Neotrop. Helminthol., 1(2), 2007
Cystic echinococcosis is a zoonosis caused by a
cestode, Echinococcus granulosus, of the Taeniidae
family. The adult form of the tapeworm affects
canids, particularly dogs and foxes, while the
larva is harbored by sheep, cattle, goats and other
The disease is an important public health problem
with significant economic impact in the southern part
of South America, i.e., Argentina, Chile, Uruguay,
Brazil (Rio Grande do Sul), Peru and Bolivia. It is
mainly associated with sheep production systems
(Larrieu et al., 2004; Craig & Larrieu, 2006).
Peru appears to have the highest infection rates
in Latin America today, reporting up to 11 cases
per 100,000 inhabitants. However, some endemic
regions like Pasco, Junin or Huancavelica, may
detect up to 34 cases per 100,000 inhabitants (Pérez,
Among the multiple issues that affect the parasite’s
transmission and help perpetuate its endemicity,
there are biological, demographic, environmental
and cultural risk factors, which are worsened by
husbandry systems that are highly favorable for the
Echinococcosis bears an important impact on
public health, mainly because it has a chronic
course progression that may lead to various degrees
of handicap, and even death. Moreover, it has a
negative impact on economy, since it causes losses
because of the offal seized, it reduces the production
of beef, milk and wool, and impairs livestock
fecundity (Togerson, 2001).
The populations primarily affected are rural
workers and their families, people that live in small
villages or impoverished town belts, migrants from
rural areas that often settle in extremely poor
neighborhoods, with high rates of unmet basic
needs and severe social fragility. These groups
usually keep the habit of feeding their dogs with
offal from home-slaughtered animals, perpetuating
the parasites biological cycle. The lack of drinking
water and utilities, together with a low educational
level and poor sanitary conditions increase the risk
of transmission of these diseases.
Since the mid twentieth century, the Southern Cone
countries have implemented a range of intervention
programs to address this issue. Many of them persist
to date and are operating regularly; others have
been applied intermittently, while others have been
totally discontinued. Examples of the latter were
the pilot programs developed in Peru between 1975
1984 at the SAIS Tupac Amaru and Pachacutec
Ltda (Ministerio de Salud, 1989).
The current status of the Latin American control
programs, after 30 years of operation, indicates
that those designs do not yield the results expected,
clearly suggesting they warrant reengineering
(Guarnera, 2006). New designs should contemplate
complementary action lines, adapting strategies to
local situations and considering approaches tailored
to specific populations.
Uruguay’s control program is a clear example;
after analyzing the results obtained with the earlier
programs, we are skeptical about the efficacy of
targeted dog dosing with praziquantel in rural areas
1 Comisn Nacional Honoraria de Zoonosis, Ministerio de Salud Pública, Reblica Oriental del Uruguay.
Ciro Ferreira1; Pilar Irabedra1
Sugestion citation: Ferreira, C & Irabedra, P. 2007. Cystic echinococcosis as a public health problem in Latin America
and new approaches to its control. Neotropical Helminthology, vol. 1, no 2, pp. 55-57.
Neotrop. Helminthol., 1(2) , 2007
© 2007 Asociacn Peruana de Helmintología e Invertebrados Afines (APHIA)
Cystic echinococcosis public health problem in Latin America Ferreira, C & Irabedra, P.
as the only tool to tackle the problem. In countries
like Uruguay, implementation of that strategy leaves
out broad sectors for various reasons.
We cite just two reasons to illustrate that : economic
and geographical. When dog owners have to
pay for the deparasitation service, the people or
communities that cannot afford it will obviously
not comply. The other cause of failure is the poor
accessibility in vast areas of the American continent
due to geographical hurdles.
Furthermore, in spite of the unquestionable value
of mathematical models (Roberts et al., 1986), their
application in real life has often failed to provide the
results expected , particularly in a complex health/
disease process involves many biological, ecological,
social and economic factors.
The control program currently implemented in
Uruguay is based on a “risk-focused approach”.
Surveys conducted in the framework of such
programs in small villages and extremely poor
urban areas, where no targeted praziquantel had
been administered, or where anti-helmintic dosing
had been sporadic or irregular, coproantigen tests
were positive for E. granulosus in 4 % of the dogs,
and as high as 7 % in the case of dogs labeled as
“offal eaters”. Those groups represent true sources
of infection (nodes) (Comisión Nacional Honoraria
de Zoonosis, unpublished data).
These values are consistent with those found in rural
areas where targeted anti-helmintic dosing of dogs
is conducted.
The new strategy tries to address those issues by
reinforcing several lines of action simultaneously
and synergistically:
Epidemiological re-definition, reviewing,
redesigning and increasing coverage of
administration of praziquantel to dogs,
adapting to each areas epidemiological status,
especially targeting the sources of infection as
a priority.
Detection of individuals with asymptomatic
liver hydatic cysts through ultrasound screening
(Perdomo et al., 1990). The use of serology
initially in countries with high infection rates is
not to be excluded; that issue should be decided
based on the specific countrys characteristics,
applying a comprehensive vision of health .
Development and/or promotion of programs
for the responsible possession of dogs; one of the
key components must be controlling the size of
dog populations through surgical sterilization;
there is evidence showing that the technique
is time sustainable and widely accepted by the
Emphasizing the educational component,
prioritizing the direct interventions on the
field, while promoting the tasks required for an
early detection of hydatic cysts. However, the
relevance of other strategies, such as curricular
education should not be disregarded.
Commitment of stakeholders at all stages of
implementation of the program.
Finally, cooperation among the countries in the
region should be seen as a key instrument to improve
institutional capacities in the pursuit of common
development goals.
In Resolution 7, the XII Inter-American Ministerial
Meeting on Health and Agriculture (RIMSA XII)
held in 2001 highlights cystic echinococcosis as
a significant Public Health problem, urging the
countries to formulate plans of action and strategies
aimed at eliminating the disease in the Southern
Cone, the Andean Area and other sub-regions of
the Americas.
In this context 2007 Peru and Uruguay launched
a Technical Cooperation Project for the Prevention
and Control of Cystic Echinococcosis in Peru. The
project was developed in the framework of the
strategy and vision of support to the initiatives for
the control of this zoonosis in the South American
countries, as declared by the country members of
the Southern Cone Sub Regional Project for the
Control and Surveillance of Hydatidosis, with
the technical cooperation of the Pan American
Health Organization/ World Health Organization
This cooperation project opens a very important
pathway for the exchange of experiences and
technology made in Latin America; it intends to
be comprehensive, more efficient and effective
than past programs, and inexpensive, allowing
for the two countries’ simultaneous and synergic
development. An example of such cooperation is
the exchange agreed in relation with the diagnosis
Neotrop. Helminthol., 1(2), 2007
of dog echinococcosis between Uruguayan and
Peruvian institutions.
Achieving sustainability of the programs in the region
is paramount. In that respect, mutual cooperation
plays a potential key role, contributing with a
deep, interdisciplinary approach, encompassing
the social and economic issues that have a strong
impact on the epidemiology of diseases, all within a
comprehensive context of zoonosis control.
There is no doubt that these instances are of outmost
importance for improving communities’ health,
preventing diseases and improving their quality
of life, typically that of the individuals in greatest
social and economic need. Equally important, this
initiative should also be regarded as a very valuable
chance to establish links between countries that
share common problems and objectives.
Craig, PS & Larrieu, E. 2006. Control of cystic
echinococcosis/hydatidosis: 1863-2002. Advances
in Parasitology, vol. 61, pp. 443-508.
Guarnera, E. 2006. Situación actual de los
programas de control de equinococosis
quística en América del Sur. 3ª. Reunión del
Proyecto Subregional Cono Sur de Control
y Vigilancia de la Hidatidosis. Porto Alegre,
RS, Brasil.
Larrieu, E, Arambulo, IIIP & Tamayo, H. 2004.
Equinococosis quística: epidemiología y control en
América del Sur. Parasitología Latinoamericana,
vol, 59, pp. 82-89.
Ministerio de Salud 1989. Epidemiología de la hidatidosis
en el Perú. En: Anales del Seminario Nacional
de Zoonosis y Enfermedades de Transmisión
Alimentaria. 1989. Lima. p. 122-137
Pérez, LCR. 2007. Proyecto de control de hidatidosis en el
Perú por vigilancia epidemiológica. Tesis para optar
el grado de Doctor en Medicina, Facultad de
Medicina, Universidad Nacional Mayor de
San Marcos, Lima.
Perdomo, R, Parada, RJr, Alvarez, C, Cattivelli,
D, Geninazzi, H, Barragué, A.D, Ferreira,
C, Rivero, E, Monti, J & Parada, J. Estudio
epidemiológico de hidatidosis. Detección precoz por
ultrasonido en áreas de alto riesgo. Revista Médica
del Uruguay. 1990; 6:34-47.
Roberts, MG, Lawson, JR & Gemmell, MA.
1986. Population dynamics of echinococcosis and
cysticercosis: mathematical model of the life cycle of
Echinococcus granulosus. Parasitology, vol.
92, pp. 621-641.
Togerson, PR. 2001. Economical aspects of echinococcosis.
Archivos Internacionales de la Hidatidosis,
vol. 34, p. 7.
Correspondence to author: Pilar Irabedra
Complete address: Bulevar España 2673.
Montevideo. Uruguay.
Phone: 7099258 - 7070331
Cystic echinococcosis public health problem in Latin America Ferreira, C & Irabedra, P.
Neotrop. Helminthol., 1(2) , 2007