CHC, Almosny, NRP & Brener, B. 2013.
Contracaec u m p e l a g i c u m and C .
plagiaticium (Nematoda: Anisakidae)
i n fe c t i on i n M ag el l a n ic p e n gu in s
(Sphenisciformes: Spheniscidae) on the
coast of Rio de Janeiro State. Pesquisa
Veterinária Brasileira, vol. 33, pp. 89-93.
Diaz, JI, Cremonte, F & Navone, GT. 2010.
Helminths of the Magellanic Penguin,
S p h e n i s c u s m a g e l l a n i c u s
(Sphenisciformes), during the breeding
Season in Patagonian coast, Chubut,
Argentina. Comparative Parasitology, vol.
77, pp. 172-177.
Diaz, JI, Sepúlveda, MS & Kinsella, JM. 2007. A
new genus and species of acuarioid
nematode (Acuariidae: Seuratiinae) in
petrels Pterodroma externa and P. neglecta
from the Juan Fernández Islands, Chile.
The Journal of Parasitology, vol. 93, pp.
Ederlil, NB., Oliveira, FCR., Monteiro, CM,
Silveira, LS & Rodrigues, MLA. 2009.
Ocorrência de Contracaecum pelagicum
Johnston & Mawson, 1942 (Nematoda,
Anisakidae) em pinguim-de-magalhães
(Spheniscus magellanicus Forster, 1781)
(Aves, Spheniscidae) no litoral do Espírito
Santo. Arquivo Brasileiro de Medicina
Veterinária e Zootecnia, vol. 61, pp. 1006-
Garbin, LE, Mattiucci, S, Paoletti, M, Diaz, JI,
Nascetti, G & Navone, GT. 2013. Molecular
identification and larval morphological