morphological differences of specific value
between both species are related to the size and
shape of the deirids as well as the shape of the
tail. This is the first report of R. (R.) uruyeni in
Brazil and in a new host.
Saidov (1953), on the basis of the presence or
absence of egg filaments, divided the genus
R h a b d o c h o n a i n t o t w o s u b g e n e r a
Rhabdochona (eggs devoid of filaments) and
Filochona (filamented eggs). Moravec (1972a),
based on the type of eggs, proposed three
subgenera: Rhabdochona, Filochona and
Globochona (eggs with special swellings or
globules). Later, Moravec (1975) in a study
related to the reconstruction of the genus
Rhabdochona, re-arranged the subgenera and
increased their number to four, namely
Rhabdochona, Globochona, Globochonoides
and Sinonema including more characteristics
for their diagnosis other than egg filaments,
such as number and arrangement of teeth in the
prostome, presence of cervical alae, shape of
female tail tip and shape of deirids.
Nevertheless, Chabaud (1975) only recognized
three subgenera: Rhabdochona, Filochona and
Globochona. This classification is now widely
accepted and was adopted in the present study.
To date, over a hundred species, allocated in
Rhabdochona, with its type species
Rhabdochona denudata (Dujardin, 1845)
Railliet, 1916, have been reported worldwide.
From 1845 to 1957 (Yamaguti 1961) thirty-
eight valid species had already been referred,
and further, a great amount of species was
described, re-described, synonymized or
referred in systematical, taxonomic,
morphological, biological, cladistical or
ecological approaches from 1961 to 2010,
according to the present bibliographical survey
that appear in chronological order: [Campana-
Rouget, 1961; Agrawal, 1965; Furtado, 1965;
Rasheed, 1965; Kloss, 1966; Sahay, 1966;
Diaz-Ungria, 1968; Moravec, 1968, 1971,
1972a-c, 1974, 1975, 1976, 1977, 1983, 1994,
1995, 1998, 2006, 2007a,b, 2010; Holloway &
Klewer, 1969; Khan & Yaseen, 1969; Rai,
1969; Sahay et al., 1969; Barus & Tenora, 1970;
Kaletskaya, 1970; Moravec & Mikailov, 1970;
Majumdar & De, 1971; Moravec & Arai, 1971;
Sahay & Narayan, 1971; Chiriac & Mester,
1972; Kalyankar, 1972; Poinar & Kannangara,
1972; Sood, 1972; Verma, 1972; Pennel et al.,
1973; Puylaert, 1973; Rehana & Bilqees, 1973;
Collins & Dechtiar, 1974; El-Naffar & Saoud,
1974; Vassiltadès & Troncy, 1974; Voth et al.,
1974; Chabaud & Krishnasamy, 1975; Lockard
et al., 1975; Margolis et al., 1975; Seki, 1975;
Zaid & Khan, 1975; Beacham & Haley, 1976;
Buhrnheim, 1976; Cordero del Campillo &
Pellitero, 1976; Fahmy et al., 1976; Lang &
Edson, 1976; Moravec & Daniel, 1976; Wang,
1976; Arya & Johnson, 1977; Combs et al.,
1977; Mudry & Anderson, 1977; Sood et al.,
1977; Amin, 1978; Arya, 1978; Kakacheva-
Avramova & Nedeva-Menkova, 1978a,b, 1979;
Kazic, 1978; Moravec & Amin, 1978; Pluto &
Rothenbacher, 1978; Rahemo, 1978; Alvarez-
Pellitero, 1979; Bueno & Pellitero, 1979;
Chiang et al., 1979; Grigoryan & Vartanyan,
1979; Kayton et al., 1979; Kumar & Gupta,
1979; Rahemo & Kasim, 1979; Leong, 1980;
Robinson & Jahn, 1980; Seng, 1980; Soota &
Dey-Sarkar, 1981; Moravec et al., 1981, 1985,
1991, 1995, 1997a,b, 1998, 1999, 2001, 2006,
2007, 2008, 2009; Wang et al., 1979; Wang,
1981; Bilqees 1979, 1982; Gupta & Srivastava,
1982; Kirka et al., 1982; Rautela & Malhotra,
1982; Arai & Mudry, 1983; Naidu, 1983;
Siddiqi & Khatak, 1983, 1984; Soota, 1983;
Wier et al., 1983; Carvalho-Varela et al., 1981,
1984; Malhotra & Chauhan, 1984; Muzzall,
1984, 1986, Vicente et al., 1985; Bilqees &
Rehana, 1986; Muzzall & Sweet, 1986; Ali et
al., 1987a-b; Dhar & Majdah, 1987; Duggal &
Kaur, 1987; Heckman et al., 1987; Ito et al.,
1987; Kohn & Fernandes, 1987; Moravec &
Otero, 1987; Petter, 1987; Moravec & Huffman,
1988a, b, 2001; Moravec & Sey, 1988; Sood,
1988; Mashego, 1989, 1990; Moravec &
Nagasawa, 1989, 1998; Imam & El-Askalany,
1990; Imam et al., 1991; Kaur & Khera, 1991;
Katoch & Kalia, 1991, 1993a, b; Kritscher,
1991; Moravec & Scholz, 1991a, b, 1995;
Anderson, 1992; Chishti & Bakshi, 1992;
Byrne, 1992 a, b; Maggenti et al., 1992;
Neotrop. Helminthol., 4(1), 2010