Strongyloides stercoralis
– complicaciones – glomerulonefritis – Perú.
1. Instituto de Medicina Tropical Alexander von Humboldt (IMTAvH), Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia (UPCH), Lima, Pe.
2. Internal Medicine Residency Program, University of Texas Health Science, Houston, Texas, USA.
3. Instituto Especializado de Salud del Niño, Lima, Pe.
4. Laboratorio de Parasitoloa, Instituto de Medicina Tropical Alexander von Humboldt (IMTAvH), Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia
(UPCH), Lima, Pe.
Neotrop. helminthol., 1(1) , 2007
Strongyloidiasis, caused by
Strongyloides stercoralis
, is a serious Public Health problem in Peru. We report the case
of a two-year-old boy who was admitted at the Instituto Especializado de Salud del Niño in Lima with a diagnosis of
intestinal obstruction associated with fifteen days of diarrhea, fever and cough. The histopathological examination of
the necrotic tissue of colon showed intestinal neuronal dysplasia. During his hospitalization (12 days later) he pre-
sented hypereosinophilia (with 3,460 eosinophils/mm
), cough, fever and abnormal chest x-ray. Five days later, the
eosinophil count reached up to 34,286 cells/mm
. One day later,
S. stercoralis
larvae were found in a direct stool
smear. Serology tests for HTLV-1 and HIV were negative. Interestingly, our patient presented microscopic hematuria
and high blood pressure during the highest levels of eosinophils in blood, therefore acute glomerulonephritis was
suspected. Treatment with thiabendazole was readily started, and administered during seven days. After that, clini-
cal findings disappeared and larvae were no longer detected in stool examinations. The patient was asymptomatic
at discharged. This case presents strong evidence to be a hyperinfection of due to autoinfection triggered by the
surgery as a stress factor.
La strongyloidiosis, causada por
Strongyloides stercoralis
, es un serio problema de Salud Pública en el Perú. Re-
portamos a un niño de dos años de edad quien fue admitido en el Instituto Especializado de Salud del Niño en Lima
con el diagnóstico de obstrucción intestinal asociado a 15 días de diarrea, fiebre y tos seca. El examen histopatológi-
co del tejido necrótico del colon reveló displasia neuronal intestinal. Posteriormente, durante su hospitalización (12
días después) presentó hipereosinofilia (con 3,460 eosinófilos/mm
), tos, fiebre y una radiografía de tórax anormal,
5 días después el recuento de eosinófilos llegó hasta 34,286 células/mm
. Un día después se encontraron larvas
S. stercoralis
en el examen directo de heces. La serología para HTLV-1 y HIV 1 fueron negativos. Cabe men-
cionar que nuestro paciente presentó hematuria microscópica e hipertensión arterial durante los más altos niveles
de eosinófilos en sangre, por lo que se sospechó en una glomerulonefritis aguda. El tratamiento con tiabendazol se
inició rápidamente, y fue administrado durante siete días. Los hallazgos clínicos desaparecieron y no se encontraron
más larvas en los exámenes de heces. El paciente fue dado de alta asintomático. Este caso presenta fuertes indicios
de ser una hiperinfección por
S. stercoralis
debido a la autoinfección desencadenada por la cirugía la cual intervino
como factor estresante.
Palabras clave:
Strongyloides stercoralis
– complications – glomerulonephritis – Peru.
Luis A Marcos1,2,4, Daniel Lozano3, Guillermo Calvo3, Lenin Romani1 & Angélica Terashima4
Forma de citar: Marcos, L A, Lozano, D, Calvo, G, Romani, L & Terashima A. 2007. Strongyloides stercoralis
with nephritic syndrome in a child with intestinal neuronal dysplasia.
Neotropical Helminthology, vol. 1, no. 1,
pp. 37-42
Fecha de recepción: 12 de abril del 2006, fecha de aceptación: 22 de setiembre del 2006.
Neotrop. helminthol., 1(1) , 2007
© 2007 Asociacn Peruana de Helmintología e Invertebrados Afines (APHIA)
Strongyloides stercoralis
and nephritic syndrome in a child. Marcos
et al.,
thorax, there were bilateral lung crackles and wheez-
ing. The abdomen was distended, diffusely tenderness
with peritoneal signs. No hepato- or splenomegaly were
present. No peripheral edema was noted. The bowel
sounds were hyperactive and a rectal examination re-
vealed mucus and blood in stools. Stool examination
(direct smear) showed from 7 to 15 red blood cells,
20 to 35 white blood cells per high power field and
Chest X-ray did not show any alteration. The white blood
cell count was 22,600 cells/µL with 81% neutrophils,
hematocrit 34%, erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR)
35 mm/h, blood urea 34 mg/dL, creatinine 1.25 mg/dL,
serum potassium 1.82 mEq/dL. Other electrolytes were
normal. The potassium was adequately corrected and
the patient was hydrated, but abdominal distention and
peritoneal signs persisted. An abdominal X-ray showed
dilated intestinal loops. Therefore, the emergency team
decided to operate the patient with the diagnosis of in-
testinal obstruction.
The surgical findings were dilated intestinal loops and
narrowed descendent colon with signs of necrosis, so it
was resected. After the surgery, the patient was admitted
to The Intensive Unit Care (IUC) and was treated with
wide-spectrum antibiotics, some results of blood analy-
ses were: creatinine 0.79 mg/dL, serum potassium 3.23
mEq/dL and albumin 2.5 mg/dL. The histopathological
examination of colon showed neuronal intestinal dyspla-
sia. On September 29th, the patient had a functional
colostomy, improved favourably and coursed asymp-
tomatic. On October 6th, he presented with productive
cough and tachypnea.
The following day high fever (38,8 ºC) and crackles in
lower right thorax appeared. Chest X-ray revealed a pa-
renchymal infiltrated in the right parahiliar region. The
white blood cell count showed 17,300 cells/µL, 2%
bands, 38% neutrophils and 20% eosinophils. Therefore,
this was thought to account for nosocomial pneumo-
nia and the treatment was started with broad-spectrum
antibiotics. On October 10th, no clinical improvement
was reported. A control chest X-ray showed infiltrative
changes in the right lower lobe, parahiliar region and in-
terstitial diffuse patron was observed, similar to the first
chest X-ray.
The white blood cell count was 37,000 cells/µL, 1%
Strongyloidiasis is an intestinal parasitic disease caused
Strongyloides stercoralis
, a soil-transmitted intestinal
nematode. It has been estimated to infect up to 100 mil-
lion people worldwide, mainly in tropical and subtropical
regions (Genta, 1989; Genta, 2001; Grove 1989). It
is one of the most important intestinal parasitic diseases
in humans because it can produce a life-threatening ill-
ness in immunocompromised hosts (HTLV-1 co-infec-
tion, neoplasm, AIDS, radiation, severe malnutrition or
chronic corticosteroids therapy) when larvae disseminate
to multiple organs causing the hyperinfection syndrome.
The complications in this stage are malabsorption,
paralytic ileus, meningitis, gastrointestinal hemorrhage,
gram-negative bacteremia, pneumonia and septic shock;
the fatality rate can reach up to 77% (Rodriguez & Calde-
ron, 1991; García-Godos
et al
., 1992; Ma-hmoud,
1996; Nonaka
et al.
, 1998; Thomas & Costello 1998;
et al.
, 1999; Chieffi
et al
., 2000; Adedayo
, 2001)
In Peru, strongyloidiasis is a serious Public Health prob-
lem. There are many hyperendemic regions with preva-
lence rates up to 41% where children are mostly affected
(Rodríguez & Calderón, 1991; Marcos
et al.
, 2002).
The recommended treatment agents are ivermectin
and thiabendazole (Náquira
et al.
, 1989; Datry
et al.
We report a case of human strongyloidiasis with intes-
tinal neuronal dysplasia that developed clinical acute
glomerulonephritis and then it was resolved with antihel-
mintic treatment. We suggest the possibility of
-associated glomerulonephritis.
A 2-year-old male was admitted to emergency room at
Instituto de Salud del Niño in Lima on September 25,
2002; transferred from Cusco with a 15-day history
of bloody diarrhea, fever and cough. He was born and
raised in a jungle region of Cusco and belonged to the
Shipibo tribe.
Examination findings at admission revealed a pale and ir-
ritable infant with significant dehydration. His body tem-
perature was 100 ºF (37.8 ºC), pulse 140/min, blood
pressure 90/60 mmHg, and respiratory rate 32/min. In
Neotrop. helminthol., 1(1) , 2007
bands, neutrophils 20% and eosinophils 50%, ESR 25
mm/h. On October 15th, cough was persistent and
physical examination was significant for diffuse roncus
predominantly in lower right lung. The patient was clini-
cally stable with low fever and cough. A control white
blood cell count showed 55,300 cells/µL with 62%
eosinophils. Stool examinations were repeated with di-
rect smear technique and the results were negatives. A
gastric aspirate was not obtained because the patient’s
father did not give consent.
Figure 1. Chest X-ray shows a persistent right para-
hiliar infiltrative during the highest eosino-
philia level.
On October 19th, the patient clinically had a stable evo-
lution. A stool examination (direct smear technique) re-
vealed larvae of
S. stercoralis
. Chest X-ray revealed a
persistent parenchymal infiltrated in the right parahiliar
region (Figure 1).
He received a 7-day course of thiabendazole 250mg
twice a day. HTLV-1 and HIV 1+2 ELISA’s were nega-
tives. On October 25th, a white blood cell count showed
25,600 cells/µL with 53% eosinophils. The previous
urine examinations did not have any abnormal finding.
However, the last urine examination showed between 8
and 10 red blood cells per high power field and also he-
moglobin. Moreover, fever, poor appetite and dyspnea
were reported.
On physical examination, his pulse was 160/min and
blood pressure 170/100 mmHg. Cardiology recom-
mended treating with captopril 1 mg/kg/doses to control
the hypertension. A nephritic syndrome was suggested.
A renal ultrasonography was performed but no altera-
tions were described. A doppler ultrasonography was
done showing normal renal arteries morphology. Anti-
streptolysin antibodies (ASO) were within normal values;
and cells of Lupus Erythematosus test (LE cells test) were
On November 29th, a control of white blood cell count
reported 12,400 cell/µL and 29% eosinophils. On De-
cember 1st, both stool examinations (direct smear) and
gastric aspirate (after tutor’s consent) were negatives.
One week after beginning thiabendazole, a urinary test
was normal. Further blood analysis were made, blood
urea 30.7 mg/dL, creatinine 0.52 mg/dL, glucose 74.6
mg/dL, total proteins 7.3 mg/dL, albumin 3.7 mg/dL,
globulins 3.6 mg/dL, serum sodium 136 mEq/dL and
serum potassium 5.21 mEq/d.
On December 13th, eosinophilia decreased significantly
(13,400 white blood cell/µL with 10% eosinophils), ESR
26 mm/h and hematocrit 35%. His urine examination
by microscopy made on December 21st presented with
mild glucosuria but on physical examination, he appeared
well, and the vital signs were normal. Therefore, due to
his favourable clinical evolution the clinical team decided
to discharge for follow-up after a week. The day
following discharge, the patient with his father revisited
institute complaining of nausea, vomiting, oral intole-
rance and watery diarrhea.
A presumptive diagnosis of osmotic diarrhea with sig-
nificant dehydration was done and he was hospitalized
again. In the next days, he did not present vomiting and
diarrhea. Stool examinations done periodically with sed-
imentation cup technique and plate agar culture were
negative for
S. stercoralis
. His basal blood pressure was
90/50 mmHg however, he presented peaks of hyperten-
sion up to 130/80 mmHg in two opportunities.
He was treated with antihypertensive drugs. He not pre-
sented hypertension since the two first episodes. A Cap-
topril Renal Scan was carried out to rule out renal artery
stenosis versus renovascular hypertension but it did not
show any abnormality. Finally, we concluded that eosin-
ophilia caused by
S. stercoralis
infection or the parasite
by itself or immunological factors could be the causing
of glomerulonephritis since clinical findings disappear
after thiabendazole treatment. After two months, a uri-
nary test was made and it was normal. Blood pressure
Strongyloides stercoralis
and nephritic syndrome in a child. Marcos
et al.,
controls were normal until three months of follow-up.
We report a case of a child with neuronal dysplasia
operated because an intestinal obstruction syndrome,
who after the surgery developed a hyperinfection syn-
drome due to
S. stercoralis
infection associated with a
nephritic syndrome during the highest peak of eosino-
philia. Since antihelminthic treatment was started, im-
provement of renal impairment was observed and a de-
crease of eosinophils counts as well. Involvement of the
kidney, glomerulonephritis, has been described in asso-
ciation with
S. stercoralis
disseminated infection (Wong
et al.
, 1998; Mitsunaga
et al.
, 2003).
In fact, symptoms usually respond promptly, as in our
case, to appropriate antihelminthic therapy. However,
-related glomerulonephritis has not been
in situ
The development of nephritic syndrome in our patient
could have been caused by many possible factors such as
previous bacterial infection, autoimmune disorder; high
eosinophils count in blood or
S. stercoralis
. However, a decrease of blood pressure was observed
after antihelmintic treatment, as well as absence of red
blood cells in urine, along with a decreasing of eosino-
phils in blood. Moreover, the following laboratorial tests
were negatives or within normal values: ASO, LE cells,
renal ultrasonographic doppler, captopril renal scan and
ESR. Thus, a possible cause of acute glomerulonephritis
in our patient could be
S. stercoralis
infection. Immuno-
logical disorders, eosinophils or the parasite itself can be
involved. A kidney biopsy could have been contributory
to our hypothesis, but this invasive method was not ne-
cessary in the patient, since the clinical picture improved
notoriously and the evolution was favorable.
During the hospitalization, a high suspicion of the infec-
tion by this nematode in the patient was the high number
of eosinophils observed in the blood smear. However,
a presumptive diagnosis of nosocomial pneumonia was
done initially two weeks after the surgery. Despite the
fact that he was started on antibiotics, there had neither
a clinical nor laboratory analysis improvement. By con-
trast, a significant increased of eosinophils count up to
34286 cell/µL appeared. These findings, a progressive
eosinophilia and pulmonary infiltrates, bring to mind a
spectrum of parasitic diseases, mainly in their migratory
stages, including differential diagnoses such as
, hookworms,
S. stercoralis
tion, toxocariasis and
spp. (MacLean
et al.
1999). However, the last is not endemic from the region
where the patient came from, and because of the hype-
reosinophilia (>1,500 cell/µL), the first option thought
was strongyloidiasis. In the following days, there were
larvae of
S. stercoralis
found in feces and the suspected
diagnosis was confirmed.
Two possible mechanisms are involved in this process.
First, the surgery as a stress condition could have been
the factor which triggered the mechanism of autoinfec-
tion. The time since larvae are carried to the lungs af-
ter enters systemic vessels are 2 weeks, and this was
the time which the surgery was performed. Therefore,
we think the surgery could be the triggering factor to
develop the autoinfection. Second, under some cir-
cumstances such as chronic constipation (eg. intestinal
neuronal dysplasia) larvae produced by the parasitic fe-
males could remain in the intestinal tract long enough to
develop into infective stages. Such larvae will penetrate
the tissues of the intestinal tract and develop as if they
had penetrated the skin. Both mechanisms may explain
the hyperinfection syndrome seen in the patient.
The importance of this parasitosis in Peru is noteworthy,
there had been reported high prevalence rates in several
regions mainly in the Amazonic Region (Gotuzzo
et al.
1999; Rodríguez and Calderón, 1991; Marcos
et al.
2002; Náquira
et al.
, 1989).
We have to mention that this parasitosis requires an
adequate parasitological sedimentation test to detect
larvae. In endemic areas, mostly in developing coun-
tries; a simple, economical and high sensitive parasi-
tological test should be routinely done. However, the
routine method in most of health centers is the direct
smear test, whose sensitive is low in comparison with
other sedimentation technique as Baermann’s Modi-
fied in Cup Technique described by Lumbreras (1963),
which is performed routinely in only a few health centers
in Peru (eg. IMTAvH). The stool examination controls of
our patient were made by this parasitological technique
and with cultures. However, the first stool examinations
done in the patient were carried out by direct smear,
even though larvae were found in the analysis. It is pro-
bably the heavy burden infection increased the likelihood
Neotrop. helminthol., 1(1) , 2007
to find them in feces by a direct smear.
The low level of suspicion for the diagnosis of strongy-
loidiasis can lead clinicians to delay the final diagnosis.
We need more studies to evaluate the role of
S. ster-
infection and renal impairment in humans. The
possibility of renal involvement should be carefully con-
sidered by physicians. This is the first case report of a
nephritic syndrome probably associated to
S. stercoralis
infection in a non-immunocompromised patient in Peru;
and despite its rarity in the clinical setting, it should be
considered in the differential diagnosis of patients with
glomerulonephritis, when associated with eosinophilia,
or in patients who come from endemic areas.
We thank Dr. Jessica N. Ricaldi, Institute of Tropical
Medicine Alexander von Humboldt, Lima, Peru, for her
assistance in the review of this manuscript.
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Autor para correspondencia/Author for correspon-
Luis A. Marcos
Instituto de Medicina Tropical Alexander von
Humboldt. Universidad Peruana Cayetano
Av. Honorio Delgado 430, Urb. Ingeniería. San
Martín de Porres AP 4314, Lima 100.
Lima, Perú.
Correo electrónico/E-mail:
Telefax: (511)-4823404
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