image/svg+xml153New species of UrocleidoidesNeotropical Helminthology (Lima). Vol. 17, Nº2, jul - dic 2023Neotropical HelminthologyNeotropical Helminthology, 2023, vol. 17 (2), 153-163ORIGINAL ARTICLE / ARTÍCULO ORIGINALMORPHOMETRIC AND CYTOGENETIC DESCRIPTION OF BLATTICOLA CHYDAEUS SP. N. (NEMATODA, THELASTOMATIDAE), A PARASITE OF ANUROGRYLLUS MUTICUS(DE GEER, 1773) (ORTHOPTERA, GRYLLIDAE) IN ARGENTINADESCRIPCIÓN MORFOMÉTRICA Y CITOGENÉTICA DE BLATTICOLA CHYDAEUSSP. N. (NEMATODA, THELASTOMATIDAE), UN PARÁSITO DE ANUROGRYLLUS MUTICUS(DE GEER, 1773) (ORTHOPTERA, GRYLLIDAE) EN ARGENTINANora B. Camino1,2,3*; Carolina Casanovas1,2& Sergio Rodríguez Gil1,4ISSN Versión Impresa 2218-6425 ISSN Versión Electrónica 1995-1403DOI: 17, Number 2 (jul - dec) 2023Este artículo es publicado por la revista Neotropical Helminthology de la Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Matemática, Universidad Nacional Federico Villarreal, Lima, Perú auspiciado por la Asociación Peruana de Helmintología e Invertebrados Af nes (APHIA). Este es un artículo de acceso abierto, distribuido bajo los términos de la licencia Creative Commons Atribución 4.0 Internacional (CC BY 4.0) [https://] que permite el uso, distribución y reproducción en cualquier medio, siempre que la obra original sea debidamente citada de su fuente original.Centro de Estudios Parasitológicos y de Vectores, CEPAVE, Argentina.2 Universidad Nacional de La Plata, UNLP, Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo, Argentina.3 Investigador CIC, Comisión de Investigaciones Científ cas de la provincia de Buenos Aires, CIC, Argentina.4 Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científ cas y Técnicas, CONICET, Argentina.* Corresponding author: Nora B. Camino: Casanovas: Rodríguez-Gil: ABSTRACTBlatticola chydaeusn. sp. (Nematoda, T elastomatidae), parasitizing Anurogryllus muticus(De Geer, 1773) (Orthoptera, Gryllidae) in Argentina is morphometric and cytogenetic described. It is characterized by the female with cuticle annulated up to the middle of the body, the mouth surrounded by eight cephalic papillae, the stoma short with two plates and one tooth, the amphid pore shaped, the esophagus divided into three parts, anterior cylindrical corpus, isthmus distinct, and basal bulb valvated, the excretory pore located posterior to the basal bulb, the nerve ring situated at the beginning of the esophagic isthmus, the intestine broadest anteriorly, the egg oval, smooth shell, in apical view show a triangular section. T e tail appendage is short and conic and presents anal alae. T e vulva is protruding, the vagina is long and posterior. T e male has one preanal papilla, one simple papilla, and one pair of postanal papillae. One spicule, short and simple, without gubernaculum. T e tail appendage is short, conic, and pointed. T e cytogenetic study revealed very small acrocentric chromosomes, this new species shows 3 and 3+X bivalent chromosomes, the sexual determination is not given by haplodiploidy, the sexual chromosome was assumed to be X.Keywords: Blatticola chydaeus sp. n. – T elastomatidae – cricket – morphometric – cytogenetic – Argentina
image/svg+xml154Neotropical Helminthology (Lima). Vol. 17, Nº2, jul - dic 2023Camino et al.RESUMENBlatticola chydaeusn. sp. (Nematoda, Telastomatidae), es un parásito de Anurogryllus muticus(De Geer, 1773) (Orthoptera, Gryllidae) en Argentina, se describe al parásito morfométrica y citognéticamente. Se caracteriza porque la hembra posee una cutícula anillada hasta la mitad del cuerpo, boca rodeada por ocho papilas cefálicas, estoma corto con dos placas y un diente, anfdio piriforme, esófago dividido en tres partes, corpus anterior, istmo y bulbo basal valvado. El poro excretor ubicado posterior al bulbo basal, el anillo nervioso situado al comienzo del istmo esofágico, el intestino más ancho anteriormente, huevos ovales de cáscara lisa en vista apical muestran una sección triangular. Apéndice caudal corto y cónico, con ala anal. Vulva protuberante, vagina larga y posterior. El macho tiene una papila preanal, una papila simple y un par de papilas postanales. Una espícula, corta y sencilla, sin gubernáculo. El apéndice caudal corto, cónico y puntiagudo. El estudio citogenético reveló cromosomas acrocéntricos muy pequeños. Esta nueva especie muestra cromosomas bivalentes 3 y 3 + X, la determinación sexual no se da por haplodiploidía, el cromosoma sexual es X. Palabras claves: Blatticola chydaeus n. sp. – Telastomatidae – grillo – morfometría – citogenética – ArgentinaINTRODUCTIONDuring the day, Anurogryllus muticus(De Geer, 1773) crickets stay in the galleries they make under the ground, feeding on grass roots, and on warm nights, they often leave their caves to feed on the surface. Te most serious damage caused by crickets is to the grass, where they can destroy the root system. Due to the signifcant loss of root mass, a yellow spot can be observed (Rusconi, 2007). Tat is why it is necessary to fnd some biocontrol agent, such as nematodos, which promise to be efective. It is necessary to search for some biocontrol agent, such as nematodes. Nematodes of the family Telastomatidae, which belongs to the genus Blatticola, were found during a feld survey. Te genus BlatticolaSchwenk, 1926, who was designated for B. blatticolaas its type species. In 1932, Chitwood considered this species a synonym of B. blattae(Graefe, 1860). Te confusion in the taxonomy of the genus and type species was clarifed by Dale in 1966. Earlier emended diagnosis of the genus was modifed (Adamson & van Waerebeke, 1992) to accommodate the species described by Chitwood (1932) in a revision of the thelastomatid group. Te genus BlattellicolaBasir, 1940 and BlatellicoloidesFarooqui, 1966 agree with Blatticolain all essential respects and they are considered synonymous. All the species described up to the present are parasites of cockroaches from all major regions of the world. While conducting feld surveys on agricultural pests in Argentinian areas of La Plata, Buenos Aires province, we found cricket nymphs parasitized by species of this thelastomatid group. Achinelly & Camino (2007) described a new species, Blatticola cristovata, and then Camino & Schargorodsky (2009) described B. biannulata. Tese records represent the frst and second reports of parasitized crickets in Argentina. Rodriguez-Gil et al.(2017) described the morphology of another new species of the genus and carried out a cytogenetic study on Blatticola ancoracauda, also from Argentinian crickets. In the present study, we found a new species of the genus Blatticola. MATERIALS AND METHODSTwenty-fve crickets were collected from the lawn in 66thAv., between 1st Av. (34° 55’ 13.318’’ S, 57° 55’ 42.994’’ W) and 2ndSt. (34° 55’ 16.612’’ S, 57° 55’ 46.432’’ W) in La Plata, Buenos Aires province, from October 2017 to March 2018. Considering the biological cycle of the crickets, were captured during the warm months of the Southern Hemisphere, in coincidence with their reproductive season. Te adults were found from October to December, and between January and March, mostly nymphs. Te crickets were captured using a tensioactive solution (detergent and water) that causes an obstruction in their respiratory tract, making them come out of the subterranean galleries they inhabit. Te methodology followed consisted frstly on the identifcation of the holes that were compatible the cricket’s caves. Ten, each hole was flled with the tensioactive solution until the crickets came out. Every single insect was recollected in a jar and immediately carried to the laboratory to execute its dissection by previously refrigerating it to asleep. If the dissection couldn’t be done on the same day of the recollection, the insects were kept in the refrigerator at -4°C until the next day. Te dissection was carried out under stereoscopic binocular lens, with the help of dissection needles, tweezers, a Westcott pair of scissors and under immersion in physiological solution. Te incision begins at the anus, continuing by the cricket pleura until
image/svg+xml155Morphometric and cytogenetic description of Blatticola chydaeusNeotropical Helminthology (Lima). Vol. 17, Nº2, jul - dic 2023the thoracic region, then transversely by the sterno and it fnishes by the other pleura, opening a window from where the mid and posterior gut was retired. Te cricket was kept in an 80% ethyl alcohol solution for posterior taxonomic identifcation. Later on, the gut was opened side to side, caring not to hurt the potential parasites, to make evident their presence. Te nematodes were extracted and fxed in diferent solutions for its posterior treatment, depending on the study to be carried out. Each treatment is described below.Morphometric and systematic analysis of nematodesFor the morphological studies and systematic analysis TAF (formalin 7%, triethanolamine 2 % and distilled water 91%) was used as fxer (Courtney et al.,1955). 20 nematodes were fxed. Te nematodes were killed by placing them in distilled water at 60 °C for 2 minutes. Ten they were moved to a 50% TAF solution in water for 48 hours, and fnally they were placed in pure TAF. Fixed specimens were photographed with a camera mounted on a Zeiss compound microscope. All measurements are in µm, and presented as the mean and standard deviation, with ranges in parenthesis.Cytogenetic analysisFor cytogenetic studies, 139 crickets were analyzed, 22 of which were parasitized with at least one nematode. 16 nematodes adults were selected and placed in distilled water for 30 minutes and then fxed in regular Carnoy’s solution (six parts pure ethyl alcohol, three parts chloroform and one-part acetic acid) and in a modifed one (six parts pure ethyl alcohol, one-part chloroform and one part acetic acid). Te cytogenetic preparations were made using the squash technique and stained with 45% acetic orcein (Adamson, 1981; Lacadena, 1996; Rodríguez-Gil et al., 2007). Te representative cells of each stage were photographed with an Olympus microscope with digital camera DP 71, using the program DP Controller, the images were processed with the programs Pixillion V Demo 6.08, and the karyotypes were done with DRAWID (Kirov et al., 2017).Te TCL, which represents the total length of a haploid cell, was obtained summing the average of each one of the homologous chromosomes.Ethic aspect: Te ethical biosafety standards established for laboratory animals and good animal experimentation practices were followed.RESULTSWe recognized our new species belonging to the genus BlatticolaSchwenk, 1926, which is characterized by the female with cuticle annulated up to the middle of the body, the mouth opening subtriangular surrounded by eight cephalic papillae, the stoma short and telostoma with two plates and one tooth in the telorhabdion (Fig. 1 A), the amphid small pore shaped, the oesophagus divided into three parts, anterior cylindrical corpus, isthmus distinct, and basal bulb valvated (Fig. 1 B), the excretory pore located posterior to basal bulb, the nerve ring situated at the beginning of the esophagic isthmus, the intestine broadest anteriorly, the egg oval, smooth shell, in apical view show a triangular section. Te basal bulb is muscular and strong, and is inserted into the frst part of the intestine. Te tail appendage is short and conic, and presents anal alae (Fig. 1C). Te vulva is protruding, the vagina is long and posterior with V = 70% (Fig. 1D). Te male has one preanal papilla, one simple papilla and one pair of postanal papillae (Fig. 2B). It also has a spicule, short and simple, without gubernaculum (Fig. 2A). Te tail appendage is short, conic and pointed.Table 1. Blatticola chydaeusn. sp. Mean and standard deviation of the diferent measurements, with ranges (minimum and maximum) µm in parenthesis.Total length5,500 ± 368.62 (5,200 – 6,300)1,125 ± 320 (1,000 – 1,800)Diameter of head at level of cephalic papillae24 ± 5.2 (20-32)14.28 ± 4.6 (11-20)Stoma length16 ± 0.6 (15-17)5.2 ± 0.2 (5- 6)Stoma width8.8 ± 0.2 (8-9)3.5 ± 0.2 (3-4)Width of body at level of nerve ring164.70 ± 42.1 (122-210)40.22 ± 3.8 (38-45)Maximum body diameter282.35 ± 45.9 (222-318)47.36 ± 2.2 (46-50)Width of body at level of posterior end 129.41 ± 13.6 (116-142)40 ± 3.8 (36-42)Width of body at level of vulva241.17 ± 33.9 (220-290)---Distance anterior end to nerve ring 358.82 ± 45.4 (320-410)125.71 ± 18.6 (109-145)(Continued Table 1)
image/svg+xml156Neotropical Helminthology (Lima). Vol. 17, Nº2, jul - dic 2023Camino et al.Oesophagus length620 ± 45.6 (550-660)194.98 ± 68.3 (120-260)Distance from anterior end to excretory pore1,400 ± 305 (1,000 – 1,600)337.14 ± 642.5 (290-382)Vagina length300 ± 60.9 (260-355)---Vagina width47.05 ± 4.3 (42-52)---V (distance anterior end to vulva/body length x 100)68.98 ± 1.6 % (68-71)---Spicule length ---32.35 ± 2.8 (29-35)Spicule width---4.41 ± 0.6 (4-5)Length of eggs88.23 ± 2.6 (85-90)---Width of eggs41.17 ± 1.5 (40-43)---Tail appendage length45.29 ± 2.8 (42-48)26.47 ± 1.02 (25-27)(Continued Table 1)ABCDFigure 1. Blatticola chydaeus n. sp. Te female. A) Anterior end. B) Oesophagus and anterior end of intestine. C) Tail appendage. D) Posterior end of the body showing the vulva. Bars = A, C: 100 µm; B, D: 200 µm.
image/svg+xml157Morphometric and cytogenetic description of Blatticola chydaeusNeotropical Helminthology (Lima). Vol. 17, Nº2, jul - dic 2023Taxonomic summaryType host: nymphs of the cricket A. muticus(Orthoptera, Gryllidae). Type locality: Te crickets were collected from the lawn in 66th Av., between 1stAv. (34° 55’ 13.318’’ S, 57° 55’ 42.994’’ W) and 2ndSt. (34° 55’ 16.612’’ S, 57° 55’ 46.432’’ W) La Plata, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Etymology: Te name refers to a latin word that means common or vulgar. Type material: Holotype and Paratypes were deposited in the Helminthological collection of the Museo de La Plata, Paseo del Bosque s/n, 1900 La Plata, Argentina. Site of infection: Intestine, midgut. Prevalence:15.82 %.Number of nematodes per nymph:1-11.REMARKSBlatticola chydaeus n. sp. is close to eight species of the genus: B. ancoracauda (Rodriguez-Gil et al., 2017); B. barryi(Zervos, 1987); B. biannulata (Camino & Schargorodsky, 2009); B. caucasica (Skrjabin, 1923); B. cristovata (Achinelly & Camino, 2007); B. monandros(Zervos, 1983); B. supellaimae (Rao & Rao, 1965); B. Figure 2. Blatticola chydaeusn. sp. Te male. A) Posterior end showing (arrow) the spicule and gubernaculum. B) Posterior end showing (arrow) the genital papillae. Bars= 50 µm.tuapakae (Dale, 1966); by having the intestine of female taper posteriorly and the nerve ring located around the corpus. B. ancoracauda can be separated by the oval eggs, smooth shell, triangular section in apical view, males with one pair of preanal, and two pairs of postanal papillae, and the tail appendage short, conical and pointed, females with anchorage-like structure at tip for grasping and stick to the gut wall. B. barryi can be distinguished from the new species by having the vulva located at a distance of 17% of the length of the body, cuticle annulated only anteriorly, distinct rectal glands, eggs with operculum, males with three pairs of genital papillae, and two shallow constrictions in the tail. B. biannulata is characterized bya short stoma with two sclerotised semicircles and the telostoma with one movable tooth, eggs have a triangular section, with three wings, the dorsal one and two lateroventrals, males with one pair of preanal, and two pairs of postanal papillae. It shares with our new species the tail appendage with a structure of anchorage. B. caucasicais distinguished by having males with four pairs of genital papillae, two pairs are preanal and two pairs are postanal. B. cristovata can be distinguished by having the stoma without tooth, with thick sclerotised walls forming three pairs of plates aligned in two rows with three pairs of plates, and the genital papillae arranged ventrolaterally in one pair of preanal, one pair of adanal and two pairs of postanal papillae. B. monandroscan be characterized by the distance from vulva to anus of about 7-17% of body length, three pairs of tail genital papillae, the cuticle annulated only anteriorly, tail without sharply linear point, corpus not broadest medially, fask shaped, egg with operculum, and spicule short (less than 15µm).
image/svg+xml158Neotropical Helminthology (Lima). Vol. 17, Nº2, jul - dic 2023Camino et al.B. supellaimaeis separated by having the distance from vulva to anus about 5% of body length, four pairs of tail papillae, tail conical, sharply linear point, and nerve ring located around half corpus. B. tuapakaeis diferenced by the distance from vulva to anus about 7% of body length, three pairs of tail papillae, cuticle annulated only anteriorly, tail convex and conoid, tending subulated near tip. We can be compare our species with the type species, B. blattae (Chitwood, 1932) since this one possesses the diagnostic characteristics of the genus, but difers from our new species by females having the posterior part of the intestine broader than medial intestine, outstretched testis in the male, and the nerve ring situated around the isthmus, near the base of the corpus. Cytogenetics139 crickets were analyzed, 22 of which were parasitized with at least one nematode. 1 to 11 nematodes were found per cricket. 243 cells (eggs) were analyzed, 54.32% of which were not dividing. Te rest was in meiotic metaphase and had 3 chromosomes (19.75%), 3 chromosomes plus one univalent (20.16%) and 3 chromosomes plus 2 univalent (3.70%) (Table 2). For the TCL calculations, 10 cells of the type 3 pairs of autosomes and 3 pairs of autosomes plus 1 sexual chromosome in meiotic metaphase were analyzed. Te mean length of all the autosomal chromosomes was 0.15µ with a standard deviation of 0.007µ. 38.61% of the TCL belongs to the frst chromosome, 30.84% to the second one, and 30.55% to the third one. Te sexual chromosome, which length is 0.07µ, was not considered for the autosomal TCL because it only appeared in three of the analyzed cells. Furthermore, as regards the group of cells with four chromosomes, the one identifed as sexual chromosome X was always univalent and appeared separated from the equatorial plate formed by the bivalent autosomes.Table 2. Cytogenetics of Blatticola chydaeusn. sp.Chromosome 1 in µChromosome 1’ in µChromosome 2 in µChromosome 2’ in µChromosome 3 in µChromosome 3’ in µChromosome 3+x in µCell 10,050,050,040,040,040,040,07Cell 20,060,050,050,040,040,04 Cell 30,100,080,070,070,060,05 Cell 40,050,050,060,050,070,05 Cell 50,050,040,040,040,050,04 Cell 60,060,060,060,050,060,06 Cell 70,110,090,060,060,060,050,06Cell 80,040,040,040,030,040,03 Cell 90,040,030,030,030,040,03 Cell 100,050,050,040,030,040,040,07 Mean0,060,050,050,040,050,040,07Standard Deviation0,020,020,010,010,010,010,01Mean Haploidy0,06 0,05 0,05 TCL38.61 30,84 30.55 Total mean haploidy in µ0,15Standard deviation in µ0,007
image/svg+xml159Morphometric and cytogenetic description of Blatticola chydaeusNeotropical Helminthology (Lima). Vol. 17, Nº2, jul - dic 2023Table 3. Comparision of TCL values. Percentage contribution of each chromosome to the haploid set of the species described.Species% Chromosome 1 to TCL% Chromosome 2 to TCL% Chromosome 3 to TCL% Chromosome 4 to TCL% Chromosome 5 to TCLHammerschmidtiella indicus40.62 ±3.4219.13 ±1.4016.67 ±1.5513.27 ±0.2310.80 ±0.58Telastoma alii29.73 ±1.0923.85 ±0.9719.60 ±1.0714.70 ±1.3112.09 ±0.66Gryllophila basiri26.97 ±2.0223.02 ±1.6019.74 ±1.4516.45 ±1.0413.81 ±0.55Leidynema orientalis30.00 ±0.4121.92 ±1.4616.66 ±1.3415.78 ±0.4515.61 ±0.40Binema atrophicaudata24.23 ±0.0012722.19 ±0.004920.66 ±0.00097218.11 ±0.0014214.79 ±0.00023Binema ornata25.93 ±0.92422.69 ±0.9418.70 ±0.46617.70 ±0.45314.96 ±0.475Chitwoodiella asiatica34.13 ±1.6329.94 ±2.0624.25 ±1.4621.55 ±1.017.06 ±0.77Isobinema jairajpurii28.63 ±0.0003223.13 ±0.0012920.04 ±0.0002415.42 ±0.0001712.77 ±0.00021Schwenkiella longicaudata29.93 ±0.0014324.29 ±0.0012819.37 ±0.0002415.84 ±0.0001710.56 ±0.00014Schwenkiella iciemi37.23 ±0.0004322.65 ±0.0012916.66 ±0.0002214.06 ±0.000229.37 ±0.00014Schwenkiella orientalis32.71 ±1.4625.70 ±0.98717.28 ±0.7414.01 ±0.7810.28 ±1.98Mirzaiella meerutensis26.25 ±0.52523.02 ±0.29720.14 ±0.51816.19 ±0.4914.39 ±0.28Psilocephala gryllotalpae26.31 ± 0.77921.32 ±0.3319.11±0.4117.45 ±0.3015.79 ±0.22Blatticola chydaeusn.sp.38.5430.3531.12DISCUSSIONFrom the groups that were taxonomically described, we only know the cytogenetics of 11 genera from the Telastomatidae family, which include 24 species. Te diploid number in females varies between 8 and 10 chromosomes. (Table 2). Blatticola chydaeuscytogenetics. Te cytogenetics of the parasites of Periplaneta americana, Blatta orientalis, B. germanica(cockroach), Archispirostreptus tumuliporus(diplopod) and Gryllotalpa africana(cricket) have already been described. Te cytogenetic description of Blatticola chydaeussp. n. is the second one that has been performed for the described parasites of the genus. Te new species has the lowest chromosome number of the Telastomatidae family, and is the frst one that shows at least one sexual chromosome. Tis is the reason why the sexual determination is not given by haplodiploidy, being the frst case with this kind of determination, unlike the other species of the genus Blatticola, B. ancorocauda, described by Rodriguez-Gil et al. (2017). 3.07% of the cells had two univalent chromosomes. One possible explanation for these extra chromosomes could be the presence of a B chromosome, which has to be confrmed in future studies. All the chromosomes have a similar contribution to the TCL, which means that it is not possible to distinguish them by their sizes and that the cells have a monomodal karyotype. Te present results can only be contrasted against those of Malti (2005) (Table 4) which shows that, for the analyzed species, at least one chromosome is diferent from the rest (at least, less than 5% of the TCL), which would allow its identifcation and the cell would have at least a bimodal karyotype (Table 3). B. chydaeussp. n. has very small (0.03 µ min -0.11 µ max) acrocentric chromosomes, Malti (2005), found submetacentric and subtelocentric chromosomes. Unlike the cases that were previously described with 2n females and n males (Table 2), B. chydaeusshows 3 and 3+X bivalent chromosomes. Tis implies that the sexual determination is not given by haplodiploidy, but could be given by the presence of at least one sexual chromosome, being the frst case with this type of determination for this group. Since it was not possible to observe division in adults, it cannot be asserted that the sexual determination belongs to the system XY or ZW (in the former, the heterogametic sex is the male, and in the latter, the female). For the present study, the sexual chromosome was assumed to be X, since it is the sexual determination in other Oxyuridae (Walton, 1923) and there are no previous descriptions of nematodes with ZW sexual determination.
image/svg+xml160Neotropical Helminthology (Lima). Vol. 17, Nº2, jul - dic 2023Camino et al.Table 4. Cytogenetics of the Telastomatidae family.SpeciesPloidy (2n)HostLocalityCountryAuthorHammerschmidtiella diesingi(Hammerschmidt, 1838)5 10 Periplaneta americana(Linnaeus, 1758)VancouverCanadáAdamson & Nasher (1987)Hammerschmidtiella diesingiNo descriptionPeriplaneta americanaSevillaespañaCutillas et al.(1985)Hammerschmidtiella diesingi5 10 Periplaneta americanaSiddarthNagarindiaRizvi (1997)Hammerschmidtiella indicus Chaudhary, Kansal, Singh & Singh, 2015 10 (no sex specifed)Periplaneta americanaMeerutIndiaMalti (2005)Hammerschmidtiella sp.5 10 Archispirostreptus tumuliporus (Karsch, 1881)Arabie SaouditeAdamson (1984)Telastoma sp.48Archispirostreptus tumuliporusArabie SaouditeAdamson (1984)Telastoma basiriSingh, 1987? 8cockroach indet.indiaRizvi (1997)Telastoma alii (Farooqui, 1970)? 10 Periplaneta americanaMeerutIndiaMalti (2005)Cameronia aspiculata (Farooqui,1970)4 8 Gryllotalpa africana(Palisot de Beauvois, 1805)AligarhIndiaRizvi (1997)Gryllophila nihali Rizvi, Jairajpuri, Shah, Manjur, 2002.? 10 Gryllotalpa africanaSiddarthNagarindiaRizvi (1997)Leidynema appendiculatum (Leidy, 1850)? 10Periplaneta americanaEspañaCutillas et al.(1985)Leidynema appendiculatum5 10Blatta orientalis Linnaeus, 1758Aligarh y SiddarthNagarIndiaRizvi (1997)Leidynema orientalis10 (no sex specifed)Blatta germanicaLinnaeus, 1767MeerutIndiaMalti (2005)Psilocephala gryllotalpae Singh, 200310 (no sex specifed)Gryllotalpa africanaMeerutIndiaMalti (2005)Binema atrophicaudataSingh & Malti 2003.10 (no sex specifed)Gryllotalpa africanaMeerutIndiaMalti (2005)Binema ornataTravassos, 192510 (no sex specifed)Gryllotalpa africanaMeerutIndiaMalti (2005)Isobinema jairajpurii Parveen, 198210 (no sex specifed)Gryllotalpa africanaMeerutIndiaMalti (2005)Schwenkiella longicaudata(Meyer, 1956)10 (no sex specifed)Periplaneta americanaMeerutIndiaMalti (2005)Schwenkiella icemi(Schwenk, 1925) Basir 195610 (no sex specifed)Periplaneta americanaMeerutIndiaMalti (2005)Schwenkiella orientalis(Singh and Agrawal, 1997)10 (no sex specifed)Periplaneta americanaMeerutIndiaMalti (2005)(Continued Table 4)
image/svg+xml161Morphometric and cytogenetic description of Blatticola chydaeusNeotropical Helminthology (Lima). Vol. 17, Nº2, jul - dic 2023(Continued Table 4)Protellus dixoni Zervos, 1978ArrhenotokyDrymaplaneta variegata (Shelford, 1909)HextonEnglandZervos (1988)Blatticola blattae(Graef e, 1860)ArrhenotokyBlattela germanicaFrom labFrom LabPham & Spiridonov (1990)Blatticola ancoracaudaRodriguez Gil, Camino & González 20174 8 Anurogryllus muticus (De Geer, 1773)La PlataArgentinaRodriguez- Gil et al.(2017)Blatticola chydaeussp.n.3 & 3+XAnurogryllus muticusLa PlataArgentinaFigure 3. Blatticola chydaeusn. sp. Cytogenetis. A) Undivided eggs. B) Eggs with 3 chromosomes. C) Eggs with 3 chromosomes and 1 sexual chromosome. D) Egg with 2 poles of anaphase of a cell with 3 chromosomes. T e arrows point the chromosomes. T e tip of arrow shows the sexual chromosome. Bar 10=µm.We report for the f rst time from Argentina nematodes of the order Rhabditida, parasites of the intestine of scorpions and we expand in spiders with a saprophytic rhabditid nematode that causes death to the host. With this last nematode we were able to keep it in the laboratory, which allowed us to carry out the cytogenetic study,study revealed has very small acrocentric chromosomes, this new species shows 3 and 3+X bivalent chromosomes, the sexual determination is not given by haplodiploidy, the sexual chromosome was assumed to be X.Author contributions: CRediT (Contributor Roles Taxonomy)NBC= Nora B. Camino CC= Carolina Casanovas SRG= Sergio Rodríguez-Gil Conceptualization: NBC, CC, SRGData curation: NBC, CC, SRGFormal Analysis: NBC, CC, SRGFunding acquisition: NBC, CC, SRGInvestigation: NBC, CC, SRGMethodology: NBC, CC, SRG
image/svg+xml162Neotropical Helminthology (Lima). Vol. 17, Nº2, jul - dic 2023Camino et al.Project administration: NBC, CC, SRGResources: NBC, CC, SRGSoftware: NBC, CC, SRGSupervision: NBC, CC, SRGValidation: NBC, CC, SRGVisualization: NBC, CC, SRGWriting – original draft: NBC, CC, SRGWriting – review & editing: NBC, CC, SRGBIBLIOGRAPHIC REFERENCES Achinelly, M.F., & Camino, N.B. (2007). A new species of BlatticolaSchwenk, 1926 (Oxyurida, Telastomatidae) a parasite of Anurogryllus muticus(De Geer, 1773) (Orthoptera, Gryllidae) from Argentina. Papéis Avulsos de Zoologia, 47, 181-186.Adamson, M. (1981). Studies on gametogenesis in Grynicola batrachiensis(Walton, 1929) (Oxyuroidea: Nematoda). Canadian Journal of Zoology, 59, 1368-1376.Adamson, M.L. (1984). [Haplodiploidy of Oxyurida. Efects of this phenomenon in the life cycle] Annales de Parasitologie Humaine et Comparee, 59, 387-413.Adamson M.L., & Nasher A.K. (1987). Hammerschmidtiella andersonisp. n. (Telastomatidae: Oxyurida) from the diplopod, Archispirostreptus tumuliporus, in Saudi Arabia with comments on the karyotype of Hammerschmidtiella diesingi. Proceedings of the Helminthological Society of Washington, 54,220–224.Adamson M.L., & van Waerebeke D. (1992). Revision of the Telastomatoidea, Oxyurida of invertebrate hosts I. Telastomatidae. Systematic Parasitology, 21, 21–63.Camino, N.B., & Schargorodsky, G.A. (2009). A new thelastomatid of the genus BlatticolaSchwenk, 1926 (Nematoda, Telastomatidae) a parasite of cricket (Orthoptera, Gryllidae) from Argentina. Estudos de Biologia, PUCPR, Brasil, 31,33-38.Chitwood, B.G. (1932). A review of the nematodes of the genus Hastospiculum, with descriptions of two new species. Proceedings of the United States National Museum, 80, 1–9.Courtney, W.D., Polley, D., & Miller, V.L. (1955). TAF, an improved fxative in nematode technique. Plant Disease Reporter, 39, 570–571.Cutillas, C., Valero, A., González-Castro J., & Guevara, D. (1985). Oogenesis en Hammerschmidtiella diesingi(Hammerschmidt, 1838) Chitwood, 1932 y Leidynema appendiculata(Leidy, 1850) Chitwood, 1932 (Nematoda, Oxyuroidea). Revista Ibérica de Parasitología, 45, 233-238.Kirov, I., Khrustaleva, L., Van Laere, K., Soloviev, A., Meeus, S., Romanov, D., & Fesenko, I (2017). DRAWID: user-friendly java software for chromosome measurements and idiogram drawing. Comparative Cytogenetics, 11, 747-757.Lacadena, J. (1996).Citogenética (1sted.). Editorial Complutense.Malti, K. (2005). Studies on morphology and cytotaxonomy of some insect parasitic nematodes of Meerut. Tesis (Doctor of Philosophy in Zoology).Department of Zoology, Ch. Charan Singh University.Pham, V.L., & Spiridonov, S. E. (1990). Experimental evidence of arrhenotoky in the nematode Blatticola blattae(Oxyurida; Telastomatidae). Helminthologia, 27, 8-13.
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