Angiostrongylus vasorum (Baillet, 1866) Kamensky 1905 is a parasitic nematode of the Metastrongilidae
family that infects the pulmonary artery and right-heart of many carnivore species. The host infection
occurs by the ingestion of the infecting larvae present in aquatic and terrestrial gastropod mollusks. The
infected vertebrate hosts may develop clinical symptoms ranging from asymptomatic to severe
complications. From 2011 to 2013, seven species of canids were found run over on the Mountain Region
highways in the Santa Catarina State, South Brazil. Fecal samples obtained in necropsy were analyzed by
simple spontaneous flotation method. Only one species of Lycalopex gymnocercus (Fischer, 1814) was
diagnosed as infected with A. vasorum. This is the first report of this nematode in this species. Parasitosis
can be considered a health problem in areas where the parasite is endemic and L. gymnocercus is
considered of conservation interest.
ISSN Versión impresa 2218-6425 ISSN Versión Electrónica 1995-1043
1Laboratory of Parasitology and Parasitic Diseases - Agroveterinary Center of the State of Santa Catarina University (CAV-
UDESC), Lages, Santa Catarina, Brasil; Laboratory of Zoology and Parasitology of the Planalto Catarinense University -
UNIPLAC, Lages, Brasil; Scholars of The Veterinary Medicine Course of the Agroveterinary Center of the State of Santa
Catarina University (CAV-UDESC), Lages, Santa Catarina, Brasil
Corresponding author: Rosiléia Marinho de Quadros. Av. Luis de Camões, 2090, Conta dinheiro, Lages-SC,
Brazil. CEP: 88520-000. Fone: 55 49 32899316.
Key words: Angiostrongylus vasorum - Canid - Lycalopex - Lung parasites - Parasitosis
Neotropical Helminthology
Auspiciado por:
Neotropical Helminthology, 2019, 13(1), ene-jun:65-71.
1-2 1 4
Rosiléia Marinho de Quadros ; Anderson Barbosa de Moura ; Ruan Bruno Rodrigues ;
4 1
Kellyn Hass Martins & Alessandra Snak
Palabras clave: Angiostrongylus vasorum - Cánidos - Lycalopex - Parasitos Pulmonares - Parasitosis
Angiostrongylus vasorum (Baillet, 1866) Kamensky 1905 es un nematodo parásito de la familia
Metastrongilidae que infecta la arteria pulmonar y el corazón derecho de muchas especies de carnívoros.
La infección del huésped se produce por la ingestión de las larvas infectantes presentes en los moluscos
gasterópodos terrestres y acuáticos. Los huéspedes vertebrados infectados pueden desarrollar síntomas
clínicos que van desde asintomáticas hasta complicaciones graves. Entre 2011 y 2013, se encontraron
siete especies de cánidos en las carreteras de la región montañosa en el estado de Santa Catarina, sur de
Brasil. Las muestras fecales obtenidas en la necropsia fueron analizadas por un método simple de
flotación espontánea. Sólo la especie Lycalopex gymnocercus (Fischer, 1814) fue diagnosticada con A.
vasorum. Este es el primer reporte de este nematodo en esta especie. La parasitosis puede considerarse un
problema de salud en áreas donde el parásito es endémico y L. gymnocercus se considera de interés para la
Linnaeus 1758 (dog), Canis lupus Linnaeus, 1758
(wolf), C. thous (crab eating fox), Vulpes vulpes
Linnaeus, 1758 (red fox), Vulpes zerda
Zimmerman 1780 (desert fox), Meles meles
Linnaeus, 1758 (European badger) and
experimentally some species of rodents like the
Arvicanthis niloticus Desmarest, 1822 and Nile rat
(Bourque et al., 2005). In feline carnivores
(Morgan et al., 2008) and mustelidae like Lutra
lutra Linnaeus, 1758 (otter) and Mustela putorius
Linnaeus, 1758 (ferret) there was also evidence of
these parasites (Koch & Willesen, 2009). Although
human infection has not been confirmed, some
researchers do not discard the zoonotic potential
(Eckert & Lammler, 1972).
The transmission cycle of the parasite occurs with
the ingestion of the third larval stage (L ) in aquatic
gastropods such as Biomphalaria glabrata Say,
1818 and terrestrial ones like Arion spp. Férussac,
1819, Achatina fulica Férussac,1821, Subulina
octona Bruguière, 1789, Bradybaena similis
Férussac,1821, Laevicaulis salte Férussac,1822,
Prosoples javanicum (Bessa et al., 2000; Koch &
Willesen, 2009; Oliveira et al., 2010; Patel et al.,
2014) and Omalonix matheroni (Potiez &
Michaud, 1838), where experimental observation
found the larval development of A. vasorum to be
faster in this mollusk compared to other observed
intermediate hosts (Mozzer et al., 2011).
It has been demonstrated in dogs that the infection
may occur by the ingestion of infected paratenic
The canid family has 16 genera and 36 species with
large geographical distribution, found from the
tropics to the Arctic. Twenty nine earth bound
species, of the Carnivore order, occur in Brazil
(Reis et al., 2007).
In South America there are seven genera and 11
wild canid species (Ruas et at., 2008). In the State
of Santa Catarina there are reports of only two
species Cerdocyon thous and Lycalopex
gymnocercus (Fischer, 1814) (Cherem et al., 2004;
Cherem et al., 2007).
Cerdocyon thous Linnaeus, 1766 is one of the most
known species, being the first canid described in
brazilian literature (Bisbal & Ojasti, 1980). It's
geographic distribution ranges through Uruguay,
northern Argentina, Bolívia, Venezuela, as well as
Guiana, Suriname and Brazil, being found in
almost all biomes, excepting the low areas of the
Amazon basin (Heleno et al., 2011). On the other
hand, L. gymnocercus prefers environments like
open grasslands, andean tropical forests,
woodland, marsh, swamps, pastures and farm land.
Angiostrongylus vasorum (Baillet, 1866)
Kamensky 1905 is a nematode of the Strogylida
order, Metastrongyloidea superfamily, that infects
the pulmonary artery and right heart of many
carnivore species such as Canis familiaris
Neotropical Helminthology, 2019, 13(1), ene-jun Marinho de Quadros et al.
hosts like toads and small mammals.
Experimentally infected birds may also act as
paratenic hosts (Mozzer & Lima, 2015).
Normally, the infection is mild and along with
respiratory manifestations it may evolve to serious
complications like neurological, cardiac and
gastrointestinal disorders (Morgan & Shaw, 2010).
Primary clinical signs are almost exclusively
related to respiratory dysfunction that go from
cough, exercise intolerance, dispnea and cardiac
insufficiency. Non specific clinical signs, like
vomit, diarrhea, anorexia and death have also been
described (Gredal et al., 2011, Morgan & Shaw,
2010). Cat infection by A. abstrusus (Railliet,
1898) tends to be insidious, even in cases that
evolve to clinical symptoms, fatal infection is
relatively rare in this group (Traversa et al., 2010).
The infections are considered endemic, mainly on
the European continent (France, Denmark, Italy,
Spain Switzerland, England and Ireland), as well as
in countries like Uganda, Turkey, Russia, Brazil,
Colombia and Canada (Bourque et al., 2002). The
nematode has also been described in non endemic
countries like Australia and the USA (Jefferies et
al., 2009).
Between 2011 and 2013, seven species of canid
were found run over on the mountain roads of the
State of Santa Catarina, south Brazil (Fig.1). Three
specimens of C. thous (two males and a female),
and four female L. gymnocercus, one of them alive
and another initially alive died of rangeliosis, a
hemaprotozoa that infects canids. All other animals
were killled from the trauma caused by the
collision. The animals were referred by
government agencies in the environmental area to
the Laboratory of Zoology and Parasitology of the
University Planalto Catarinense (UNIPLAC) for
analysis. Parasitological exams were done, with
the spontaneous flotation method (Hoffman et al.,
1934) and simple flotation with a saturated solution
of sodium chloride at 1,182 density (Willis-
Neotropical Helminthology, 2019, 13(1), ene-jun
Figure 1. Location of canids in the mountain region in Santa Catarina state, Southern Brazil.
Ethic aspects: The authors declare that all the
ethical aspects of the country and international
ones were fulfilled.
In the spontaneous sedimentation method the
presence of larvae of approximately 350µm long
Angiostrongylus vasorum in Lycalopex
with a dorsal terminal spine (400X) were observed,
compatible with first stage larvae (L ) of A.
vasorum (Fig. 2), as described by Patterson et al.
Figure 2. fecal samples Larva of the first stage (L ) of Angiostrongylus vasorum in the Lycalopex gymnocercus (Vis. 100X).
Detail: terminal spine (400X).
The larval stage was only diagnosed in a young live
animal captured close to the town of Lages, Santa
Catarina. The animal was also submitted to
laboratory exams, the CBC presented 42%
eosinophils (reference in the species is of 3-12%),
this may be due to parasitic infection.
hematological alteration was observed without
eosinophilia (Schnyder et al., 2010). Parasitic
eosinophilia is the result of contact between the
parasite and hosts cells. The more complex the
parasites cycle, with somatic migrations, higher the
eosinophile count, when the parasite is limited to
the digestive tube the eosinophile count tends to be
lower (Chauffaille, 2010).
Mozzer et al. (2011) describes that one of the main
abiotic factor for the development of A. vasorum
larvae in gastropods is the temperature. Low
temperatures (18° to 20° C) delay the larvae
development meanwhile high temperatures
accelerate the process. For Ferdushy & Hasan
(2010), as well as corroborating that low
temperatures are important for the survival
maintenance of larvae, the air relative humidity
seems to have no significant influence in larval
Low temperatures was observed in the Santa
Catarina mountains in winter, an average of 12.6°C
(EPAGRI, 2013), and this climatic condition may
favor the parasite development as observed in
The event of the parasite in tropical, subtropical
and temperate regions may be due to its ability to
adapt to new hosts (Barçante, 2004; Magi et al.,
2009). A. vasorum has been described in endemic
areas as well as in regions previously described as
free (Cesare et al., 2014; Simin et al., 2014).
E o s i n o p h i l i a , r e g e n e r a t i v e a n e m i a ,
thrombocytopenia, with or without clotting
anomalies, may occur in canids infected with A.
vasorum (Cury et al., 2005, Moermans et al.,
2011). In dogs experimentally infected with A.
vasorum, with high parasite load, only a slight
Neotropical Helminthology, 2019, 13(1), ene-jun Marinho de Quadros et al.
European countries where parasitosis is endemic.
The survival of A. vasorum L is highly influenced
by temperature (Ferdushy & Hasan, 2010) and "In
vitro" the survival of L A. vasorum larvae is higher
at low temperatures, and high temperatures are
associated to larger larvae mortality rates (Dias &
Lima, 2012).
In Brazilian wild canids, A., vasorum was
diagnosed Lycalopex vetulus in the State of Minas
Gerais and C. thous in the States of Rio de Janeiro
and Rio Grande do Sul (Duarte et al., 2007).
Canine angiostrongilosis is an emerging disease
which probably has an expansion due climate
factors, the presence of wild canids in urban areas
(facilitating parasite propagation), as well as to
employment of more precise diagnostic methods
(Capogna et al., 2012).
Also, areas occupied by humans allow the
interactions of wild and domestic animals, which
may favor the infection of domestic dogs. Eleni et
al. (2014), in Italy, defined that the cross infection
between wild and domestic animals are important
for the spreading of this parasite.
The great variety of definite hosts may be
important for the distribution of the parasite in new,
non-endemic areas. The potential of new, non-
described, definite hosts may not be excluded
while the parasite is introduced to new
geographical areas (Koch & Willesen, 2009).
For parasites transmitted by gastropods the
dissemination depends on the geographical
distribution of the intermediate hosts, and these
depend on environmental conditions for their
development. Therefore environmental variability
plays its role on the incidence of parasite infection
(Tomlinson et al., 2006). When the environment is
depleted, carnivores seek to vary their diet and,
since mollusks belong to one of the largest filo of
invertebrate in numbers of species, they may easily
be found in nature, and become an alternative for
animals with food restriction.
Traversa et al. (2010) states that more studies are
necessary to explain the relation of climate
variation and parasite distribution, such as
intermediate hosts, levels of larval development, as
well as the transition patterns, in endemic and non
endemic areas, observing if temperature variation
and other abiotic factors may explain the
dissemination of A. vasorum.
As far as diagnose is concerned the main problem is
that parasitosis symptoms are not specific and may
be confused with other pathologies. The fact that
some infected animals are asymptomatic makes it
even harder to have a definite clinical diagnosis
(Barçante, 2004). Along with this, the main
diagnosis tool for this parasite, the Baermann
technique for larvae detection, is not normally
requested by veterinarians (Cesare et al., 2014).
Clinical diagnosis of angiostrongilosis is difficult.
Animals don't always exhibit clinical signs and in
its general form the infection may be confused with
other pathologies. The parasite infection may be a
problem in areas where the parasite is endemic and
L. gymnocercus considered an interesting species
for conservation.
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Received March 8, 2019.
Accepted April 28, 2019.
Neotropical Helminthology, 2019, 13(1), ene-jun Angiostrongylus vasorum in Lycalopex