only three gryporhynchid species have been
r e c o r d e d i n t h e c o u n t r y : Va l i p o r a
campylancristrota (Wedl, 1855) found in
Prochilodus lineatus (Valenciennes, 1836),
Hoplosternum littorale (Hancock, 1828) and
Pimelodus maculatus Lacépède, 1803 in the State
of Paraná (Rego et al., 1999; Takemoto et al.,
2009), Valipora sp. reported in Prochilodus
argenteus Spix & Agassiz, 1829 in the State of
Minas Gerais (Monteiro et al., 2009), and
Glossocercus auritus (Rudolphi, 1819) recently
registered in Poecilia reticulata Peters, 1859 also
in the State of Minas Gerais (Pinto & Melo, 2011).
In the present study, metacestodes of Parvitaenia
macropeos (Wedl, 1855) are reported for the first
time in Australoheros facetus (Jenyns, 1842) in
The study was conducted at Pampulha dam
(43°59´35´´W; 19°50´50´´S), Belo Horizonte,
Minas Gerais, Brazil, in June and July, 2011. The
fishes were collected with a nylon hand net and
transported alive to laboratory where they were
measured and then killed by decapitation. The
viscera were removed and transferred to Petri
dishes containing saline (0.85% NaCl) and
examined for parasites under stereomicroscope.
Metacestodes recovered were flattened under soft
pressure, killed in hot water at 70°C, fixed in
formalin, stained with acetic alum carmine,
dehydrated in an ascending ethanol series, cleared
in beechwood creosote and mounted in Canada
balsam. For studies of rostellar hooks, the scolex of
some parasite specimens were squashed and
mounted in wet preparation containing Amann's
lactophenol. Morphometric analysis was
performed from images obtained in ICC50 Leica
digital camera attached to a microscope and by the
software Leica Application Suite (LAZ EZ)
version 2.0.
The identification of the parasite was based on
morphological description by different author
(Baer & Bona, 1960; Bona, 1994; Scholz &
Salgado-Maldonado, 2001; Scholz et al., 2004).
The specimens studied were deposited in the
collection of the Laboratory of Taxonomy and
Biology of Invertebrates (DPIC), at Department of
Parasitology, Federal University of Minas Gerais
(access number 6217 a-h). Ecological terms used
are in accordance with Bush et al. (1997).
Of a sample of 20 specimens of A. facetus
measuring 5.3 (4.0-7.3) cm of total length
examined, 13 (65%) were infected by
metacestodes. It was verified a mean intensity of
infection of 2.69 (1-7) parasites and a mean
abundance of 1.8 (0-7). Metacestodes (Fig. 1) were
found adhered to the intestinal wall of fishes, and
were characterized by presenting elongated body
(n= 15) measuring 486 (341-648) μm long x 191
(148-218) μm wide. When alive, they have the
body filled with dark granules and calcareous
corpuscles. The scolex is invaginated, 177 (137-
218) μm long x 167 (109-205) μm wide, and
presents four spherical suckers measuring 53 (43-
63) μm in diameter and a muscular rostellum 73
(51-86) μm long x 56 (46-74) μm wide armed with
20 hooks arranged in two crowns of 10 hooks each.
Distal hook (n= 48) is straight, measuring 45 (41-
48) μm, and presents a distally curved blade
measuring 24 (21-25) μm, handle 20 (18-24) μm,
and blade/handle ratio of 1.18 (1.03-1.30).
Proximal hook (n= 45) measuring 28 (27-30) μm,
with blade of 13 (12-14) μm, handle of 16 (14-18)
μm, and blade/handle ratio of 0.81 (0.70-0.94).
Morphological analysis enabled the identification
of P. macropeos. The measures of rostellar hooks of
metacestodes of Parvitaenia spp. known and that
obtained in the present study are showed for
comparison in the Table 1.
The cestodes belonging to the genus Parvitaenia
Burt, 1940 are intestinal parasites of ardeids,
presenting currently over 15 species described
(Baer & Bona, 1960; Bona, 1994). The larval
stages are known only for three species: P.
macropeos; Parvitaenia cochlearii Coil, 1955;
Parvitaenia samfyia Mettrick, 1967 (Scholz &
Salgado-Maldonado, 2001; Scholz et al., 2008).
The metacestodes of P. macropeos differ from P.
cochlearii by smaller size of rostellar hooks
(Scholz & Salgado-Maldonado, 2001), and from P.
samfyia by the shape of the handle that present the
distal portion less sharped (Scholz et al., 2008).
The morphological and biological characteristics
of parasites reported in the present study are in
agreement with those reported for P. macropeos by
different authors (Baer & Bona, 1960; Scholz &
Salgado-Maldonado, 2001). Two other species are
Parvitaenia in Australoheros facetus Pinto & Melo