1 Laboratório de Helmintos Parasitos de Vertebrados, Instituto Oswaldo Cruz, Av. Brasil, 4365, 21040-360, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil.
2IBEx- Instituto de Biologia do Exército, Rua Francisco Manuel, 102, 20911-270, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil.
3 Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq) research fellow.
Neotrop. Helminthol., 4(2), 2010
2010 Asociación Peruana de Helmintología e Invertebrados Afines (APHIA)
ISSN: 2218-6425 impreso / ISSN: 1995-1043 on line
Palabras clave: Brasil - cascabel - Crotalus durissus - nemátodos.
Cuarenta y seis muestras de nemátodos recuperados en especímenes brasileños de Crotalus durissus
Linnaeus, 1758, comúnmente conocida como cascabel fueron estudiadas. Las serpientes o se sacrificaban en
cautiverio para la producción de suero o fueron encontradas muertas en la naturaleza. Otras muestras de
nemátodos de este huésped preservadas en la Colección Helmintológica del Instituto Oswaldo Cruz
(CHIOC) fueron también analizadas. Los nematodos mas prevalentes fueron aquellos del género
Ophidascaris Baylis, 1920: O. arndti Sprehn, 1929, O. durissus Panizzutti, Santos, Vicente, Muniz-Pereira
& Pinto, 2003, O. O. sicki Freitas, 1951, O. tuberculatum Siqueira, Panizzutti, Muniz-Pereira & Pinto, 2005 y
Ophidascaris sp., seguidas por otros incluidos en Hexametra Travassos, 1920: H. boddaertii (Baird, 1860)
Kreis, 1944, y Kalicephalus Molin, 1861: K. inermis macrovulvus Caballero, 1954 y Kalicephalus sp.
Además, fueron identificados especímenes representados en los géneros Hastospiculum Skrjabin, 1923:
Hastospiculum sp., Physaloptera Rud, 1819: Physaloptera sp. y Travassosascaris Sprent, 1978: T. araujoi
(Schneider, 1866) Sprent, 1978. Las especies Ophidascaris arndti, O. sicki, O. tuberculatum, K. inermis
macrovulvus y Physalopera sp., representan nuevos registros en este huésped. Las especies son brevemente
presentadas y ilustradas con énfasis en las estructuras bucales, por medio de cortes transversales.
Key words: Brazil - Crotalus durissus - nematodes - rattlesnake.
Forty-six samples of nematodes recovered from Brazilian specimens of Crotalus durissus Linnaeus, 1758,
commonly named rattlesnake were studied. Snakes either died in captivity, under which they were kept for
production of serum, or were found dead in nature. Other samples of nematodes from this host and preserved
in the Helminthological Collection of the Oswaldo Cruz Institute (CHIOC) were also analyzed. The most
prevalent species were those of the genus Ophidascaris Baylis, 1920: O. arndti Sprehn, 1929, O. durissus
Panizzutti, Santos, Vicente, Muniz-Pereira & Pinto, 2003, O. sicki Freitas, 1951, O. tuberculatum Siqueira,
Panizzutti, Muniz-Pereira & Pinto, 2005 and Ophidascaris sp., followed by specimens allocated in
Hexametra Travassos, 1920: H. boddaertii (Baird, 1860) Kreis, 1944, and Kalicephalus Molin, 1861: K.
inermis macrovulvus Caballero, 1954, Kalicephalus sp. Also, specimens representing the genera
Hastospiculum Skrjabin, 1923: Hastospiculum sp., Physaloptera Rud, 1819: Physaloptera sp. and
Travassosascaris Sprent, 1978: T. araujoi (Schneider, 1866) Sprent, 1978 were identified, as well. The
species Ophidascaris arndti, O. sick, O. tuberculatum, K. inermis macrovulvus and Physalopera sp.,
represent new occurrences in this host. Species are briefly presented and figured, with emphasis in the cross
sections of buccal structures.
1,3* 1 1,2 1
Roberto Magalhães Pinto , Luís C. Muniz-Pereira , Marcia Helena Martins Panizzutti & Dely Noronha
Suggested citation: Pinto, R.M.; Muniz-Pereira, L.C.; Panizzutti, M.M.H.& Noronha, D. Nematode parasites of the neotropical
rattlesnake, Crotalus durissus linnaeus, 1758 (Ophidia, viperidae) from Brazil: new records and general
aspects. 2010. Neotropical Helminthology, vol. 4, 2, pp. 137-147.
The first report of helminths from Brazilian reptiles
occurred far back in the XVII century, when some
parasites of iguanas were referred by Piso &
Marcgrave (1648). From this date on, studies of the
parasitism affecting reptiles in Brazil have been
relatively few and scarce. However, in the last
century, complete surveys of nematodes recovered
from Brazilian vertebrates have been made
available by Vicente & Pinto (1999) and Vicente et
al. (1985, 1991, 1993, 1995, 1997).
Taking into account that the catalogue of
nematodes from Brazilian reptiles (Vicente et al.
1993) permits an easier identification of the species
parasitizing snakes, the present investigation aimed
at the updating of data related to the nematodes
collected in specimens of Crotalus durissus
Linnaeus, 1758 presently captured in different
Brazilian localities together with other nematode
samples previously recovered from the same host
and deposited in the Helminthological Collection
of the Oswaldo Cruz Institute (CHIOC). The
present findings also complement those already
reported by Araujo et al. (1969 a-b), Araújo et al
(1999), Silva et al. (2001, 2007), Panizzutti et al.
(2003), Dias et al. (2004) and Panizzutti (2005),
specifically related to the nematodes from C.
durissus in Brazil, together with data after
Rossellini (2007), listing the helminths parasitizing
Brazilian snakes.
Forty-six samples of nematodes recovered from
specimens of C. durissus captured in the States of
Mato Grosso, Minas Gerais, Pará, Paraná, Rio de
Janeiro and São Paulo were studied. Parasites were
either collected from animals found dead in nature,
or from those captured during the flood of the
Represa Itaipu Binacional (Binational Itaipu Dam),
in the State of Paraná and that died before the
donation for institutional maintenance for research
and/or anti-ophidic serum production; some
samples derived from contaminated feces or from
regurgitation of some specimens that have died
under captivity in the Instituto de Biologia do
Exercito, IBEx (Army Institute of Biology) in the
city of Rio de Janeiro, that is an institution
registered and licensed by the IBAMA, the
Instituto Brasileiro do Meio Ambiente e dos
Recursos Naturais Renováveis (Brazilian Institute
of the Environment and Natural Renewable
Resources) to develop specific scientific research
activities and to produce hyper immune equine
plasma. Also, other samples recovered from
rattlesnakes and previously deposited in the
Helminthological Collection of the Oswaldo Cruz
Institute (CHIOC) were examined.
Captivity conditions at the IBEx: snakes are
maintained to supply the Fundação Nacional de
Saúde (National Health Foundation) with
antiophidic sera. At the time they come from
nature, snakes are submitted to a quarantine period
to be evaluated for sex, coprological examinations
and other procedures to determine their health
conditions to improve their survival under
Concomitantly, the contamination with parasites
and other pathogens from the other already
maintained specimens is avoided. Snakes are kept
in plastic or polypropylene boxes with corrugated
paper bedding and are weekly fed on mice (Mus
musculus Linnaeus, 1758) in an amount that
represents 10% of the animal weight and water is
available ad libidum. In despite of the taken
actions, some specimens do not adapt to the new
conditions and die, to be further submitted to
necropsy and investigated for parasites. Nematodes
studied here were already fixed and kept as wet
material in different solutions: 70 ethanol GL, AFA
(93% ethanol 70 GL; 5% formaldehyde, 2%
glacial acetic acid), 10% formalin or ethanol with
glycerin. Nematodes were dehydrated in a crescent
o o
alcoholic series (70 GL-100 GL), clarified in
acetic acid and phenol and preserved as whole
mounts in balsam and beechwood creosote, 1:3,
respectively.Some specimens were clarified in
glycerin for the en face cross sections, in
accordance with the methodology of Anderson
(1968). Depending on the necessity, some females
were dissected on Petri dishes with paraffin,
according to Travassos (1950) for the counting of
uterine branches.
Figures were obtained with a camera lucida
connected to bright-field Zeiss or Olympus
microscopes. Measurements are in millimeters
(mm) and range appears in parentheses. The
studied samples were deposited in the CHIOC.
Nematodes of Crotalus
Pinto et al.
papillae, an unpaired papilla near the cloacal
opening; the number of post-cloacal papillae varies
from five to six pairs. Females: didelphic,
opistodelphic, oviparous. Vulvar opening located
at the middle-third of the body, frequently anterior
to the half of its total length. From the vulva, the
ovijector (vagina vera) reaches an undivided
portion of the uterus from which two straight
uterine branches arise. Ovaries sinuous, not
reaching the vulvar level. Eggs sub-spherical,
0.061-0.076 long, 0.057-0.051 wide. Tail long,
conical, without mucron.
Sites of infection: esophagus, stomach; localities:
Itaipu Binational Reserve, Foz do Iguaçu, Brazil-
Paraguay border, State of Paraná (24º05'45''S,
54º35'07”W), Valença, State of Rio de Janeiro,
(22º14'44''S, 43º42'01''W), São João Del Rey, State
of Minas Gerais (21º08'00''S, 44º15'40''W);
deposited samples: CHIOC: 35326, 35336, 35337,
35333, 35343, 35344, 36487 a-e, 36488 (a-c),
36489, 36490 (a-c), 36492 a-e, 36493 (a-b).
Remarks: The species Ophidascaris travassosi
Vaz, 1938 and O. sprenti Araujo, 1969, were
considered synonyms of O. arndti by Sprent
(1988). This proposition was overlooked by
Vicente et al. (1993).
Ophidascaris durissus Panizzutti, Santos,
Vicente, Muniz-Pereira & Pinto, 2003
(Figs 8-14)
Morphometrics based on eighteen specimens, nine
males, nine females. Males 60.8 (52-68) long, 0.67
(0.61-0.76) wide; females 67.8 (56-93) long, 0.70
(0.56-0.83) wide. General: mouth with three lips
with dentigerous ridges extending to the inner
border; the dorsal lip presents two large papillae
and the latero-ventral possess one papilla each.
Interlabia absent. Esophagus club-shaped.
Esophageal ventriculus and intestinal cecum
absent. Males: with subequal spicules, alate, 2.53
(2.48-2.90) long. Gubernaculum absent. Caudal
alae narrow. Seventy pairs of pre-cloacal papillae,
one pair ad-cloacal and six pairs post-cloacal.
Females: didelphic, opistodelphic and oviparous.
st nd
Vulvar opening situated between the 1 and 2 third
of middle body. From the vulva a short ovijector
joins an undivided portion of the uterus, from
which two uterine branches arise. Eggs sub-
spherical, 0.05-0.07 long, 0.068-0.084 wide. Tail
Investigated snakes were parasitized only with
nematodes. A total amount of 46 samples were
studied. Approximately, 80% were represented by
ascaridoids distributed among the Ophidascaris
Baylis, 1920 (50%), Hexametra Travassos, 1920
(30%) and Travassosascaris Sprent, 1978 (20%).
The remaining 20% of the total amount of samples
consisted of specimens included in Hastospiculum
Skrjabin, 1923, Kalicephalus Molin, 1861 and
Physalopera Rudolphi, 1819, with 6.6%, each. At
first sight, ascaridoids from snakes are very much
alike; curiously, their prior identification on the
basis of the nature of the hosts only, in the case the
ophidians, has frequently been adopted by those
not so well acquainted with the morphology of
nematodes. This fact alone, has most of the times,
induced to the general and erroneous nomination of
Ophidascaris sensu lato for different species,
included in Hexametra, Ophidascaris, Polydelphis
Baylis, 1920 and Travassosascaris; thus, efforts
have to be made so that apical views of buccal
structures of the ascaridoid nematodes can be
obtained, whenever possible, together with the
analysis of other morphological distinguishing
characters, aiming at an accurate generic/specific
diagnosis of the worms.
Ascarididae Baird, 1853
Ophidascaris arndti Sprehn, 1929
(= Ophidascaris travassosi Vaz, 1938, O. sprenti
Araujo, 1969)
(Figs 1-7)
Morphometrics based on sixteen specimens, nine
males, seven females. Males 56.6 (47-64) long,
0.63 (0.52-0.75) wide; females 68.9 (64-77) long,
0.62 (0.50-0.81) wide. General: mouth provided
with three quadrangular lips with thin dentigerous
ridges on the inner border; interlabia present. A
large papilla together with another small, are
observed on each ventro-lateral lip; on the dorsal
lip there are two large papillae. Esophagus club-
shaped, esophageal ventriculus and intestinal
cecum absent. Males: with subequal spicules with
short alae, 2.1 (1.89-2.38) long, gubernaculum
absent. Caudal alae reduced; terminal caudal
mucron present. Thirty-six pairs of pre-cloacal
Neotrop. Helminthol., 4(2), 2010
0.76 (0.62-0.93) wide. General: mouth with three
quadrangular lips, 0.15 long, 0.17 wide showing
dentigerous ridges on the inner border; interlabia
short. One prominent labial papilla is present on
each dorso-lateral lip; dorsal lip with two papillae.
Esophagus club-shaped. Ventriculus and intestinal
cecum absent. Males: spicules equal, with narrow
alae, 0.76 (0.48-0.91) long. Gubernaculum and
caudal alae absent, tail with mucron, presenting up
to forty pairs of pre-cloacal papillae and three post-
cloacal. Females: didelphic, opistodelphic and
oviparous. Vulva slit-shaped, located at the
posterior third of the body. The ovijector joins the
undivided portion of the uterus, from which arise
two uterine branches that run straight to the origin
of coiled ovaries not reaching the vulvar region.
Eggs sub-spherical, 0.07-0.084 long, 0.056-0.07
long. Tail short and blunt. Mucron absent.
Site of infection: stomach; locality: Itaipu
Binational Reserve, Foz do Iguaçu, Brazil-
Paraguay border State of Paraná; deposited
samples: CHIOC: 34687, 34937, 34937 b-f.
Remarks: Considering that O. durissus is the only
Brazilian species of the genus devoid of interlabia,
the status of this species should be further
reevaluated, taking into account that the
absence/presence of interlabia is a generic
character and may not be regarded as an isolate
specific variation among the representatives of
Ophidascaris sicki Freitas, 1951
(Figs 15-21)
Morphometrics based on seven specimens, four
males and three females. Males 63.25 (55-78) long,
0.71 (0.67-0.75) wide; females 70 (52-86) long,
Nematodes of Crotalus
Pinto et al.
Figures 8-14. Ophidascaris durissus. Fig. 8. Anterior of
male, lateral view. Fig. 9. Head, en face view. Fig. 10.
Posterior of male, ventral view. Fig. 11. Vulva, vagina,
ovijector and uterine bifurcation, lateral view. Fig. 12.
Posterior of male, ventral view. Fig. 13. Posterior of
male, lateral view. Fig. 14. Male, posterior extremity,
lateral view. Bar (common to Figs 8-14) = 0.7 in Figs 8,
11, 12; 0.08 in Fig. 9; 0.5 in Figs 10, 12, 13 (in mm).
Figures 1-7. Ophidascaris arndti. Fig. 1. Anterior of
male, dorsal view. Fig. 2. Head, en face view. Fig. 3.
Vulva, vagina, ovijector and uterine bifurcation, lateral
view. Fig. 4, Female genitalia (partial), frontal view. Fig.
5. Posterior of male, lateral view. Fig. 6. Posterior of
male, ventral view. Fig. 7. Posterior of female, lateral
view. Bar (common to Figs 1-7) = 0.04 in Fig. 2; 0.4 in
Figs 1, 3; 0.5 in Figs 4, 5; 0.2 in Figs 6, 7 (in mm).
Site of infection: esophagus; locality: Itaipu
Binational Reserve, Foz do Iguaçu, Brazil-
Paraguay border, State of Paraná); deposited
sample: CHIOC: 34.779 a-f.
Type material of O. sicki, recovered from
Waglerophis merremii (Wagler, 1824) [=Xenodon
merremii] captured in Xavantina, State of Mato
Grosso (14º40'09''S, 52º20'09''W), previously
deposited was revised (CHIOC no. 19120, 19121,
19122, 19123).
Remarks: This is the first occurrence of the species
parasitizing specimens of Crotalus durissus, since,
as informed, O. sicki had been reported only from
the Wagler's snake in Brazil.
Ophidascaris tuberculatum Siqueira, Panizzutti,
Muniz-Pereira & Pinto, 2005
(Figs 22-28)
Morphometrics based on eleven specimens, four
males and seven females. Males 62 (40-70) long,
0.85 (0.77-0.94) wide. Females 87 (74-132) long,
1.37 (0.94-1.53) wide. General: mouth with three
slightly quadrangular lips, with well developed
dentigerous ridges along the internal border and
interlabia short, reaching about 1/3 of the lips in
length. Esophagus club-shaped. Ventriculus and
Figures 22-28. Ophidascaris tuberculatum. Fig. 22.
Anterior of female, dorsal view. Fig. 23. Vulva, vagina,
ovijector and uterine bifurcation, lateral view. Fig. 24.
Male, anterior extremity, dorsal view. Fig. 25. Female,
posterior extremity, lateral view. Fig. 26. Male, posterior
extremity, ventral view. Fig. 27. Posterior of male,
lateral view. Fig. 28. Detail of male posterior extremity,
ventral view. Bar (common to Figs 22-28) = 0.3 in Figs
22, 23; 0.09 in Fig. 24; 0.4 in Figs 25, 26, 27; 0.25 in Fig.
28 (in mm).
Figures 15-21. Ophidascaris sicki. Fig. 15. Anterior of
male, ventral view. Fig. 16. Head, en face view. Fig. 17.
Female, anterior extremity, ventral view. Fig. 18.
Posterior of male, ventral view. Fig. 19. Posterior of
male, lateral view. Fig. 20. Male, anterior extremity,
dorsal view. Fig. 21. Female, posterior extremity, ventral
view. Bar (common to Figs 15-21) = 0.5 in Fig. 15; 0.04
in Fig. 16; 0.4 in Figs 17, 20; 0.2 in Figs 18, 19, 21 (in
Neotrop. Helminthol., 4(2), 2010
intestinal cecum absent. Males: with subequal
spicules and narrow alae, 2.85 (2.63- 2.87) long.
Gubernaculum and caudal alae absent. Twenty-six
pairs of pre-cloacal papillae, one pair ad-cloacal,
five pairs post-cloacal and one umpaired papilla.
Tail long, conical, presenting a conspicuous
mucron. Females: didelphic, opitodelphic,
oviparous. Vulva slit-shaped, either in the middle
third or in the anterior third of the body. From the
vulva, extends a sinuous ovijector to join the
undivided uterine portion, from which arise two
uterine branches to reach the coiled ovaries. Eggs
sub-spherical, 0.085 long, 0.070 wide. Tail with a
prominent muscular post-anal protuberance, easily
observed that appears as a tubercle.
Site of infection: stomach; locality: State of Minas
Gerais (Municipality not informed); samples
deposited: CHIOC: 8132, 36494 (a-d).
Remarks: Crotalus durissus is a new host record for
the species previously described by Siqueira et al.
(2005) parasitizing specimens of Bothrops
jararaca Wied, 1832.
Ophidascaris sp.
Sites of infection: esophagus, stomach, body cavity
(?), feces; localities: Itaipu Binational Reserve, Foz
do Iguaçu, Brazil-Paraguay border State of Paraná,
PR, Valença, State of Rio de Janeiro, Três
Corações, State of Minas Gerais (21º58'10''S,
45º22'20''W); deposited samples: CHIOC: 34894,
34897, 35330, 35334, 35338.
Hexametra boddaertii (Baird, 1860) Kreis, 1944
(Figs 29-34)
Morphometrics based on thirty-six specimens,
thirteen males, twenty-three females. Males 86
Figures 35-39. Kalicephalus inermis macrovulvus. Fig.
35. Dorsal ray of the copulatory bursa, ventral view. Fig.
36. Anterior of female, ventral view. Fig. 37. Female,
posterior extremity, lateral view. Fig. 38. Posterior of
male, lateral view. Fig. 39. Vulvar region, lateral view.
Bar (common to Figs 35-39) = 0.08 in Fig. 35; 0.1 in Figs
36-39 (in mm)
Figures 29-34. Hexametra boddaertii. Fig. 29. Anterior
of male, showing the intestinal cecum (arrow), ventral
view. Fig. 30. Head, en face view. Fig. 31. Vulva, vagina,
ovijector and the six uterine branches, frontal view. Fig.
32. Esophageal-intestine junction, with the intestinal
cecum (arrow), dorsal view. Fig. 33. Posterior of male,
ventral view. Fig. 34. Male, posterior extremity, lateral
view. Bar (common to Figs 36-41) = 0.7 in Fig. 29; 0.05
in Fig. 30; 0.3 in Figs 31, 32; 0.2 in Figs 33, 34 (in mm).
Nematodes of Crotalus
Pinto et al.
(66-108) long, 1.0 (0.71-1.51) wide; females 123
(72-173) long, 1.17 (0.79-2.1) wide. General:
mouth with three lips, dentigerous ridges extending
along anterior border of lip and round anterior
angles of lip to level of double papillae; interlabia
absent. Labial papillae consisting of double
papillae on each ventro-lateral lip and two on the
dorsal lip. Esophagus club-shaped. Ventriculus
absent, intestinal cecum present or absent. Males:
with subequal spicules, with narrow alae, 1.29
(0.98-1.58) long. Tail almost rounded, ending in a
tip presenting an inconspicuous mucron. A variable
number of pre-cloacal papillae, one pair ad-cloacal
and two to three pairs post-cloacal. Females:
opistodelphic, oviparous. Vulvar aperture slit-like,
at the end of the middle third or at the posterior third
of the body From the vulva, extends a sinuous
ovijector to join the undivided uterine portion, from
which arise six uterine branches to reach the coiled
ovaries that extend to the vulvar region. Eggs sub-
spherical, 0.080-0.086 long, 0.070-0.080 wide.
Sites of infection: intestine, body cavity, stomach;
localities: Foz do Iguu, State of Paraná
(municipality not informed), State of São Paulo
(municipality not informed), Valença, State of Rio
de Janeiro; deposited samples CHIOC: 8179,
34685, 34780 a-e, 34781 a-g, 34810, 34895, 34896,
34899, 35327, 35329, 35331, 36192, 36194 a-b,
36191 a-b.
Travassosascaris araujoi ((Schneider, 1866)
Sprent, 1978
(Figs 44, 45)
Morphometrics based on a single immature female
specimen. Body 110 long, 1.06 wide. Mouth with
three quadrangular lips, shallow interlabia present;
dentigerous ridge extending around whole border
of lips to posterior corner. Vulva without salient
lips, vagina short, extending posteriorly to join
undivided uterus, leading to four uterine brnches.
Tail with conical tip, without mucron, phasmids
near tip.
Site of infection: stomach; locality: Valença, State
of Rio de Janeiro; deposited sample CHIOC:
Remarks: Data reported by Sprent (1978) and
Araújo (1969 a, b) on the material previously
studied by Schneider (1866), reinforce the
statement that ascaridid females that occur in
specimens of Crotalus durissus and that present
more than two uterine branches are included in the
genera Hexametra Travassos, 1920 (6 uterine
branches and absence of interlabia) Polydelphis
Dujardin, 1845 (4 uterine branches and absence of
interlabia) and Travassosascaris Sprent, 1978 (4
uterine branches and presence of interlabia).
Diaphanocephalidae Travassos, 1920
Kalicephalus inermis macrovulvus Caballero,
(Figs 35-39)
Morphometrics based on five specimens, two
males and three females. Males 12.94 long, 0.32
wide; females 13.94 (12.40-16.32) long, 0.39
(0.33-0.49) wide. General: anterior extremity
slightly bent. Buccal capsule 0.22 (0.16-0.23) long,
0.25 (0.17-0.31) wide. Esophagus club-shaped
with a posterior bulb, 0.42 long, 0.22 wide. Teeth
absent. Males: with equal and slender spicules,
0.84 (0.81-0.86) long. Gubernaculum present.
Copulatory bursa broad and oblique. Dorsal rays
somewhat close to each other and splitting at the
extremities (“V” pattern). The externo-lateral rays
are short and with rounded tips. Females:
amphidelphic, vulva with salient lips, followed by
divergent muscular ovijectors. Eggs 0.065-0.072
long, 0.036-0.039 wide. Tail elongate with rounded
Site of infection: stomach; locality: Peixoto de
Azevedo, State of Mato Grosso (10º13'12''S,
54º58'08''W); deposited samples: CHIOC: 35341,
Remarks: According to Schad (1962), in the
revision of the genus Kalicephalus Molin, 1861,
there is a great intra-specific variability and,
conversely, also an inter-specific homogeneity
among the species of this complex group. In order
to properly identify the samples presently studied
as K. inermis Molin, 1861 some reliable and well
defined characters have been considered, such as
the absence of the corona radiata and the buccal
teeth, amphidelphic females, males with equal and
long spicules and the pattern of rays of the caudal
bursa. In despite of the existence of morphological
differences among the representatives of the
inermis group”, K. inermis inermis Molin, 1861,
K. inermis coronellae Ortlep, 1923 e K. inermis
macrovulvus Caballero, 1954, that were considered
only as geographic groups by Schad (1962), the
samples studied here were identified to K. inermis
Neotrop. Helminthol., 4(2), 2010
macrovulvus. The identification was mainly based
on the “V” pattern of bursal rays, on the aspect of
the female tail that is narrow, elongate, with round
tip, and also on the anterior portion of the buccal
capsule, varying in shape from pointed to straight.
Kalicephalus sp.
Infection site: stomach; locality: Peixoto de
Azevedo, State of Mato Grosso; deposited
samples: CHIOC: 35339, 35340.
Physalopteridae Leiper, 1908
Physaloptera sp.
(Figs 40-42)
Morphometrics based on two female specimens.
Body 106.2 (104.6- 108.9) long, 0.55 wide. Mouth
with two lateral, simple triangular lips, each
bearing either apically or internally, a variable
number of teeth and external papillae. Cuticle
generally bent over the lips, forming a huge
cephalic collar. Esophagus with an anterior
muscular portion, followed by a posterior
glandular, 6.75 (5.9-7.6) in total length and 0.5 in
width. Vulva opening at the posterior portion of the
body. Tail slender.
Site of infection: not informed [frequently in the
stomach]; locality: Foz do Iguaçu, State of Paraná;
deposited samples: CHIOC: 35100, 36195 a-d.
Remarks: This is the first report of a physalopterid
worm in C. terrificus in Brazil. Probably, this
species could be identified to Physaloptera
obtusissima Molin, 1860, recovered from
specimens of Bothrops jararaca (Wied, 1824), the
common jararaca, and Cloelia sp., known as
mussurana in Brazil. The other species of the genus
that occur in Brazilian snakes are: P. monodens
from the stomach of Constrictor constrictor (L.,
1758), the red-tailed boa, P. liophis Vicente &
Santos, 1974, from the stomach of specimens of
Liophis miliaris (L., 1758), the common water
snake, and Physaloptera sp. from the stomach of
specimens of Wagleropsis merremii (Wagler, 1824)
[=Xenodon merremii] the Wagler's snake, and
Phylodrias sp., the green snake. Considering that
females of Physaloptera share many common
characters, the unavailability of male specimens
did not permit a reliable specific diagnosis of the
presently investigated samples.
Diplotriaenidae Anderson, 1958
Hastospiculum sp.
(Fig. 43)
Morphometrics unavailable. An overall
description, based on broken females, refers to the
mouth with two outstanding lip-like chitinous
processes in each side of the aperture. Esophagus
clearly divided into two muscular portions, the
anterior short and narrow, the posterior broad and
much longer. Vulva inconspicuous, located near the
end of the anterior esophageal portion. Ovejictor
stout and wide, ending in a single portion of the
uterus that further bifurcates into two branches.
Amphidelphic, oviparous, with embryonated eggs
in utero. Anus terminal.
Site of infection: connective tissue; locality:
Cachimbo, State of Pará (09º20'11''S,
Figures 40-45. Physaloptera sp. Fig. 40. Female,
anterior extremity, ventral view. Fig. 41. Head, en face
view. Fig. 42. Female, posterior extremity, lateral view.
Hastospiculum sp. Fig. 43. Anterior extremity of female,
with vulvar aperture (arrow), lateral view.
Travassosascaris araujoi. Fig. 44. Female, posterior
extremity, lateral view. Fig. 45. Vulva, vagina, ovijector
and uterine bifurcation, lateral view. Bar (common to
Figs 40-45) = 0.4 in Fig. 40; 0.01 in Figs 41, 42, 44; 1.1
in Fig. 43; 0.15 in Fig. 45 (in mm).
Nematodes of Crotalus
Pinto et al.
The major restricting aspect of the present study
was mainly related to the source and amount of
investigated rattlesnakes. Considering that animals
were taken from nature into captivity by donators,
the tracking of the proper origin of the specimens
was sometimes unsuccessful. Also, the number of
samples was not statistically standardized taking
into account that rattlesnakes were captured
randomly mostly by the farmers during sowing and
harvest seasons.
Specimens of C. durissus are animals that assumed
great importance circa 1901, when Vital Brazil
began with the studies related to ophidic venoms,
already referring to the higher toxicity of the
crotalic venom, when compared to others and the
necessity in obtaining specific sera.
54º57'36''W); deposited samples: CHIOC: 21647,
Remarks: Considering that no males were
available, only the generic diagnosis was obtained.
Two other species of the genus are referred in
Brazil: Hastospiculum digiticaudum Freitas, 1956,
from the body cavity of specimens of Philodrias
aestivus Dumeril, Bibron & Dumeril, 1854
captured in the State of Rio de Janeiro and H.
onchocercum Chitwood, 1932, from Crotalus
durissus terrificus (Laurenti, 1768), in Recife,
State of Pernambuco (Vicente et al. 1993).
Final remarks: Other nematode species not found
in the present study, and referred by Vicente et al.
(1993), parasitizing Brazilian specimens of C.
durissus are Ascaridia flexuosa (Schneider, 1866)
Railliet & Henry, 1914, Capillaria crotali
(Rudolphi, 1819) Travassos, 1915, Hastospiculum
onchocercum Chitwood, 1932, Kalicephalus
costatus costatus (Rudolphi, 1819) Yorke &
Maplestone, 1926, K. inermis inermis (Molin,
1861) and Ophidascaris trichuriformis Vaz, 1935.
Except for the pentastomid Cephalobaena
tetrapoda Heimans, 1922 cited by Rego, (1983)
from the lungs of Crotalus terrificus (Laurenti,
1 7 5 8 ) a n d t h e d i g e n e t i c t r e m a t o d e
Ophiodiplostomum spectabile Dubois, 1936, from
the intestine of the same host, referred by Rosselini
(2007), there are no reports of other metazoan
endoparasites infecting rattlesnakes in Brazil so far.
According to Cardoso (2003), from 1950 to 1980,
when systematical investigations regarding
ophidism were undertaken, mainly in the Brazilian
southeastern region, the official institutes, namely
Butantan, Vital Brazil and Ezequiel Dias and the
private laboratory Syntex do Brasil, were the only
to produce anti-ophidic sera. Until 1985, those sera
were not considered a priority by the National
Immunization Program of the Health Ministry.
Thus, when the private facility finished with its
production in 1983, the public institutions had no
capacity to support the demand for sera in the
country. Following the collapse of sera distribution,
press releases informed the population about the
occurrence of several deaths due to the lack of sera
supplies. Further administrative efforts were made
aiming at the support of the already existing and at
the establishment of new ophidiology centers to
promote the capture, maintenance, reception of the
snakes, training of staff and the identification of
snakes responsible for human accidents. Therefore,
it was necessary to improve the knowledge of the
physiology, behavior and pathologies related to
snakes, taking into account that the production of
sera depends on the venom extracted from these
reptiles maintained in serpentariums and/or animal
Captive specimens of C. durissus have a
remarkable importance in the development of
pharmacological studies aiming at the isolation of
venom peptides; the required quality and volume of
this venom depend on the health and adaptation of
the animals submitted to the extraction procedure.
It is widely known that under captivity the stress to
which animals are submitted can induce the
settlement of several pathologies, mainly those
related to parasites (Leinz et al. 1989, Santos et al.
2008, Siqueira et al. 2009). The former authors
describe the “Poor Adaptation Syndrome” to the
captivity, as the most important cause of mortality
of snakes in the two first years of imprisonment,
considering that animals develop remarkable
susceptibility to pathogenic agents in this period of
adaptation. Thus, it is necessary to provide
additional data on the helminth fauna of Brazilian
reptiles, in order to permit, among other
approaches, the establishment of prophylactic
procedures, adequate handling and effective
treatment to properly reduce the mortality of
captive animals.
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* Correspondence to author/Autor para
Roberto Magalhães Pinto
Laboratório de Helmintos Parasitos de Vertebrados,
Instituto Oswaldo Cruz.
Av. Brasil, 4365, 21040-360 Rio de Janeiro, Brasil
E-mail/correo electrónico:
Received November 14, 2010.
Accepted November 28, 2010.
Neotrop. Helminthol., 4(2), 2010