ISSN Versión impresa 2218-6425 ISSN Versión Electrónica 1995-1043
Neotropical Helminthology, 2018, 12(2), jul-dic:233-242.
1 Control Laboratory of Arthropods and Vectors. National University of San Marcos Faculty of Biological Sciences
2 Laboratory of Human and Animal Parasitology. National University of San Marcos. Faculty of Biological Sciences
3 Private medical center
*Corresponding author: E-mail:
1 1 2 3
Julia Castro-Hidalgo ; Nelly Milla Nuñez ; Asucena Naupay Igreda & Javier Zegarra Velit
Key words: Cochliomyia hominivorax – cutaneous myiasis – oral neoplasia – Peru – third larvae stage
We report a case of a specific cutaneous human myiasis, associated to oral neoplasia. The presentation of
this case corresponds to a 78 years old adult male patient coming from Chorrillos district, Lima, Peru who
at the time of being treated at a medical center, presented an open ulcerative wound in the lower right
maxillary in which larvae of flies of different stages were observed. Biological material extracted from the
wound was identified as Cochliomyia hominivorax (Coquerel, 1858) (Diptera: Calliphoridae), by the
morphological characteristics of third instar larvae through the optical and scanning electron microscopy.
In this case, the presence of C. hominivorax was favoured by the oral lesion of the patient who attracted
flies to lay their eggs on the edge of the lesion.
Neotropical Helminthology
Palabras clave: Cochliomyia hominivora – larvas de tercer estadio – miasis cutánea –neoplasia oral
Se registra un caso de miasis cutánea específica, asociada a neoplasia bucal. La presentación del caso
corresponde a un paciente geriátrico de sexo masculino, de 78 años de edad, procedente del distrito de
Chorrillos, Lima, Perú que al momento de ser atendido en la clínica, presentaba una herida ulcerosa
abierta, en el maxilar inferior derecho en la que se observó gran cantidad de larvas de diferentes estadios.
El material biológico extraído de la herida del paciente fue identificado como Cochliomyia hominivorax
(Coquerel, 1858) (Diptera: Calliphoridae), por las características morfológicas de la larva de tercer
estadio a través de la microscopia óptica y electrónica de barrido. En este caso clínico, la presencia de C.
hominivorax se vio favorecida por la lesión bucal del paciente que permitió atraer a las moscas para que
coloquen sus huevos en el borde de la lesión.
Myiasis is a zoonotic infestation that affects the
live or necrotic tissues of human and other
vertebrate animals and is caused by different larval
stages of flies, which during a certain period feed
on live or dead tissues or body fluids from the
natural cavities of the host, or by the intake of
contaminated food. Myiasis are called
"gusaneras", "bicheras", "coqueras" and are
produced by species of flies of the Order Diptera:
Suborder Brachycera (Acha & Szyfres, 2003;
Carles-Tolrá, 2015). The necrobiontofagas larvae
invade wounds or lesions, body regions with
purulent discharges such as nose, ears or genitals,
reaching up to the living tissues. These flies are part
of the cadaveric fauna. Worldwide there are
330,570 million people at risk of being affected by
this parasitism (Botero & Restrepo, 2012). In
humans, the infestation is accidental and the risk
groups are immunocompromised people,
indigents, elderly people and animal breeding staff.
The main risk factors are open wounds, exposure of
ulcers, hemorrhoids, bacterial infection of wounds
or natural cavity, sleeping outdoors, poor hygiene,
not wearing footwear, eating contaminated food.
Myiasis are rapidly evolving, very aggressive and
with tissue destruction and the main locations
occur in the skin, mouth, eyes, breasts, intestinal
tract and genitourinary (Coronel et al., 2016).
Myiasis are classified according to the type of
tissue they invade, by the organ they affect
(foruncular, cutaneous, cavitary, and intestinal), by
the type of invasive process (obligatory, facultative
and accidental) and by the clinical forms that have
been found in man. Cutaneous myiasis have two
clinical forms according to the invaded tissue:
forunculosa caused by Dermatobia hominis
(Linnaeus, 1781), and ulcers such as those caused
by Cochliomyia hominivorax (Coquerel, 1858),
Sarcophaga haemorrhoidalis (Fallén, 1817) and
Hypoderma bovis (Linnaeus, 1758) (Páez & Villa,
Cochliomyia hominivorax known as "screw
worm", is a diptera of the Family: Calliphoridae,
which seriously affects livestock and especially
cattle. The distribution of the screw worm is
conditioned to the climatic changes, the low
temperatures prevent them from surviving, or,
Neotropical Helminthology, 2018, 12(2), jul-dic
because the animal population is insufficient to
maintain the biological cycle (Graham, 1985;
Villarreal et al., 1993).
The females are attracted by wounds or secretions
where they lay their eggs at the edges of the
wounds, in the injured mucous membranes that are
associated with the natural openings of the body
such as the sinuses, eye sockets, mouth, ears and
vagina. They deposit an average of 200 eggs
(between 10 and 490) in a characteristic flat, roof-
shaped mass (Becerril, 2014).
Larvae of C. hominivorax cause facultative or
semi-specific myiasis, have occasional parasite life
and invade lesions or purulent body regions. The
larvae hatch before 24 h after oviposition and begin
to feed on tissue fluids, with the head facing down
and penetrating the hole in the wound, causing
massive tissue destruction. The larvae reach
maturity between 4 and 8 days after hatching and
leave the wound, fall to the ground, bury
themselves and initiate pupation. The period of life
under normal conditions from egg to adult is 3 to 4
weeks. The wounds tend to attract other flies which
also deposit their eggs aggravating myiasis in this
way (Francesconi & Lupi, 2012). The objective of
the present work was to describe the case of
cutaneous myiasis of a geriatric patient, with an
advanced stage of oral carcinoma, through the
taxonomic identification of the third stage larvae
extracted from the lesion.
Male patient, 78 years old, retired, native of
Germany, peruvian resident for 40 years, of
protestant religion, coming from La Encantada de
Villa urbanization, district of Chorrillos in Lima,
Peru. The patient enters the emergency of the
medical center having a history of malignant
neoplasm of the mouth and having received
chemotherapy treatment.
The patient was transferred from another local
clinic, with a nasogastric tube and when he was
received in the clinic, he had 10 g hemoglobin,
3,300,000 cc red blood cells and 9,950 mm 3
button, incomplete perithema of dark
pigmentation, with strongly pigmented tracheal
trunks. Through the morphological characteristics
of L larvae, C. hominivorax was identified, using
the taxonomic keys of Dale (1985), Gómez et al.
(2008) and Florez & Wolff (2009) (Fig. 4).
To corroborate our diagnosis the L were processed
by scanning electron microscopy, using the critical
point desiccator brand Electron Microscopy
Sciences Model: EMS850 and the gold metalizer
brand: SPI supplies. The microscopic scanning
observation revealed the same characteristics
found with optical microscopy (Fig.5)
Myiasis caused by C. hominivorax is a zoonotic
parasitism recognized by the International Office
of Epizootics (OIE), and its notification is
obligatory. In animals, the main risk factor is open
wounds that can occur due to natural causes or
caused by man due to practices during the cattle
exploitation, and another factor are the natural
openings of the host. (Forero et al., 2007). This
infestation in humans is almost always accidental
and can be caused by opportunistic dipterous.
Parasitism depends on environmental factors such
as the presence of gravid flies, season and area of
residence. There are also the risk factors that the
host provides such as the poor hygiene condition;
inadequate treatment of wounds and ulcers;
exposed and suppurative lesions that are attractive
for the oviposition of flies. Another factor is the
patient's condition (age, physical limitation,
alcoholism, drug addiction, chemotherapy
treatment) and / or patient's health status, as well as
the presence of comorbidities (cancer, diabetes and
tuberculosis) (Reinoso & Alemán, 2016).
Patients with neoplasms in cavities, with open
wounds and skin diseases offer the possibility of
other infections such as cutaneous myiasis.
Visciarelli et al. (2003) observed in a 36 years old
patient with pediculosis, wounds on the scalp that
were superinfected with larvae of C. hominivorax.
The patient was a field worker and had neglect of
his personal hygiene, malnutrition and a head
leukocytes. A tumor and lesion were observed in
the right maxilla region, irregularly shaped, 5 cm
long, 3 cm in diameter and 2.5 cm deep; of net
edges, bleeding bed and multiple tunnels at the
base of the wound (Fig.1). In addition, the patient
showed perforated deep ulcers, which
communicated with the oral region, with the
presence of necrotic tissue, bloody exudate and
foul odor, from which 28 larvae of different size
We proceeded to the extraction and separation of
the larvae by stages and they were fixed in 70%
ethyl alcohol for later taxonomic identification
(Fig. 2).
Identification of larval forms
The identification of the species was performed on
larvae that were at the beginning of the third stage
(L ) because they were the most robust, 15-16 mm
long, creamy white with reduction in thickness
from the cephalic segment to the sixth segment and
then decreasing towards the posterior end.
The L were heavily armed with large spines of 1 to
3 points, often 1 or 2 spines on its cuticle visible to
nd th
the naked eye. From the 2 to the 9 segment they
were observed surrounded with a band of thorns
organized in irregular rows, being longer than the
th th
previous rows and in the 7 and 9 segments they
presented thorns in the posterior margins, reduced
to one or two rows and confined to the ventral
The 10 segment with an anterior band of spines
somewhat reduced and usually interrupted on the
back, with ventral and ventrolateral spines a little
scattered laterally and dorsally. The 11 segment
with an incomplete anterior band and smaller
spines; and in the posterior margin a band of 2 or 3
rows of anterior curved spines were observed. The
12 segment presents restricted spines to the
ventral and ventrolateral surfaces. The
cephalopharyngeal apparatus with dorsal arms
longer than the ventral ones (Fig. 3).
The anterior spiracles of L are small fan-shaped
with finger-like extensions located near the base of
the second segment, usually with 6 to 11 papillae
each. To observe the posterior spiracles, the 12
segment was cut and the vertical spiracular plates
were observed, those that showed imperceptible
Neotropical Helminthology, 2018, 12(2), jul-dic
Cutaneous myiasis by Cochliomyia hominivorax
Myiasis is the infestation of living vertebrates by
fly larvae that feed for at least part of their
development on the host's dead or living tissues,
body substances, or ingested food The occurrences
of traumatic myiasis in humans and animals in
urban and rural environments represent serious
economic and public health concerns (Zumpt,
Batista da Silva et al. (2011), reported a 49-year-
ol d tracheos to mized man u nd ergoing
chemotherapy treatment who was parasitized in the
hospital in São Gonçalo, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, by
larvae of the screwworm, C. hominivorax in the
thoracic cavity.
In Tucumán (Argentina), Olea et al. (2014), was
reported the first case of cutaneous myiasis in a
patient diagnosed with type II diabetes, with ten
years of evolution and with neuropathy. The 54-
year-old male patient presented with an ulcer
approximately 4 cm in diameter in the right foot
from which 5 larvae were extracted. Third instar
larvae were identified as C. hominivorax and adults
emerged at 12 days confirming the diagnosis
injury with a serosanguineous secretion.
In children with pyodermatis on the scalp, larvae of
flies have also been extracted and by the stench
presented by the wounds, they were identified as C.
hominivorax (Miranda, 2007). Post-scratching
lesions in a 3 years old patient with chickenpox
were also superinfected with C. hominivorax
larvae (Heizenreder et al., 2009).
In prostrate patients, they also show some
susceptibility to acquire this type of opportunistic
infections, thus a case of myiasis in the oral cavity
is reported by C. hominivorax in a patient prostrate
due to Parkinson's disease, from Huacho (Lima,
Peru) (Espinoza et al., 2009).
Trombetta et al. (2009), reported a case of
cutaneous myiasis in a 32-year-old man with a
history of alcoholism and drug addiction, which
had a head wound with severe bacterial infection.
71 larvae were extracted from the wound which
were identified as C. hominivorax. This infestation
is almost always accidental in humans and in this
case was favored by the condition of the patient.
Figure 1. Patient with lesion in the region of the right maxilla where larvae of C. hominivorax was observed.
Neotropical Helminthology, 2018, 12(2), jul-dic Castro-Hidalgo
Cochliomyia hominivorax. Patients with D.
hominis presented skin lesions and abscesses while
cases with C. hominivorax had a history of
tuberculosis or cancer of the larynx or breast
(Failoc-Rojas et al., 2018).
In the present clinical case, the patient had received
chemotherapy treatment for presenting oral
neoplasia, and lesions of the mouth, buccal mucosa
and cheek were infected with larvae of C.
hominivorax, being this the first time were the
association cutaneous myiasis- oral neoplasia is
mentioned in literature. The importance of a quick
diagnosis is highlighted by the aggressiveness of
the biontophage larvae that are capable of
destroying even bone tissue (Pérez-Caballero et
al., 2012).
The role of C. hominivorax as a producer of
specific human miasis, favored by the patient's
condition, is highlighted (Calderón et al., 1995;
Maguiña-Vargas et al., 2005; Mengarelli &
Cevallos 2012; Domínguez et al., 2016).
Cutaneous myiasis are the most frequent in rural
environments, however in the case that occurs,
occurred in urban environment.
Ethical responsibility
The authors declare that no human experiments
have been carried out for this investigation.
through their morphological characteristics.
A case of oral myiasis caused by C. hominivorax
was reported in a person with neuropsychomotor
limitation who presented lesions in the maxilla and
mandible. They extracted 45 maggots from the
lesions and 75 when general anesthesia and
nasotracheal intubation were applied to the patient.
This study recommends dentists who must
recognize parasites that affect the oral cavity
(Pereira et al., 2015). Reinoso & Alemán (2016),
report the first case of maxillary myiasis in Cuenca
(Ecuador), in a 24-year-old patient with prolonged
mouth opening, spastic paralysis and muscular
rigidity in all four extremities. Third instar larvae of
C. hominivorax were extracted from the gingival
mucosa and the tear orifice. By surgical
debridement they found larval tunnels in the upper
labial frenum and in the palate presenting great
bloody flow.
A retrospective study was conducted in
Lambayeque (Peru), of the cases diagnosed of
myiasis in two hospitals from January 2012 to
December 2015, which were compiled from the
clinical files. They chose the cases in which larval
development was observed and a clinical profile
compatible with myiasis. There were 9 cases of
myiasis, of which two were pediatric patients, one
adult and six elderly. Four of the nine patients were
male. The identified species were D. hominis and
Figure 2. Cochliomya hominivorax third stage larvae extracted from the patient's injury.
Neotropical Helminthology, 2018, 12(2), jul-dic Cutaneous myiasis by Cochliomyia hominivorax
A. Optical microscopy
B.Electron microscopy
Figure 3. Anterior end of the L of Cochliomyia hominivorax showing the detail of the hooks of the cephalopharyngeal skeleton.
Neotropical Helminthology, 2018, 12(2), jul-dic Castro-Hidalgo
A. Optical microscopy
B. Electron microscopy
Figure 4. Larva of third stage of Cochliomyia hominivorax showing the cuticular spines of one and two points.
Neotropical Helminthology, 2018, 12(2), jul-dic Cutaneous myiasis by Cochliomyia hominivorax
Figure 5. Posterior spiracular plates of the third instar larva of Cochliomyia hominivorax showing characteristic respiratory
stigmas and perithema.
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Received September 21, 2018.
Accepted December 27, 2018.
Neotropical Helminthology, 2018, 12(2), jul-dic Castro-Hidalgo